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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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After much discussion and being voted for by a democratic majority, in the matrix. the new leftychan constitution has come into effect, replacing the outdated pre-split document. This should hopefully provide more clarity over the general goal of leftychan, the rights of users, the powers and constraints of mods as well as the specifics of how our user democracy functions. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the constitution in this thread or in the Matrix Congress room, which we encourage you all to join using the link above.
Additionally, another vote has passed to trial a self-improvement board on /777/ under the name of /chad/, which will be the roulette board for the next two months, replacing /roy/. Finally, for those not in the matrix chats, here is a recent votes and their outcomes:

10/21/22 - All mod account and janny accounts that have been inactive for 15 weeks or longer be deleted on the staff democratically decided upon. PASSED - 5 Yes - 0 Nay
10/15/22 - Make the maga communism thread cyclical in order to keep the board from getting shit up with tons of maga communism threads NOT PASS - 1 Yea, 4 Nay
10/11/22 - Tupamaro becomes an official jannoid PASS - 5 Yea, 1 Nay
10/11/22- /a/ will return to the board roster PASSED - 6 yeah 0 Nay


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Good start, now when is /games/ returning?


Couldn't we just call it /v/?


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Doesn't really matter what it's called. Though if you label it /v/ we might avoid some paranoid schizo constantly whining about the "/v/ermin" boogeyman.


It does matter when you have a limited space in the UI


>constitution for a website


you WILL respect the constitution


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>having rules is cringe


>having rules is the same as pretending to be a country, writing a constitution, having a "democratic congress"
get off the internet. Here, have some rules:

1. No Nazis/fascists
2. No reactionaries
3. No CP
4. No posting of personal information
5. No advertising/spam

Took 30 seconds to write, and I didn't have to have a masturbation session on matrix to write it.


>The rules are only as simple as the global rules everyone knows about a-priori.



>no reactionaries
This rule alone paired with power-tripping mods who are unaccountable to the userbase is how we end up with reddit.


I mean we have that rule here too, but, wwe allow them more room and also you can remove the jannies here.


yes, they are. you don't need to write endless paragraphs covering every eventuality and avoiding ambiguous language.


They are you retards and if you'd actually read it you would understand. Unless you want Nazis to post here ofc


>Unless you want Nazis to post here ofc
>1. No Nazis/fascists


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Yeah you retard but you actually have to do some THOUGHT about what you define as a nazi or as a fascist. Retards like you call anyone right of sanders a fascist because you actually haven't put a lot of thought or study into what fascism actually is or where they lines should be drawn.
You just belt and scream like a child anytime you see anything that requires more that 5 seconds of reading. there' a reason it's clearly stated what is and is not acceptable from right wingers.


>Yeah you retard but you actually have to do some THOUGHT about what you define as a nazi or as a fascist.
Ah ok, it's not a constitution, but a work of theory! Which definition of Nazism and fascism do you go by? Younare aware there's many different theories, both complementary and contradictory.
>there' a reason it's clearly stated what is and is not acceptable from right wingers.
Yeah, the reason is you don't have anything else to do except write endless essays on the management of a website. LOL get a hobby, learn a skill, stop wasting time.

Obviously you say "No nazis and fascists" and leave it up to the discretion of the mods. Unless you want bans and deletions to stand up at the leftychan matrix people's congress courthouse, then continue with your LARP. But just know this is no longer a forum, but a play-by-text RPG. I have nothing against them, I played a few Star Trek forum RPGs. You choose politics, that's cool too.

Btw, Ismail's eRegime allows you to interact with others. Maybe you can move the People's Republic of Leftychan there and save some money on hosting?


>Yeah, the reason is you don't have anything else to do except write endless essays on the management of a website. LOL get a hobby, learn a skill, stop wasting time.
Dude it's a 2 page document that we collaboratively put together over the course of a weekend. It was like 3 hours overall work max. You're making this out to be a bigger thing than it is.

>"No nazis and fascists" and leave it up to the discretion of the mods.

Oh and that's worked out so well on .org, where you catch a 60 week ban for suggesting that Putin isn't going to restore the USSR and bring about global communism.


>Dude it's a 2 page document that we collaboratively put together over the course of a weekend. It was like 3 hours overall work max.
<whole weekend to write pages
<3 hours, 5 people = 15 labour hours to write 1000 words
Not the flex you think it is.
>You're making this out to be a bigger thing than it is.
Nope, that's you: this is a website and you're pretending it's a country.
>Oh and that's worked out so well on .org, where you catch a 60 week ban
I hate the moderation there, and I'm in /meta/ shutting on the mods on the reg. I also rotate VPN IPs as I post so the month long bans don't affect me.
>for suggesting that Putin isn't going to restore the USSR and bring about global communism.
To be fair, you're able to hate on Putin. What you're not able to do is spread NATO and liberal propaganda. Jannies over there suck still.


