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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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File: 1687391440679.mp4 ( 7.37 MB , 1280x720 , oceangate.mp4 )


The media seem to be pushing this story HARD for whatever reason, and it's all normies are talking about right now.

So is this an elaborate distraction from other ongoing events? Or is it morbid fascination fuelling the interest?

Predictions? Thoughts? Anal ysis?


Was gonna reply with that clip from the latest Adam Friedland Show episode where Nick gives a tribute to the sub billionaires, but they cut the good part out. Dam.


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brian right now


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based osama drowning the infidels


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It's probably considerably less because of how much they will be panicking right now.


It is truly a sad day.


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That second image made me audibly kek


love the first image

logitech f710 is the hero that we need
can't wait when he would join billionaires on their mission to Mars


The original Titanic was better tho. Far larger body count.


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man, those logitech memes will never get old kek


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>and the whole way down they are playing the glorious Titanic theme music


wow that's an awful way to go, but i can't let my self feel sympathy for stupid adventure tourists winning the Darwin awards.


so a buncha billionaires literally gassed emselves with their own shit while listening to a shitty pop-culture cumsoomic music noises, all because they wantid to spare some more muhney due to being billionaires. Cuckitalism in a nutshell: imagine serving the system so hard and then get killed by its other servants pursuit of cutting the costs and in such a fuckid up way KEK


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Now that the dust has settled… What happened was that at about 1.5h into the dive they lost power, electronics and control. At this point the stabilizators stopped working so the "submarine" tilted nose down. Everyone inside would have been piled on top of each other (on the spilled camping toilet, if it had been used since departure), in the dark, as the "submarine" sank. They knew what was going to happen for about a minute or so, and they knew nothing could be done to stop it.

I wonder what they were saying to each other. The father and son did they just hug each other? Was the billionaire dad angry?
>I fucking kill you you son of bitch!
Did the owner/operator say sorry? Did the rest of them just kick him and punched him and bit him, fucking gouged out his eyes or something.

I dunno, it tickles my morbid itch to think about it.


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personally gotta say i like to imagine they all suffocated to death especially since the news makes a habit of stating blatant lies and at best half truths as undisputed fact with usually each story tied with a pretty bow all backed up by buncha quacks and shysters


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It's marketing for the remake of Critical Depth. Get Hype.


Wow This brought back memories


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