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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1687121334941.png ( 1.17 MB , 1168x1076 , ZfiWS1x.png )


Nancy is no longer a trans woman, because evil leftist commies rejected her

Should we be ashamed?


Glad to know that if the party ever took a position where trans people aren’t catered to they would leave immediately. Glad to know where their loyalties lie


fpbp fuck troons fuck ukrops kill 9cels



It's literally just some person.
If a black guy did exactly the same thing, would you pretend like it was all black guys?


Yup guilt by association is a baked in consequence of identity politics, because identities come with all sorts of baggage. The anti-idpol crowd did try to warn about that, but got bullied out of the way, and cast into the abyss.

Racialist identities are loaded with prejudice as well. But the solution to that is to destroy racial identification. Attempting to only adjust the perception of identities without abolishing the identitarian system has been an ongoing near-total failure for at least 2 centuries.

Think about identity groups as if they were casts, and every cast tries to maximize it's social and economic privileges as well as entrench it's hold on power over institutions. Nothing good will ever come from that.


Who the fuck is this, and why do you get pleasure out of seeing someone who is unwell rejected, unless you're a bigger degenerate than him/her/it?


No becuase I'm not desperate to get some Daily Wire grift gif where I say I left "the left" because they didn't suck my girlcock 24/7. Conservatives do this all the time is she/he/whatever probably wants some Blaire White shtick


Why would you reject OP that's a passing MTF


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>Some one who is unwell

God you are so fucking cringe. You are worse than liberals. You just have to inject that ideology into everything you do and say so you can reaffirm your "totally not wrong" position to yourself. It's all so tiersome.


yes troon what you are experiencing is a mental illness that has been well documented to cause suicidal ideation. I hope you can someday get the help you need before it's too late.


The biggest cognitive dissonance amongst troons is that if you suggest they’re mentally Ill they will call you a transphobe, yet they will proudly admit themselves they have a myriad of mental illnesses



There it is again. It's like religious people; You're not trying to convince anyone really. More so, you're trying to convince yourself. IT's pathetic.

same fag


Lol couldn’t even counter it bc u know it’s true


There is no party you LARPing faggot.


Counter what?
What specifically is there to counter? You're opinon that transgenderism is a mental illness? Do you not understand how opinions work>


It’s not an opinion every single one of them have a myriad of accompanying mental illnesses


Well the British communist party rejected transgenderism


It is an opinion and then you prove that by resorting to other mental illnessess in order to justify saying that transgenderism is a mental illness which kind of proves might point.

What inherently makes transgenderism a mental illness? What makes anything a mental illness? Because a bunch of quack psychologists said so?


>what makes me wanting to chop my dick off and literally thinking I'm in the wrong body a mental illness?


Not all trans people want to do that though. Nore cdoes judst highlighting something in greentext make it a mental illness.

What makes something a mental illness. can you measure it? Objectify it?


Oh ok so you're just full of shit ok and you hate people for no reason.


I think psychology is quack science but unfortunately mental disorders like schizophrenia, severe depression, bipolar, etc. are real. And when it is the norm that the member of an identity group will have one or more of these then they are mentally ill


I don't care for transhumanists that much but everyone I've seen who's vehemently anti-transhumanist is always a rightoid or a "leftoid" who turns out to be racist in some shit and care more about some meaningless corproate pink capitalism than real material issues
I just fucking hate the transhumanist debate, let them cut their dicks off I don't fucking care


Majority of trans people keep their ding dong, I've said this many times before but the anti-transhumanist hate isn't motivated by facts. The majority of suicides are by white men but that still doesn't matter.


>Mental illness is real cause…well it just is OK?!


Explain Francis E. Dec Esq. without schizophrenia.


Maybe he was right

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