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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Now that the dust has settled, we can conduct an analysis of this confrontation as a struggle involving various parasitic and degenerating elements of France. Individuals of Arab or African descent with the class interests of benefitting from the exploitation of the third world, left their imperialized nations to become part of the privileged labor aristocracy in the imperial core. They intended to benefit from the welfare state's remarkable social-fascist agreement working on neocolonialism, but now ironically find themselves in an untoward predicament, following the gradual proletarianization of this labor aristocracy due to the imperialist's setbacks across Syria, Mali, etc.
The emergence of this amalgamated fusion of lumpen and downwardly-mobile labor aristocracy has propelled them to the utmost of extremes, with their ambition being the destruction of imperialist France, because they aren't able to reap the promised rewards due to the setbacks rendering this social pact unsustainable. These "lumpen-aristocrats" are determined to dismantle all the institutions emblematic of this state, such as hospitals and police stations, and harbor a desire to harm the despised people of this nation. Therefore, it appears relevant to cite the teachings of Marx:
>The lumpenproletariat, this scum of the decaying elements of all classes, which establishes headquarters in all the big cities, is the worst of all possible allies. It is an absolutely venal, an absolutely brazen crew. If the French workers, in the course of the Revolution, inscribed on the houses: Mort aux voleurs! (Death to the thieves!) and even shot down many, they did it, not out of enthusiasm for property, but because they rightly considered it necessary to hold that band at arm’s length. Every leader of the workers who utilises these gutter-proletarians as guards or supports, proves himself by this action alone a traitor to the movement.

These riots obviously didn't hold any revolutionary character, as opposed to the claims made by the Trotskyite and socdem factions LFI, NPA, etc. However, I do perceive a possible opportunity for an authentic revolutionary movement somewhere down the line. Our paramount task should be to reveal the underlying cause of France's fragmentation. This situation demonstrated the absurd character of cosmopolitanism and imperialism, born out of capitalism, resulting in pervasive disorder within the exploited nations. It is contributing to the gradual complete dismantling of national identities within a borderless liberal world order, embodying what Marx described as "cosmopolitan exploitation disguised as universal brotherhood". This would give rise to a world where man is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, devoid of any nations.


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>all the proles and lumpen-proles in first world are labor aristocracy.
Fuck off with that turdworldist drivel, that has been debunked a million times.

>lumpenproletariat are shitty people

Probably many of them are, precarious material conditions have that effect on people, however the French police executed somebody on the street without any legal process, that represents a hard break-down of law and order, and the riots were the logical consequence of that breakdown. You can't really blame this one on the moral character of the lumpens, because you can't have police larp as Judge Dredd in a failed state.

>These riots obviously didn't hold any revolutionary character

I guess that's true, setting the Parisian bonlieu on fire isn't very useful, the proper revolutionary thing probably would have been payback in kind as deterrence against any future trigger happy police undermining law and order.

Your post is rather meh


>The working class in the imperial core has higher wages because it has higher productivity
>and other hilarious jokes from the marginalist handbook


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>The working class in the imperial core has higher wages
Nope the wages in the imperial core are not high, the wages in the periphery are just low.

You can't pretend to be a Marxist or Socialist, and then attempt to manufacture consent for lowering the wages of workers, by saying their wages are high. Socialists never ever argue against the material interests of the workers. Not even indirectly by the way they frame reality.


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reminder that our russkie multipolarist """comrades""" bring up those riots as an example of the west destroying itself with """irresponsible""" immigration policies

reminded me of those nazoid pogroms of the immigrant markets in the 00s
how they said "Russkia is for russkies!" lol

Gods, don't you just LOVE multipolarism kek


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>our russkie
the imaginary Russian 5th column talk is at best paranoia, and at worst anti-democratic attacks against opposing view points.


that are usually leftists that are opposed to imperialism and/or warmongering

>immigration policies

there are 2 groups of people that are opposed to immigration
The first one is people motivated by racism and/or xeno-phobia, that is not a valid motivation, and that has to be criticized. Fanning the flames of racialism is dividing and weakening the working class.

The second one is workers motivated by avoiding an increase in labor-competition from imported labor-power, that is a valid motivation. The working class always has an interest in keeping labor-power a scarce commodity. So in order to make immigration compatible with working class interests, the work-day has to be reduced in order to account for the influx of labor-power and prevent it from harming labor-power-scarcity.

You would be wrong to conflate all these disparate groups as the same. The only thing they might share in common is opposition the status quo in various areas. Unless you are motivated to uphold the status quo, you have little reason to stuff them into the same mental box.

You would also be wrong to attack criticism of the French state for cracking down on it's population, making a criticism is not the same as being a foreign agent. It has to be considered political persecution if opposing political views are attributed to an outside enemy.


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Rent free.
Do you really have to post this reddit-spaced drivel in every thread?


actually good post (op's)

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