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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>revolution will never happen in the first wo- YAKC!


>Polls show 70% of American people support unionization




Terrorism is dumb


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It's only "terrorism" when non-state actors do it.


Even pragmatically. It just turns the general population against you and your cause.


My ass it does. ISIL built it's shit entirely upon the public appeal of terrorism. Well, that and CIA money and weapons.


>ISIL built it's shit entirely upon the public appeal of terrorism
I'm thinking potentially glowy,
because spelling ISIS as ISIL
and why would socialists ever copy the methods of ISIS ?
Like you said ISIS started out as a mercenary organization that was build by the CIA. Later they got funding, weapons and training from all kinds of bastions of reaction, like the Zionist camp and some of the Saudi factions.

And most workers really hate chaos and destruction, because it makes their lives worse.
When socialists use forceful methods they usually do in defense of structures that uphold the interests of workers.

You could look at WW2 through the lens of capitalists using fascistic terror to bring chaos to the Soviet Union, and the soviet socialists using ferocious methods to defend against that.


Also they very much forced young men to enroll and join their cause. Terrorism didn't win them over unless they were already radicaled Zeatlots for Allah.

The US has different material conditions.

Underage or Glowie.>>460148


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>because spelling ISIS as ISIL
The Levant was where it gots its footing, and Iraq is where it started. Syria was a late-comer.
>and why would socialists ever copy the methods of ISIS ?
Who said anything about copying? Flailing against our reality by killing people is stupid. Let's be honest, though–radical violence gets recruits, because the status quo is a waking nightmare. All throughout our lives we are given fictional examples of how violence solves problems. It's no wonder that people are drawn to violence when the problems we find in our own lives appear before us as insurmountable obsticles. Hell, that's part of the appeal of a communist revolution. Violence will ultimately consign capitalism–and thus our shit-ass daily lives–to history. It's foolish to pretend that motive is not there.
>And most workers really hate chaos and destruction, because it makes their lives worse.
People love a lot of things that make their lives worse. Speaking of chaos and destruction, isn't that state precisely where our fantasies lie? Who wouldn't prefer a Mad Max-style apocalypse to going to work tomorrow? Who wouldn't rather live in a horrible, awful fantasy world like Fallout? I don't think that you appreciate the powder keg that we are sitting on. People hate this fucking world.
>You could look at WW2 through the lens of capitalists using fascistic terror to bring chaos to the Soviet Union, and the soviet socialists using ferocious methods to defend against that.
WWII was the death throes of the old empires. It was Lenin's "imperialism" tearing itself apart just as it tried to keep its grasp upon the world. It was the birth of the global capitalism that Marx predicted, and we're just here experiencing it as it spirals into its fatal contradictions.


B-b-but MAGACommunism bros!?!?!?!


>Who wouldn't prefer a Mad Max-style apocalypse to going to work tomorrow? Who wouldn't rather live in a horrible, awful fantasy world like Fallout?
Mad Max or Fallout apocalypse would be much more mundane than people imagine it to be. Think more along the lines of starvation and cholera rather than cool "le epic" gang fights in modified junk cars.


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Well, yeah, they're sci-fi fantasies. It's just like how today is pretty much Demolition Man without cryo-preserved 90s convicts exchanging one-liners between explosions and flying bullets.


>Let's be honest, though–radical violence gets recruits
Maybe a few adventurists, but you don't get the support of the masses that way. Socialism has to be about the masses.

>Mad Max or Fallout apocalypse would be much more mundane than people imagine it to be. Think more along the lines of starvation and cholera rather than cool "le epic" gang fights in modified junk cars.
Dystopian Sci Fi is unrealistic, because these societal collapses are very short in duration. People will reconnect the industrial linkages and restore/repair most of what was lost. It's just that many people will die for no reason during the industrial interruption. The kind of people we see flourishing in Mad Max style movies are basically the same as warlords in imperial resource extraction colonies. I think it's ideology to think that these people could thrive without empire. It's an ideological conception for some kind of "natural state" of society.


If terrorism is so good at radicalizing the proletariat, then why didn't it do it in the 60s and 70s, when every other leftist was toting guns and planting bombs?


In what way was terrorism not good for radicalizing people in the 60s and 70s? It was a huge part of the insurrections and civil wars that characterized the period.


I think that you're missing the point here. Are these people supporting new unions, or AFL-CIO unions? AFL-CIO unions are actively cucking to the actions of Congress and the big bourgeoisie, so unless you have a plan to salt them and bring change or(much more likely) create new systems altogether for class struggle, I don't think this is the flex you think it is. Ask anyone you know what the IBEW or the UFT is like, and they will tell you the same story; little representation in negotiations, constant loss of bargaining power due to increasing workforce(ergo inexperienced workers that cannot provide the same quality), revisionist and outright bourgeois representatives. It's Luxemburg's Reform or Revolution to a textbook level. I suppose there's nothing we can do on our own to find out what the data actually means by that though.


Also workers in general are to stupid to understand how unions work. I'm dead serious. At my old job that was union everyone would constantly bitch about the union but never participate in meetings or do anything to support it.


>People love a lot of things that make their lives worse. Speaking of chaos and destruction, isn't that state precisely where our fantasies lie? Who wouldn't prefer a Mad Max-style apocalypse to going to work tomorrow? Who wouldn't rather live in a horrible, awful fantasy world like Fallout? I don't think that you appreciate the powder keg that we are sitting on. People hate this fucking world.

People are infected with main character syndrome. They only look at rhe glitz and glamor of Hollywood productions. In real life, alot of people would be overdosing on drugs or suiciding to cope.

People hate their own reality because they crave action/adventure fiction brainrot they read in comic books amd movies.


why else is the American South anti-union?

Where I live, its mostly union retiress from the northeast corridor but they vote against union policies here.

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