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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Opinions on the Unabomber and specially his manifesto


Unabomber was a psychopath terrorist. Instead of blowing up innocent people he should have moved to a commune or got in contact with the Amish (psychopathy got in the way). If someone is trying to attach him or promote him in a group, this individual should be watched for glowops.


Pretty much yeah what >>455248 said.
The guy was a pos. The Unabomber is a good warning sign about The dangers of prescribing the economic issues generated by capitalism as something other than capitalism lol.


My understanding is that he got psychologically fucked with while he attended university by a professor, which is how he started going down the "crazed psychopath" career path.

Morale of the story: Don't psychologically fuck around with people unless you want to create someone like an Unibomber.


>The Unabomber is a good warning sign about The dangers of prescribing the economic issues generated by capitalism as something other than capitalism lol.
He was halfway correct, he wanted to return to primitive communism but he wanted humanity to just turn it's back on their technological and ideology accretions and live in fifth and harsh nature? That is why dialectical thinking is so important.


if there was any justice in the world he should've been sent to a psych ward and the MK ULTRA people should've been put on trial


had decent critiques of modernity but missed the cause of the problems by a mile, the psychological suffering in the first world and physical suffering in the third world happened before technology lol

also he was a reactionary loser


True, but it's important to remember that 'capitalism' isn't a static thing, but develops and changes throughout history according to internal and linear technological developments.
It's possible that 'monopoly capitalism,' 'late stage capitalism,' 'liberal state capitalism', or whatever could be more spiritually degrading as a general state (especially as it is moribund and decadent, as Lenin noted, instead of innovative and emergent), compared to in the past.


Another brainlet whose critique of "the left" amounts to a misinformed caricature.


huh, he's still alive?


Actually, his critique of the left was pretty spot on. Pampered over socialized fags who treat politics like a social club and wouldn't last a day in an actual revolution


He does nothing but attack a liberal straw man in his essay. Liberals are not the left.


What precisely is the difference?


It is unsurprising that this board would be dogmatically opposed to someone who points out the impossibility of engineering a utopia, using real world examples to do so. The idea that ever increasing technological capability should prove to be inversely correlated to human freedom should hardly surprise anyone who observed the comparative deadliness of spears and atomic weapons. People here are content that merely to demand a hammer and sickle are etched into their cage.


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Anon, you're not like Uncle Ted just yet. You haven't sent bombs in the mail to anyone. You haven't had your brain turned to mush by an MKUltra expriment. This means there's still hope for you; you have the opportunity to genuinely engage with challenging ideas. Unlike Ted, you can actually Read A Fucking Book. Might I suggest Capital, by Karl Marx?


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Liberals are inherently conservative but accept change if necessary for the survival of capitalism.
The left doesn't really exist anymore, but if it did, it would be characterized by a desire to actively supercede capitalism. There will be times where leftists are forced to become stewards of capitalism, like in the early USSR, but they never accepted it as anything more than a period of transition.
Every left-wing movement throughout history has its base split between a section of petty-bourgeois intellectuals and a section of present or future workers. Ted's "critique" of the left has existed since the 19th century if not earlier, and definitely before Ted became the unabomber. Bookchin attacked "lifestyle anarchists". Britbongs shat on "champagne socialists". Orwell was merciless and idolized workers. This "critique" is nothing new, provides little insight, and offers no solutions to any problems.


>No one is left except me!
Downright infantile - but at least there was some intellectual honesty (paired with cognitive dissonance) to admit that actually successful Marxists ended up promoting capitalism.

But, according to your convoluted fantasy definition of the left (that doesn't exist also, apparently), it wants to overthrow capitalism to what end exactly?


I never said I was a leftist, anon. The truth is that probably none of us are actually on the left.
By the way, my "convoluted fantasy version of the left" existed for over 100 years. You fucking moron.


>Everyone is dumb except me
>Nothing is pure enough today to be the left
Point still stands, and you didn't answer my question


Then give me a response worth answering.



Thank you for posting. It is gratifying to see my observations exemplified.


>I'm not a leftist
>Here's my ultra specific positive definition of the left primarily related to my interpretation of history, that you must adhere to
That makes sense. So at bare minimum your not a leftist but we should accept your framing of the left. Thanks for clearing it up


Yes, I know, I have an opinion. How shocking.
So what's your point? Do you have an argument, or just insults?


