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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I'm a trans girl, who lives in NL, which is generally considered gay friendly country. I'm not a dutch speaker, but everyone here speaks English, especially in IT. And still I can't get any employment. I don't have a BSc degree, but, AFAIK, BSc is not required for machine learning and I get rejected even from McDonalds type jobs. I also have schizotypal disorder. So I have to conclude I'm getting discriminated by employers due to my gender and mental issues. Why there is no affirmative action for trans girls? Black people at least can get employment inside of Black community, but there is no trans ghetto. Further more, I got kicked out of local LGBT spaces, like COC, due to refusing to accept and support children from AMAB life (cuz they make me dysphoric, and it is not my fault I had no puberty blockers and they got born) and threatening ministry of healthy with terrorism to get my HRT meds (NL has aggressive HRT gatekeeping policies). Other trans believe I'm dangerous and give them bad rep, so they refuse to help me getting employed. Yet the fact I have no mean to earn money doesn't get me less dangerous. I'm vegan, but if I can't afford to buy bread, I could relax my diet to include human meat.

What should I do?


nice pasta, but if you get rejected even from fast food then I think it must be really because you're a troon - they're always hiring bcs they always firing

Consider that HR is monopolized by w*men, and that w*men have an instinctive bias against transhumanists, and you got your reason

>What should I do?

go to a trade school

HR loves all the "certificates", "recommendation letters", "motivational essays" and other paper to wipe your arse with


>and that w*men have an instinctive bias against transhumanists
and ugly males in general

had to deal with an HR Stacy who wouldn't approve my resume only because I'm an ugly male and would be working in the office near her and so get into her field of view and trigger her sub8male alarms


Identity groups have a strong tendency of behaving a little bit like casts. Casts seek to maximize specific privileges for cast members, like for example preferential treatment for "the good jobs" certain types of employment and institutional positions.

This is what you appear to be doing.

Side note It's more common that castes form around racist identities than sexist identities.

As far as supporting discrimination is concerned, you are not entirely innocent either. Gender ID theory is advocacy for discriminatory praxis in the sense that it negates the existence of people without a Gender ID. GID-theory does not allow for anybody to opt out of having a GenderID assigned to them. As long as GID-theory doesn't back off from the assertion that G-IDs are universal, it's just another doctrine for cultural bullying among many in the neoliberal culture-tussle.

Considering the subject of discrimination in employment, that's basically the default state as long as there isn't a full employment policy in place. Capitalism discriminates against a huge number of workers by withholding gain-full employment from them. All the people that got pushed in the reserve army of labor are being discriminated against.

If you were arguing for full employment i would consider you to be on the side of actual historical progress. But your are not doing that, you are just demanding that members of your identity group (or cast) be spared the brutality of capitalism. That is reactionary behavior, you're not opposing discrimination you are just deflecting it to other people.

If you want to come to the socialist side of things, we'll have full employment. And we will use very effective statistical methods of ruling out biases from aptitude measurement to ensure that employment selection is purely based on applicant skill. But the flip side of "math-hammering" discrimination in to oblivion is that the formation of cast-like structures will not be possible.



I mean, what are employment stats like in NL?
You posted a chart related to the US, what's NL like?
And I mean general employment, too. Trans employment stats would also be relevant, but what is overall unemployment in your country?

A lot of this shit is economic. My mind goes to this first, because I'm not (really) trans (I tried HRT for a while, I'm a bit of a weirdo, but that was after most of my major work-finding troubles), and I'm not schizotypal, but I came of working age in the US in 2008, and it took me about 5 years of applications to get any response, and the first employer to respond was a strip club. Even though the recession was going on during this pivotal period, over time in the years which followed, as I continued to often have spotty work, I internalized this sense that the problem had something to do with me. It wasn't until I was 26 that I got a job with some mobility, and actually kept getting promoted even though I'd started drinking constantly on the job by then… I realized the reason I was so shut-out had jack shit to do with me personally or anything I had done; I was just in the wrong place in the wrong time in a system which was designed to fuck a lot of people over.