>I hate the moderation there, and I'm in /meta/ shutting on the mods on the reg. I also rotate VPN IPs as I post so the month long bans don't affect me.
>I spend my time arguing with mentally ill people
Lol at you talking about time management


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>He thinks all five of the mods worked on this, lol.

>This is a website not a country

Would you rather us just not call it a constitution?
Is that really what you are complaining about?

You haven't actually given any substantive retort.
You're just side stepping the actual points made and trying to turn it back around to your incipient bullshit.

>To be fair, you're able to hate on Putin. What you're not able to do is spread NATO and liberal propaganda. Jannies over there suck still

It's the same issue as Nazis. What is and is not defined as a Nazi or Nazi propoganda is totally subjective and up to the will of the individual moderator. It's really an all or nothing situation, just about. "NATO propoganda" could mean any number of things to any number of people. Hence why this board allows pretty much anything outside of poltards throwing a hissy fit or posting pictures of Hitler and praising the 3rd Reich.


>You haven't actually given any substantive retort.
Nothing more to say. I think the rules are frivolous and unnecessarily verbose. I gave my suggestions here: >>459622 Rules are concise and to the point.

Nobody is gonna read what you wrote, but a short list of rules is much better.
>What is and is not defined as a Nazi or Nazi propoganda is totally subjective and up to the will of the individual moderator.
Yes, mods should decide which posts spread Nazism and fascism. If mods fuck up too much, you remove them. Don't make idiots mods (like ogre).

Credit where credit is due, you do have a system to recall mods unlike ogre. That's one more reason to allow mods discretion.

Ogre allows discretion, and let's mods run rampant, delete posts that BTFO them, etc. Ogre should have the verbose law-like rules, and you should have discretion. Right now it's reversed and shit doesn't make sense.

>Hence why this board allows pretty much anything outside of poltards throwing a hissy fit or posting pictures of Hitler and praising the 3rd Reich.

You also allow the "AZOV isn't Nazi any more" posts and "Svoboda aren't Nazi, they're ultranationalist" posts. To me, saying that Nazis aren't Nazis but <something palatable> is defending Nazis and promoting Nazism.



Leftist Law: the longer a conversation occurs, the likelihood of two leftists arguing about a conflict between countries that neither have any tangible connection to approaches 1.


>3 hours, 5 people = 15 labour hours to write 1000 words
You misunderstood me. Combined all of our work took no longer than 3 hours over the course of a few days. As you said, it's only 1000 words.
>this is a website and you're pretending it's a country.
We're just having some fun, what's the big deal?
>I also rotate VPN IPs as I post so the month long bans don't affect me.


>We're just having some fun, what's the big deal?
Nothing. I'm happy to hear that. The whole thing seems like you're taking it too seriously, but if you're having fun that's perfectly fine.


>You also allow the "AZOV isn't Nazi any more" posts and "Svoboda aren't Nazi, they're ultranationalist" posts. To me, saying that Nazis aren't Nazis but <something palatable> is defending Nazis and promoting Nazism.

First time hearing about this.


pretty funny rules when you make up what reactionary and nazi/fascist means


do you know what it means when something is at someone's discretion? you make people you trust mods and you trust them to make good calls as to what it means. I guess the endless legislating, verbose rules and caveats means anyone can be a mod.
>follow these guidelines, you (unpaid) worker


And yet, we tolerate miserable fags like you. You're always welcome to go back to leftypol btw


>you make people you trust mods and you trust them to make good calls as to what it means.
This is much harder than it sounds. For example the leftychan and .ogre mods trusted eachother at one point. Some people seem trustworthy until you give them janny powers and then they start powertripping and deleting random shit. It's ironically less complicated if there's specific guidelines for what jannies can and cannot do.


they have rules but zero are enforced usually you get banned for 'wrongthink'


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You guise know we finally have a video games board again, right? At long last, fun is allow again… Don't tell me leftists don't know how to have fun.


>Have you found all the ROMs?
Yes. Playing old 16-bit games in the shit.


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can some mod please remove all the furry porn from the booru. a bunch was added recently


why split happend ?


>you make people you trust mods and you trust them to make good calls as to what it means.
d*scord circlejerk brainrot

"verbose rules" are there to bind executives so that you wouldn't need to "trust them" as much - ideally they should be just cogs without their own agency


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>Yes, mods should decide which posts spread Nazism and fascism. If mods fuck up too much, you remove them. Don't make idiots mods (like ogre).
Gods, I just can't with you retards..

<here's my solution! do the EXACT same thing again and again and expect a different result! Problem is always with individuals, ie BAD jannies! Just have GOOD jannies! Easy!

fucking genius


Go back.


bro what if we just had good cops?


>no rules
>makes rules


>rules bad
>now here are my new list of rules
Never change individualist anarchists.

Unique IPs: 28

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