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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Purity spiraling

Purity spiraling involves creating a moral hierarchy in one's mind and placing oneself at the top. It becomes a problem when 'one's opinion' is thought to be the defining quality that supercedes all others. It's miserable and ghey and brings out the most toxic manipulators who nonetheless honestly believe their own bullshit. R/communism and leftypol are clear examples of this.

By arguing with eachother over who's the better person because of (checks notes) opinions about (checks notes) 30+ year old history and far away conflicts [or more comically, calling virtually all of the left 'outright fascists'], we'll stay in a purity spiral and never impact history.

>Long live leftychan


This is a major issue with the whole left tbf


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It's because identity politics has usurped the political discourse to the point that material analysis of history and the economy is non existent. Even so called communists not just get caught up in your baser idpol like op is describing, but, even more so Marxists and such even fall into this again as op described by treating conflicts and history as identity politics and holding the "correct" opinion above all else and trying to LARP and relive these historical senarios rather than applying that historical analysis to our current historical epoch and using that as a lesson and a blue print to lead us into the future as communists and as leftists.

It's sad really. It's mostly the doing of CIA coin-tel pro etc etc.


Why are you spamming necrobumping
This has been a problem on the left before the current "idpol" zeitgeist, and in groups who don't focus on identity and outside of the US and west too


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>By arguing with eachother over who's the better person
*who is wrong & must be physically purged

>or more comically, calling virtually all of the left 'outright fascists'

<If I declare my national-capitalist state & its theoideology as socialist then I'm a leftist!
Yes, virtually all of die lebt are total retards in the likes of the so-called christians who fuse their whole personality with the favourite identity & get a killer group narcissism hatred towards any heretics from the same identity spectrum. Just like faschists, who, should I remind, murder other strains of fascists the same way they murder everybody else from the other identity spectrums.
Well, what is to be expected from people born & raised in a bourg anti-society while simultaneously being dependent on it for their further existence?

>we'll never impact history

Until people will start to annihilate their narcissism & become hardcore critical theorychads who don't have any kind of saint phenomenae they will continue to be subjugated into dead-end sects which exist solely for themselves.

has many strains, so this word doesn't have any meaning.
refers to Marx the same way Christianity does to Jesus. Marx was the first antimarxist precisely because he fully understood & even seen himself just what kind of anti-revolutinary retardation will this identity become. Fuck marxists with all their witchhunting thought-churches.

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