I'd also ask what employment is like in your region. You mention black ghettos - does NL have many black ghettos? Do you actually believe that all the black people looking for work in NL can find it? That seems really presumptive, OP, I'm sure many of them are exactly as unlucky as you are.

>due to refusing to accept and support children from AMAB life (cuz they make me dysphoric, and it is not my fault I had no puberty blockers and they got born)

You say you speak English and not Dutch, but what exactly are you saying here? Your syntax is confusing, I'm not sure why AMAB people would make you feel dysphoric if you're a trans girl, I'm not even sure if that's what you're saying.

I've gotta say I sympathize with you, though, about the threats. Like, yeah, that's a shit thing to do - everybody will say it - but you know what? Sometimes you get mad about this shit. It's hard to be the kind of person who admits a thing like that and gets shunned by polite society - they're a bunch of pussies if you ask me - even if you have a point, people will be afraid of you. Folks like us just get rejected, even by people who might claim to be sympathetic, and that's fucking hard, it hurts!

Answer some of my questions, though, clarify some things, and then I can try to give you some advice. I need more information.

>nice pasta

I'm confused, do you think it's a copypasta or not? Your response doesn't suggest that it is.


>>470575 again. Just realized that the line below could be ambiguous:
>and actually kept getting promoted even though I'd started drinking constantly on the job by then
To clarify, I had never done this at any job until I was 26. The job where I started drinking at work was also the first one where I had job security and kept getting promoted. The jobs before I was a depressed alcoholic were the ones which would make some shit up to fire me before I would be eligible for unemployment benefits (you have to work 3+ months at a job to be eligible in my state) - the jobs where I actually put in effort treated me like shit because they felt entitled to do so at that time. This detail isn't super important to the questions I was asking, but I don't want anyone getting sidetracked.



Trans girls get discriminated, so affirmative action is the only way to maintain balance. In fact, USSR had education and job quotas for national minorities, to ameliorate the ghetto building tendencies.


There were children, before I transitioned (AMBA life). I disowned them, because I can't be a mother to them. I see their existence being the fault of society, which haven't forced the cis women to do abortion, because I gave no permission for these children to live.



Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm even more confused now.


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The contemporary identitarianism and the related caste-forming-tendencies have no relation to the praxis in the USSR, and technically were prohibited by the political principle of non-factionalism. The identitarian praxis demonstrably does not aid in the prevention of ghetto formation (which is increasing). It is a reactionary praxis that seeks to justify it self with the appearance of progress, when in reality it helps re-produce the structural oppression in the neo-liberal system.

The Soviet program of supporting national minorities was about preventing ethnic-conflict. The identitarianism of today is fanning the flames of ethnic conflict in stark contrast to this. The model of Soviet compatible poly-cultural production was a mechanism to displace ethno-nationalist segregation movements. (Once the Soviet Union was dissolved and this vanished, rampant national ethno-centric violence filled the post-soviet void). The Soviets managed to build very sophisticated social structures to resolve the contradiction of ethno-national tensions with in a very large federated civilization, and it has nothing to do with the crude self-serving careerist striving for preferential treatment in the identitarian social formation in the present.

And lets not forget that the Soviet Union had proletarian quotas, something that all the identitarian groups oppose vigorously in deed even if they sometime pay lip-service to it.

The contemporary societal tendency towards exclusion derives from exclusionary employment policies, meaning the deviation from full employment policies. That is the root cause and unless that is fixed the exclusionary discrimination carousel will not cease spinning.

Are you willing to prioritize political energies towards full employment policy ?
This is the litmus test how i measure whether you are reactionary.

Failing to prioritize fixing the root-cause means that you are not interested in combating discrimination, you are just interested in shifting discrimination to other people. That is reactionary behavior.

You haven't addressed the question about the cultural bullying against people without gender identities either. Why do you expect that your grievance ought to be addressed when you ignore those of others ?


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Stop taking the bait and writing these huge ass posts you retards.


>I'm confused, do you think it's a copypasta or not? Your response doesn't suggest that it is.
Dude, seriously?

What is a chance that a diagnosed unemployed unqualified transhumanist with kids that threatens ministry of health with terrorism to get his HRT fix and wonders why nobody wants to employ him in the hyped up AI field has stumbled upon this board?

