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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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File: 1689626094406.png ( 25.16 KB , 903x969 , eu-battery.png )


So the EU will require that all battery operated gadgets need to have user-replaceable batteries by 2027. It's kinda sad that these days this is reason to congratulate law-makers for consumer-friendly and eco-friendly rules, since it used to be universal praxis that batteries and other wear-parts were replaceable not that long ago.

However there is another more interesting part about this, this is the beginning of what is called "circular economy" which is a horribly vague marketing name for a push towards aggressive resource recovery from waste-streams.

That means potentially the beginning of the end for the natural monopoly on resources, given the abundance of waste that has accumulated in the last 200 years. Resources might loose their monopoly-rent and prices might begin leaning towards the cost of production (labor + machine capital). Mass resource recovery from recycling will in the beginning be more expensive then mining but it will cap how much monopoly rent can be extracted from resources, and eventually as productivity enhancement from automation start coming through, the monopoly rents should get squeezed out entirely. At least this should be the case in resource-poor places.

I wonder what the wider economic effects will be ?

Is this unwarranted optimism ?


I mean, before I even consider your question… I have questions of my own. Like, how effective, exactly, are our recycling methods now? How do we plan on recovering this stuff?


>recycling methods
>how effective
material recovery rates are pretty decent
Labor productivity is terrible, most recycling methods still involve people picking out bits from a trash-conveyor-belt.
Plenty of recycling methods are atrocious, for example in very poor countries people are made to burn electronic waste to recover metals
Some types of material recycling have fully automated separation processes tho.
There are huge gaping holes in recycling techniques, certain materials have not gotten any love in terms of somebody developing a recovery process.

You can use a high temperature electro plasma torch to heat up material until all molecular bonds dissolve and then separate out elements by molecular weight. Commercial machines that do this exist, but currently only do really small quantities. For industrial scales they need engineering investment to tag-on some thermal recovery systems to become reasonably energy efficient. The plasma recycler is best suited as a last stage in a recycling chain where it catches what previous less intensive recycling stages missed.
A industrial scale plasma recycler would be extremely potent technology that could be modified to extract and concentrate trace radioactive elements that are universally present in all stuff, so it will require nuclear inspections to make sure that it's not being abused for illicit fissionable material enrichment. Pretty much all technology that is sufficiently advanced is going to require this type of inspection, even in high tech botany there are gmo-plants designed for soil decontamination that carry a similar risk, so don't hold this against it.

As an industry the recycling sector is pretty underdeveloped, but that also means there is plenty of low hanging fruit.


One of the biggest issues I've heard is that recycling at best tends to break even in emissions and at worst can actually be less carbon efficient than just using raw material right out of the ground.

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