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The best ideas in ISAIF originally came from the Technological Society, which imo, does a better way of conveying it but is much longer and verbose.

I actually don't know if Ted actually read Marx or any early century author, or how much research he's done into them. But it's not as if Ted's views were the result of mental illness or trauma.


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>my opinion doesn't need any justification


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For a primativist he was still pretty based and red pilled. The issue with terrorism, again, always comes down to the selfish motivation of it. It's ultra-leftist action and turns the general popuation against you. Not to mention the fact he was just wrong


>selfish motivation
>it's ultra-leftist

Terrorism is infra-leftist since it is born out of thinking that it is just some people are a problem and not their position in the political system that will always put new replacement parts into itself the moment the positions become vacant.


>RIP Theodore Kaczynski
Uncle Ted was based and redpilled and caused the security state to eat dirt for nearly two decades and finally humiliated them by making them publish his manifesto in the NY times and the Washington Post, which was ultimately his downfall as his brother recognized his writing and ideas and sister-in-law ratted him out to the feds. In engaging in terrorism IRL, you ultimately lose everything as people don't want to change.
This means that a negative policy such as terrorism serves nobody but the state and ultimately allows the state to recuperate violence done against itself to enact tougher policy positions against labor opposition and radical activists.
The converse of this is Cody Wilson's Terrorism of the virtual, or forcing the state into untenable policy positions like trying to legislate against the existence of 3D-printed firearms and their formal representations in the form of printable .stl files in light of the First Amendment primarily, and the Second Amendment to a lesser extent. What Cody Wilson did by releasing these files on the Internet to be torrented amounted to thoroughly frustrating the government's ability to enforce the legislation both through police action and in the courts. He didn't have to engage in violence in order to subvert the government's policy decision.
In the same way, opposition activists must develop useful technologies that do the same thing and then distribute them to the people.
The original hippie movement, the hacktivist groups and their corporate hacking campaigns, tiny house movement and anchor-out movements, the maker mcryptocurrency movement and the permaculture/weed legalization movements, though feeble and ridiculous, and even sometimes subverted by corpos and Intel agents, were the original movements that tried to influence policy through activism and nearly achieved some of these goals.
But the main obvious objective is that none of this will leave an impact unless normal people have the means of revolution distributed to them and internalize the need to use them. You must solve a core pain point that capitalism, and especially management policy, causes the worker to hurt, in a meaningful way. It must inspire working people to adopt it and use it, like the internet did for activists and the Linux open source movements in the 90s and early 00s.
I had a wacky idea of taking Tesla batteries or hybrid batteries and installing them inside RVs and putting solar panels on the roof and a Stirling engine (which can take any fuel so long as it heats) powering a generator in the engine bay. The point is to give a worker a place to eat, sleep and rest, plus have a refrigerator and store tools and drive around for work, for next to no cost, less some initial investment for less than $5000 USD. He would never need to pay rent or buy gas ever again.
This would give a huge safety net and a backstop for an individual worker to be able to negotiate with his or her boss, because now the worker is no longer dependent upon his work in order to live decently. He could even hold out on his boss for a bit.
Now think of hundreds of thousands of people doing this shit, calling for a strike at the drop of a hat.
That would be REAL terrorism.


I mean literally something like this. How many school buses, in decent shape, do you think are being retired every year because of new models being bought by school districts and bus companies? Hundreds probably.
Maybe you don't need something this big. The sky is the limit here.


The problem with these rigs is that fuel usually rots after a few years. Even with chemical stabilizers this would not help you survive for very long.

I would go for something much simpler, maybe a tractor with an external-combustion sterling-hot-air-engine, that can burn any fuel including wooden sticks. If you can keep it lubricated it probably would last 4 to 6 decades. Not sure about how long you can keep rubber tires alive tho.



I'm all for going with this, sure.

But also, uh, why not just use guns and collectively tell landlords off? Like if workers can live in their cars en masse, surely they can live in their residential buildings en masse, too?