So yea, I think it is a copypasta. But I answered anyway for the hell of it.


damn, shame such cute feet are attached to such bitchy thot face


>What is a chance that a diagnosed unemployed unqualified transhumanist with kids that threatens ministry of health with terrorism to get his HRT fix and wonders why nobody wants to employ him in the hyped up AI field has stumbled upon this board?

I mean, pretty high tbh.
Take out the shit about kids, being trans, and AI jobseeking, and replace "threatened ministry of health for HRT" with "lost friends by talking about possibly attacking the bank which kept stealing from my account until the gov't told it to stop later" and that's almost me. I don't rule out that this is an actual person, and I'm kind of skeptical of people who see something bad and say "this must be fake!" It could be, anything could be fake.

I would have asked if you actually saw this posted anywhere else, but in the middle of writing this, I found that it was posted on /lgbt/ on the same day: https://boards.4channel.org/lgbt/thread/31713436
Mind, it appears to be the same person posting both places, rather than a copycat. The posts are about 2 minutes apart and the name on the image is exactly the same. Could still be someone else reposting, but it's not funny or particularly interesting, so why bother getting details right or copying it so soon? Posting it more than one place would not be illogical if they were looking for advice.

Also does OP literally have kids? The way she's writing about that, I've been unsure, like despite supposedly only speaking English, her English is not that easy to read all the time. I guess that's the easiest way to read OP's response to my request for clarification, but it makes no sense given that OP's initial allusion to this related to having been kicked out of LGBT groups over it. I assumed initially that it was about OP rejecting other younger members of the LGBT group, not OP's own biological kids. It's one of those things where more info about it just makes it even more confusing, so I'm trying to give OP the benefit of the doubt, here.


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<take out every ridiculous detail and that's exactly me!
no shit huh..

you must be autistic in the strict medical sense or something with you struggling to understand basic social cues

copypasta doesn't mean that it must be literally copy-pasted lol
it only means that someone wrote a text structured in such a way that it can be reused multiple times irrespective of the context while appearing to be context specific, usually for the trolling purposes

>not OP's own biological kids

in the pasta those are kids from the past "AMAB life", ie before transitioning, ergo they are biological kids that the protagonist of the story abandoned with the justification that they "make me dysphoric", ie remind him of his biological sex

>It's one of those things where more info about it just makes it even more confusing, so I'm trying to give OP the benefit of the doubt, here.

there's absolutely nothing confusing about OP's pasta
you're just autistic


>no shit huh..

I mean, I'm not trans but I've been on HRT before. I don't have kids, but like half of the people I know my age do, so it's not like that makes me more normal… and loads of nutters have kids, too, so I can't rule this one out.

The idea of a bunch of these unusual traits piling up in one person with a bunch of mental issues isn't as unlikely as you might think; it just happens that way a lot because they interact with the world in odd or unusual ways.

>copypasta doesn't mean that it must be literally copy-pasted lol

That's literally what it means lol

>it only means that someone wrote a text structured in such a way that it can be reused multiple times irrespective of the context while appearing to be context specific, usually for the trolling purposes

No it doesn't. OCs aren't copypasta, they're just cool stories. Never seen anyone use it your way 'til now, we have other terms for original yarns.

>in the pasta those are kids from the past "AMAB life", ie before transitioning, ergo they are biological kids that the protagonist of the story abandoned with the justification that they "make me dysphoric", ie remind him of his biological sex

Yeah, she elaborated on this, but it doesn't make any sense in relation to being rejected from an LGBT group. In my experience, you'd usually have to antagonize members within the group for this to happen, or rape somebody or something, this is like getting kicked from an LGBT group because they found out you jaywalked at some point. It makes no sense, so I wasn't sure what she meant.

>there's absolutely nothing confusing about OP's pasta

Yeah, no. I checked the 4chan post I found which OP made a few minutes before this one, and users there were interpreting "I got kicked out of local LGBT spaces, like COC, due to refusing to accept and support children from AMAB life" the same way that I interpreted it. The way it's written, it sounds like OP went in and antagonized random AMAB children who were members. No LGBT space I've ever heard of is going through every member of the community and checking to see if they're paying child support.


