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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Twitter always sucked but used to be diverse. Now it's an enormous right-wing circle-jerk

Facebook used to be very vibrant and now it's all just angry memers and old boomers.

Fediverse inherits all the worst features of Twitter, with the added bonus of criminals around you

Third party forums are now led by autistic sociopaths and petty LGBT freaks

Only somewhat decent places are obscure fbi.gov or irc rooms it seems now

if you know any good websites, or fbi.govs, or irc, let everyone know


Tiktok is apparently quite good but I still refuse to use it personally. It's like the wild west from what I understand.


haven't really used it tbh


God, I love this filter.

We should also filter Twitter to Shillter, Facebook to Normiebook, and Fediverse to Pedoverse


wait, no! filter Facebook to Bluepillbook!

God, I'm a fucking genius


filter leftypol to

time for new, different websites


FB was less bad at one point, never vibrant, and always shit.

Criminals around you? If that was the worst thing about Fediverse, I wouldn't be bothered by it.

There are plenty of third party forums that are fine.

fbi.gov fucking sucks, I'd take ordinary forums over disc any day. It's not the absolute worst thing, but it's like a shittier, overly-centralized version of what chat was like 15 years ago, and it's rife with the same kind of little-despot walled-garden mentalities which make reddit so awful.

If you're actually into more freeform stuff, try spacehey. It's a clone of oldstyle myspace, with a couple limitations on the code you can use, but not very many. You can add whoever you want, find new music, it's got IM, boards, user HTML, the whole 9 yards.

This seems like more of a /b/ thread, but I'm not the boss of you!



guess i'll try tiktok out


> Criminals around you? If that was the worst thing about Fediverse, I wouldn't be bothered by it.

I don't like hanging around criminal stalkers and weeby zoophilic pedophiles.


>FB was less bad at one point, never vibrant, and always shit.

Well it was never particularly supportive but it was good for dating I guess


will look into it thx


Meh. I prefer them to whiny bitches like you.


You should be able to make your own fediverse instance or third party forum and nurture a good community. In case of the Fediverse, your nice community could grow and spawn new instances starting a virtuous circle.

If you want a distributed twitter alternative that's not censorious try polycentric.io
tho its very new and hence doesn't have many users yet.
you can make your own polycentric check out the documentation


twitter sucks so why decentralize it?

it's impersonal and status obsessed


I have no faith in any soc media site, and all imageboards are shit. It's why I'm here of all places.


Tic Tac has a lot of rightoids, and I don't just mean altright memers, I mean redneck boomers too. But I guess that just shows how big it is.
But, look, I support dear Chairman Xi but the NSA looking at my dick and corporations selling my data on Amerioid sites is enough for me




To ctok is no where near as good as it used to be. So much trash sludge content it's insane. Also every faggot with a boilerplate opinion decided to start giving their half informed psuedo-intellectual opinions on everything where as before only people who were really knowledgeable on a subject would step up to the plate. Ftmp

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