Those school buses are not buses in any meaningful sense. They're essentially heavy duty freight trucks with covered beds.
Even prison buses are more sophisticated with rear engine and read wheel drive. No one uses those hideous buses but burgers.


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>why not just use guns and collectively tell landlords off? Like if workers can live in their cars en masse, surely they can live in their residential buildings en masse, too?
That's how you get Wacoed.
You remember CHAZ?
How long do you think you can hold out against the cops?
The point is to enable people to go on strike peacefully while fighting the media portraying us as terrorists and to make friends with the right people to influence favorable outcomes and to be able to organize effective resistance movements that have a coherent program and message. Developing tools (like building and equipping those vehicles) to help people to organize and training them in positive civil resistance techniques develops better camaraderie and purpose. People need to physically buy into the ideas to carry them out. To do this, they need to understand why they doing it, and giving them a way to self-actualize is a way to start their libidinal investment into the idea, which is something that their jobs under capitalism will never give them.
Being an antisocial drug-abusing window smashing retard and shooting people will turn off potential recruits, especially in a place like America, where the entire media superstructure is geared towards promoting and inculcating aversion towards political violence by workers and common people against the elites and anesthetizing the public to prevent them from pursuing mitigation techniques against management abuses, and especially lines of flight out of the system.
The government is good at committing and managing violence, but is bad at dealing with people opting out of a bad system. If they were actually competent and cared about their systems, they would be impounding crypto ATMs left and right. Instead they try to buy into them because they know that their time as top dog is running out. I am looking for ways in which leftists can help working people to survive the coming economic collapse and have the tools to live and support each other.
Serves our purpose even better. The workman's riches are his body, his tools and the whole wide world.
The whole point is to avoid petrochemical fuel sources in the first place. Wood literally grows on trees. In some parts of the US, there are coal mines, open or underground, with proven reserves literally lying abandoned with no access controls. You literally can pick up a bag or twenty right now. Everything is there for you to work on.
Also standard truck tires are super easy to get ahold of. Plenty of shops still do retreading, which is something people would have to learn to do anyway when living frugally.
The whole point is to enable people to keep moving and accelerating change and prevent the government and the system from tying us down into set districts and to keep perpetuating a harmful throwaway culture that continues to drive us into these hamster wheels that will ultimately kill us. What's the point of driving out one landlord when there's a bigger one right around the corner running plenty of retards with guns? Think seven steps ahead here.


Just thinking of the power the people can wield against the elites makes me feel warm inside. But this takes time and effort to build. You can never let yourself feel down and out, because that's when they win.


>That's how you get Wacoed.
>You remember CHAZ?
>How long do you think you can hold out against the cops?

Yeah, fair points… although, something like CHAZ would always be limited by its scope anyway. Like, your project sounds very good, though, but I'm uncertain about how it would differ in effect from existing counter-cultural and nomadic groups.

>Being an antisocial drug-abusing window smashing retard and shooting people will turn off potential recruits

I don't know - could do it smartly.
Or if a whole block of people just decides they own the building they live in, then that's a bit different, too. The thing is, America has broke people ready to do violence in spades, but those people mostly don't have much direction. The left in this country pretty much cedes political violence to the nuts by default when it refuses to harness it, and I'm not sure whether I really think that's shrewd or not. Is the American left even strong enough to "punch up" at anyone higher than a cop?


>Like, your project sounds very good, though, but I'm uncertain about how it would differ in effect from existing counter-cultural and nomadic groups.
(to add, I'm still for it, though, I think it's a good idea)


>The idea that ever increasing technological capability should prove to be inversely correlated to human freedom should hardly surprise anyone who observed the comparative deadliness of spears and atomic weapons.
what about the Internet? Information was never this free before.


