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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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U.S. soldier facing disciplinary action flees into North Korea

It said a person who said they witnessed the event and was part of the same tour group told CBS News they had just visited one of the buildings at the site when "this man gives out a loud 'ha ha ha,' and just runs in between some buildings."

CBS cited the witness as saying that military personnel reacted within seconds to the man's actions, but initially, there was confusion.

"I thought it was a bad joke at first, but when he didn't come back, I realized it wasn't a joke, and then everybody reacted and things got crazy," it quoted the witness as saying.

Recent news happening. Is he a real uygha?


inb4 it emerges he browsed leftypol


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he know what he doing


>this man gives out a loud 'ha ha ha,
Joker gang


inb4 he comes back and exports the revolution




this certainly is a strange story, one wonders what they're put into that discipline

>inb4 he comes back and exports the revolution
If he comes back, the US military probably doesn't look too kindly towards former defectors.


What are the chances of him killing himself like that dude that stole a flag?


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It's a story as old as time


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>"this man gives out a loud 'ha ha ha,' and just runs in between some buildings."


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Honestly I would do the same and try to get sent to china and live the rest of my life there


Mein gott


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>one wonders what they're put into that discipline
he dindu nuffin

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