>>483227You're missing the point. Everyone in such a society would know who "should" get the job, and bemoan the RNG for doing it wrong - or seek to rig the randomizer for "efficiency", and that's just a game of pretenses. Sortition "works" because the job did not involve specialized knowledge or the occulting of office, which has been taken for granted in the present society. You would have to answer that, because it exists for reasons that will not go away because you wish it were so, and there are good reasons for states and institutions to hold secrets. That is not a question of fear, uncertainty, doubt, and insinuation. It is a matter of fact - you wouldn't want a stalker knowing the location of his target as public knowledge at all time. But, in principle, this knowledge would be relevant for planning in some way. So, you have one "bad person" who would be outside of the body of acceptable jurors (since we have a sortition selection for jury duty in the United States, and if you know what that entails, there is a reason almost everyone tries to get out of it). You can see the same applied to any objection you might have, and say it's "for the good of society". Again, there are reasonable boundaries, but when economic planning is to become a political matter, you are opening that. When you see that, the sortition of offices is the least of your problems. It is technocratic society and the peril it invites that ratchets up the fear, and making a pinky promise that you'll give people a title "at random" and "the system can't possibly fail" doesn't change anything regarding that. In Athens, there wasn't an intelligentsia or universities. The Academy is Plato's invention specifically tasked with destroying democracy because he hated it and only wanted his fellow "brights" to be the real society. Picking random citizen 16526 is not the same proposition there because there are not institutions with a hammerlock on social promotion, at least overtly. In practice, there were men of distinction, that most of the Athenians would follow and respect; but it was understood office-holding was there to accomplish a job, not glorify the man with the dubious honor. In the past, esteem and personal honor was a far greater motivator to hold the democratic system together - remember that one of the duties of the citizen was fighting, and so men who didn't fight were subjected to humiliations unless they had a very good reason. This did not apply to the aristocracy or people "too valuable", which has always been the way of war wherever it could be engineered. But, free men don't like anyone that is weak or cowardly, and this is always present in any democratic society. It does not axiomatically and inexorably destroy it by some terrible force - it is possible to treat those without the franchise with decently, or for men to recognize their faults instead of projecting like retards about how great they are. Aristocracy would over time insinuate that braying like a retard about greatness is indeed the point, one thrown in the face of the rejects. That has gone on for over 2000 years, and it has left permanent damage on the human race at this point. No one is anywhere close to answering that. The example I gave was of a martial society, which most societies were out of necessity - it was an expectation that free and valid men fought, and this is what marked them as freeborn and eligible to hold slaves which they participated in capturing.
I'm not saying a democratic socialist society on fairness and kindness is impossible - only saying that you wouldn't act like a technocratic mindset designed to shit up any democratic society would fix this. You'd have to account for what people really want, instead of insisting the system is infallible like Big Brother.
In the end, the workers and the people are not allowed to survive unless that is what the society really wants. There has yet to be a human society that did NOT experience waves of death and culling and stratification resulting from it. There is no need for this, as if it were natural or beneficial in any way. But, there are people who quite like killing others, and they have a way of insisting they should hold office, and make use of any office towards that end, without regard to what you would think is right. Anyone who knows security will tell you know system is uncrackable or can't be manipulated. That's what systems exist to be - manipulated. It is even more acute with information systems and those who would access them. It's why we have so much difficulty really eliminating the cavalcade of digital shit on the internet, even though there is a great desire to do so and many efforts - efforts that are not in vain - to clean up the most egregious of it.
Where I would see the technocratic society failing is in the conceits of the technocrats, rather than the failure of the common man to comply with the "perfect system" or their unwillingness to support it. If the technocrats doggedly insist the theory can't be wrong - and this has been their proclivity throughout history - they're not going to listen to us when we say this isn't working. They didn't listen to us as eugenism rose, despite the warnings everywhere and anyone with sense, high and low, telling the believers and followers that this would lead to nothing good. They didn't listen to anything that could salvage the society they already built. By and large, the technocrats are happy to let this happen, as long as they live. Their thinking really was as Plato estimated it - grubby, venal. It's really funny because that is also the interest Plato is corralling with his approach, and what he really represents - he wasn't a high priest and wasn't in power when he wrote, and was quite jealous of those who were for obvious reasons. He was just a rich guy who wrote words and congregated with the intelligentsia of his day and said "we're the smartest people in this city, we should rule the MENSA dictatorship".
I see one thing which would increase the lifespan of the cybernetic system - people taking back their lives and their machine. If they did, though, the objectives of planning change dramatically. You wouldn't incorporate the "law of value" or labor-grinding in this way. The means of living would be granted without any compensation from the worker in the form of toil. Most things, or at least that which would be considered basic, would be completely free - that's the bare minimum. All the planning system would do is accomplish that, and they would not insist people are too stupid to know what is what. It has been an understanding of law even now that the littlest person has a right of appeal and the right of an advocate, even if they are incompetent and useless. That has been mostly abolished due to the screaming of eugenism and the torture cult that dominated, and you obviously have no answer to that. Any answer would not be an economic one.
It turns out the only way to really mitigate the threat is for people to have less to do with each other, and not open the vulnerability that socialism entails. If socialism can exist, then it would exist only regarding that which should and easily could be a social good and commons, rather than a "total society" subsuming everything. We could do that very easily and make everyone's life easier. The price system and the dislocations it encourages are wholly unnecessary and create nothing but death. But, we've moved far away from that, and Cockshott's labor account specifically preserves the price system and makes the money non-fungible and non-circulating. It amounts to paying out Amazon chits and telling the people to haggle over how many chits, never quite enough, they may have - to turn on teach other. Technocratic society already familiarized us with how this is weaponized in every institution to mark "betters". It would go on steroids unless there were a serious reckoning with what has been done to us, what has been done to the world.
Maybe some day, humans will be better than this - but I'm not seeing any signs that humans want it to be different if they have any power to change it. The first thing they are trained to do is look down on their inferiors, then join in kicking them down. You'd have to change many things just for human society to be tolerable to live in moving forward, or you'd have to let the democide happen (which Cockshott is fine with, being a climate change believer).