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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Is conservative leftism the way?

>…In response, AMLO in office has combined efforts to shore up the countervailing power of Mexican workers with a blunt economic nationalism. On the labor front, he has boosted the minimum wage (without significantly raising unemployment) and promoted independent trade unionism. He has invested generously in the state oil company after years of neglect and messy marketization, resisted further privatization of the electricity industry, and stunted renewables competition—all to predictable howls of rage from Global North environmentalists, the Biden administration, the Brookings Institution, and The New York Times.

>AMLO’s resistance to Global North green-ism is a telling indicator of his leftist heterodoxy. In this as in many other arenas, he subverts the expectations Anglo-American conservatives and progressives alike have of what it means to be on the left. The differences are even more pronounced when it comes to social issues. While he has personally identified as a devout Catholic, his ruling coalition includes an evangelical junior party, and his government has extended federal funding to biblical-studies programs—a gentle tweak to the laicism that is one of the pillars of the modern Mexican state.


On a side note, I'm very happy to see articles from Compact being posted here more often.


I honestly don't know what to think about AMLO one way or another.


He moved to the left on economic issues, ego he should be supported. Don't get hung up on cultural differences, that's for the Mexicans to figure out for them selves.


kill yourself, shill
also kill yourself, troon


Cope and seethe, triggered crybaby snowflake


It’s funny watching retards operate on meaningless ideological platitudes that showcase how divorced they are from the actual proletariat.
<hmmmmm do you guys think that the proletariat isn’t really keen on bourgeois culture and ideology????



Conservative leftism FTW.

Liberalism is western cultural imperialism.


As long as he's not chopping up indians, he's fine by me
Castillo was already like this before the shithead congress booted him, this is how Latin American leftism has tended to be


Reading theory is best and only form of praxis


Reactionary leftist 🤡


trad leftism is a thing for sure

especially outside the USA

I wouldn't really be against trad leftism it if it's leaders weren't sociopaths or narcissists.

Same with liberal leftism.


A trad leftist is better than a progressive rightoid
At least Castillo started appointing gay people or something despite his tradcath attitudes


kill yourself

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