>blowing up innocent people
those professors were not innocent


>and sister-in-law ratted him out to the feds
didn't know this detail..

fucking w*men


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nvr trust an anglo let alone one of their wmen


>I'm uncertain about how it would differ in effect from existing counter-cultural and nomadic groups.
The practical difference is that this movement is a genuine effort to modernize and build up a more efficient and convenient mode of living on a more modern, more advanced technological basis, that enables people to gain more control over their own lives, and thus be able to push back against their bosses. The point is to adapt the artifacts that capitalism was forced to develop through decades of political organizing and demands and finally assemble them into a platform that allows you to survive the corporatist desert and deluge of the social economy.
It learns its lessons from the counter-culturals, the hippies, the bikers and the nomads, and leaves its imprint on that milieu by virtue of being technologically superior, organized, and able to stand up to corporate culture hegemony through this new technology.
It takes the ultimate lesson from Zizek's Organs without Bodies and alerts you to the fact that you must attach your own head back to the neck of that part of the social body that's yours, and not some other asshole seeking to control you, like a capitalist boss, some Charles Manson-type psychopath hippie cult guru, or some methhead biker club captain sending you out to move or push drugs in some neighborhood. The lesson from Zizek is that you must be your own boss, or someone else will be your boss for you, and the most insidious boss of all is your own self-alienated from your own subjectivity. Capitalism thrives off of your schizophrenia.
The old english understanding and definition of the word "alienation" is literally the act of selling what is dear to you; you as a worker must sell yourself and your time alive and your principles in order to survive.
But once you start building this platform, you no longer need to self-alienate.
No more buying drugs to cope. No more pornography. No more loans to live. No more success gurus making you feel guilty for not leaning in hard enough.
YOU ARE YOUR OWN CURE FOR YOUR ALENATION. You must now put in the work.
It will have to be done in steps, carefully and with attention to detail.
Most importantly, it's to organize those steps that allow you to do that efficiently and quickly, within the space of one or two or more months, so that you can be able to get moving if there is an emergency. Parts must be relatively off the shelf and easy to adapt and attach. Things like wrecked Teslas/hybrids, RVs that have been lying in some barn for decades, standardized equipment that you can buy off the shelf, all that stuff.
The recruits must be willing to roll their own setup and be brave enough in their skills in order to drive it. They will be the ones evangelizing this new mode of living, not unlike vanlife, but less ritzy and less retarded.
Rinse and repeat, until there's a critical mass and there are chapters/clubs in each city and town.
Think of this new idea as detourned cybernetics adapted to the needs of the countercultural lone-wolf. The key word is cybernetics; you become your own captain again, and no longer just some lackey at the mercy of management.


>The left in this country pretty much cedes political violence to the nuts by default when it refuses to harness it, and I'm not sure whether I really think that's shrewd or not.
You cannot let yourself get put into a box like antifa has already. The second you engage in violence without a concrete reason that is evident to the public beyond natural self-defense is the second you lose the narrative, and people will no longer be open to your message, because you lashed out without having self-control.
Americans are starving for new ideas and immediately react like animals when they see violence. Our specific political idea is puts primacy in regaining a sensible way of life under an individual's control; there is no place for political violence as such within it, except for engaging in strikes or engaging in political debate, or subverting and embarrassing our political opponents that would try to portray us as layabouts and goldbrickers at best, and potential terrorists and rapists at worst.
When you engage in politics, you must have enough self-control to not get baited into violence. You cannot let the media muddy your message.
Nuts are used by nefarious actors to muddy messages.
>Is the American left even strong enough to "punch up" at anyone higher than a cop?
No. Being a cop, firefighter or any sort of public employee is literally one of the last-ditch professions that the politically engaged petty-bourgeoisie with personal skills, standards and aspirations(one of our target recruiting demographics in fact) that actually pay enough for the employees to live decently. This is true in the USA, EU, Russia, China, anywhere.
Fucking with either a worker or petty-bourg's ability to provide for their families without being able to demonstrate a meaningful, dignified and viable alternative that can meet their needs is a complete abortion.
Also, whom will you be punching?
I consider "punching up" as beneficial and useful as public masturbation; the reward is only inside your head, and you risk being put in prison and on a list that bars you from employment for the rest of your life. Riots are for retards.


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>You cannot let yourself get put into a box like antifa has already. The second you engage in violence without a concrete reason that is evident to the public beyond natural self-defense is the second you lose the narrative, and people will no longer be open to your message, because you lashed out without having self-control.

Of course! This is why I think it's important to use that violence intelligently. I think that the very same people who enact violence less intelligently could also be useful in more directed things with clearer goals and minimal damage, provided that they had the resources to do so. Which, to be clear, is an empty observation here, but one which I think might be worth considering for anyone who does have more resources.