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>The idea of a bunch of these unusual traits piling up in one person with a bunch of mental issues isn't as unlikely as you might think;
yea, I'm sure terrorist troons who fail to pay their child support and want to get into machine learning can just stumble upon a board that doesn't even appear as the first result when you google "leftypol"

give me a break

>That's literally what it means lol

>OCs aren't copypasta
so the first time a copypasta is written it doesn't count as a copypasta?

that's ridiculous

>but it doesn't make any sense in relation to being rejected from an LGBT group

>No LGBT space I've ever heard of is going through every member of the community and checking to see if they're paying child support.
the way pasta is written it's obvious that transhumanist himself told everyone about his kids "from the past life"

it's a stereotypical image of a narcissistic radlib who just couldn't shut up about his personal life


>yea, I'm sure terrorist troons who fail to pay their child support and want to get into machine learning can just stumble upon a board that doesn't even appear as the first result when you google "leftypol"

Maybe they went to both boards. Idk. Maybe they clicked one or two results down. How'd we get here if it's such an exclusive club?
>so the first time a copypasta is written it doesn't count as a copypasta?
Yeah, by definition. The first time it's posted, it's just a post, it's not a copypasta until it starts making the rounds and other people repost it. If you write something original down, the sheet you wrote it on isn't a "copy."

>the way pasta is written it's obvious that transhumanist himself told everyone about his kids "from the past life"

>it's a stereotypical image of a narcissistic radlib who just couldn't shut up about his personal life



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>Maybe they went to both boards. Idk. Maybe they clicked one or two results down.
if you need to add epicycles to your theory to make it work then it's probably wrong

>How'd we get here if it's such an exclusive club?

I got here because I was banned by jannoids. So you can add another epicycle of OP getting banned by the ogre transhumanist-jannies..

>The first time it's posted, it's just a post, it's not a copypasta until it starts making the rounds and other people repost it.

JUST NO. That's absolutely, utterly ridiculous.

copypasta is a feature of the STRUCTURE of text, not of the actual act of copying and pasting

you can write a copypasta that doesn't get copy-pasted EVEN ONCE and it STILL would be a copypasta by the end of the day


>if you need to add epicycles to your theory to make it work then it's probably wrong

I mean, I do stuff like that. Personally, I find it weird that anyone only clicks the first result. That seems like the way a goldfish would use a search engine. Your assumptions about other people's behavior seem bizarre to me, because it makes it sound like finding leftychan.net is some kind of Herculean effort, when it's actually quite easy. Like, "ohhhhh, I'm straining my muscles to click the 4th result on google, ohhhh it's so hard…"
Nukka do you read the things u type?

>JUST NO. That's absolutely, utterly ridiculous.

No it's not, and I told you why. The first time you write something, it isn't a copy. I have only ever heard people use copypasta to refer to actual copypastas. This could be a shitpost, but it's not a copypasta, and I doubt that it ever will be.

>you can write a copypasta that doesn't get copy-pasted EVEN ONCE and it STILL would be a copypasta by the end of the day

No, it would be a failure. Learn the difference.
A copypasta is defined by users' interaction with it, not its structure. There's no utility in saying "copypasta" to refer to an original post nobody ever copies when you can just say it's a shitpost or bait or something. Like, there are words for the thing you're trying to describe, but "copypasta" isn't it.


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>I'm straining my muscles to click the 4th result on google
it's 7th
and nobody looks past the 3rd if it's not something they are purposefully looking for

>The first time you write something, it isn't a copy.

Gods. It's not about if it's a copy. It's about STRUCTURE of the post.

>No, it would be a failure.

It would be a bad copypasta, but copypasta nontheless.

>A copypasta is defined by users' interaction with it, not its structure.


If a post was CONSCIOUSLY, PREMEDITATEDLY structured in a way that is characteristic of a copypasta - it IS a copypasta.

It makes no difference how anyone interacts with it or thinks about it.
Copypasta is not in the eye of the beholder, that's just plain solipsism.


>I'm a trans girl
lol kill yourself faggot

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