>When you engage in politics, you must have enough self-control to not get baited into violence. You cannot let the media muddy your message.

Oh, I agree 100%. Well, maybe 98%.
One thing which frustrates me a lot about the current left climate in America is that a lot of them seem, maybe, overly prone to getting into low-level fights with low-hanging fruit. The 2020 anti-cop riots were much better, but the goals were very difficult ones to achieve and the media was still able to paint it for many as all being over the one guy when it was actually a much broader retaliation to a long pattern of state abuses. I see 2020 as having been a very momentous thing, but the sheer amount of media propaganda which persists to minimize the scope of it and obfuscate its objectives is obviously frustrating.

I think that there's some value in directing violence without regard for political bait, but with consideration for whether or not the general public (not along ideological lines) would see the results as beneficial.

>Also, whom will you be punching?

>I consider "punching up" as beneficial and useful as public masturbation; the reward is only inside your head, and you risk being put in prison and on a list that bars you from employment for the rest of your life. Riots are for retards.

I'm unsure if you understood what I meant by "punching up" - I'm kind of alluding to this first meaning:
But in a non-joke kinda way. Essentially, I'm asking if the American left has the capacity to off somebody who ranks higher on the food chain than a cop. If we directed our energy, would we even, presently, be able to do it?

I'm not altogether anti-riot, but in this case they aren't what I'm thinking of at all. And there are a lot of people in this country who would not care if they were on a list of people barred from employment, or if they were imprisoned, or if they died. I think the capacity of such people can often be underestimated.


(this was meant to be a complement, to be clear; I think it's compelling)


>I'm asking if the American left has the capacity to off somebody who ranks higher on the food chain than a cop.
Fucking lel and fucking no.
The neoliberals made sure to organize the economy to make everyone post-ideological and out for their own gain for one, and nobody is risking their life or freedom for an ideology. As shameful as some people may find it to go to a food bank, nobody is going to waste their lives in prison when they can get decent food for free. Even the military is having trouble recruiting; supposedly they have been relaxing standards to the point where people are nearly useless and they still aren't meeting recruitment quotas.
Which brings me to the next point; those people that would have the capacity to do something like this are too far gone mentally due to drugs or too retarded themselves to even follow directions to do something like this, or are too smart to take the bait. The FBI is notorious for engaging in entrapment operations and even they many times can't get the intended patsy to agree to go kill someone so that they can arrest him.
Furthermore if people are still engaging in black-bloc tactics post-Occupy and post-Rittenhouse then they are dumber than I thought. The left might try to off somebody, but it is far more likely they might simply level their fucking townhouse and blow their hands off like the Weathermen did.


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sounds familiar, context anon?


I said all I thought about him on /dead/
He wasn't a leftist, he wasn't an eco terrorist who targeted the people or things actually responsible for destroying the planet like an oil rig or CEO. He was just a schizo boomer who had a grudge against universities and STEMlords and had the same boomer take about leftists being cringe. That's the only reason he's a meme, he said leftists le bad


how are university professors not responsible you fucking shitlord?

educational complex is literally one of the three main arms of the state, the other two being army and the courts

<you see, general in the army isn't responsible for what the state does!


Yeah you're right bombing some uni student is going to stop billion dollar corporations from polluting the world, go on. Those civilian passengers on that airplane he wanted to bomb had it coming
Fucking retard


Literally none of the shit he said made sense and it's just sole long winded spiel that amounts to "well I don't care about this, so that means you probably don't genuinely care either"
The idea that every leftist is some pampered rich kid is also some meaningless boomer strawman, people just repeat this guy because they have new anti leftist talking points to add to their NPC script


Quit lying. Ted targeted professors only. This is equivalent to a fucking high ranking officer in the army of a judge.

He was actually going after the high value targets, contrary to your claims shitlord.


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>Those civilian passengers on that airplane he wanted to bomb had it coming
I mean kinda yea


>huh, he's still alive?
not anymore..


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>Which brings me to the next point; those people that would have the capacity to do something like this are too far gone mentally due to drugs or too retarded themselves to even follow directions to do something like this

See, I kinda dispute that. Like they were able to organize enough to engage police in much more effective combat during 2020, to the point they straight-up torched a police precinct in MN. I think it's presumptive to say they can't follow directions or coordinate.


Rittenhouse was honestly kind of a footnote in everything that happened from 2020-2021. That was a sum total of what? 4 guys involved in that entire brawl, at one specific time and place, during unrest which involved thousands, spanned much of the nation, and lasted like an entire year? If all it takes is a couple randos getting shot by a right-winger for folks to cancel riots forever, why haven't black people canceled having church forever after Charlottesville? Way more people died in that church, and a lot of those church people probably had way more fulfilling lives too, than the folks who were out rioting and specifically charging a kid who was holding a semi-automatic rifle! Forget Jesus, forget anything you were doing; cancel church, it's too risky, people on the internet might gloat about it. I can't take this line of reasoning very seriously for some reason.

The country shuts down due to plague, police stations burn down, an autonomous zone is briefly established in the middle of a major city, banks are destroyed, the White House is nearly stormed, the national guard is called in and even that doesn't immediately stop the rioting… for the first time in our lives, the gov't actually distributes a stimulus to everyone, the country re-opens and 100s of thousands of deaths resume until the vaccine comes out (which still barely slows it, and people keep dying en masse), and then disgruntled Trumpists storm congress. If the Rittenhouse is the thing is all you're taking note of in all this, I think you're reading it wrong.


>That's the only reason he's a meme, he said leftists le bad

No it's not. His overall outlook is much more interesting (still not great, but more interesting), his superficial critiques of the left aren't the source of his popularity, they're just what internet rightists latch onto. It's not what he's known for outside of reactionary circles.


lmao meant to respond to >>470782


>If the Rittenhouse thing is all you're taking note of in all this, I think you're reading it wrong.
^ last sentence should read like this, too


The Weather Underground, or the Weathermen, were a faction of the original SDS that were founded to protest the Vietnam War and the draft. Many young people burned their draft cards and participated in demonstrations because they felt like they were fighting in a war that served no real purpose besides enrichment of the Military-Industrial Complex, the political disposal of inconvenient people (read: soldiers would literally be union workers and those from poor families) and there was still a residual belief in or perspective in labor/leftist political theory and thought,
Hence protests, and the radicals known as the Weathermen, who would participate in protests, later riots and spiriting documents out of FBI offices, and even urban guerrilla/terrorist activities like bombings, shootings, armored car and bank robberies and jailbreaks. Essentially, the headless spillover of the different opposition factions caused extremely adverse political reactions on part of the state and politicians, and it is part of the historical rationale, if not the direct historical causes, of the shift from original policing work to direct militarization of the police with surplus equipment from the military, and the establishment of counterterrorist police units.
What happened in America spread out to other countries and third-world national liberation movements started sprouting up, especially trying to copy Castro's takeover of Cuba. Governments sponsored by the CIA naturally reacted very harshly.
The Weathermen naturally tried to keep up with the other movements and tried to take the fight into the heart of the MIC by engaging in terrorist actions but had no real training or competence in chemistry, so naturally their bombs wouldn't work right. Thus, they failed in their objective and only made things worse for themselves and others in the movements.


It's just ludditeism without anything interesting
The man is more interesting than any of his ideas, there's no real ideology to him


The Weathermen weren't the group of heroes that broke in and stole documents exposing CoIntelPro. The Weathermen only did stupid useless shit like bomb statues.


does anyone have that vid with the image of Ted imposed on the footage of industrial disasters with african tribal music playing in the background?


>The Weathermen weren't the group of heroes that broke in and stole documents exposing CoIntelPro. >The Weathermen only did stupid useless shit like bomb statues.
That is true, but other shit like what happened to the Seattle Liberation Front exposed how the FBI would engage in false flags to discredit protest movements and this was one of the first instances where that information came to light in court:
>The original charges of inciting a riot, or of intent to incite to riot, and conspiracy to damage the Seattle Federal Building, were unsuccessfully prosecuted. Lerner stated the reason for the failure to win a conviction was "because it was revealed that the FBI agents who were infiltrating the anti-war organization were themselves the people who had precipitated the violence." Most observers agreed that the prosecution's case was floundering (aided by the admission of government witnesses on the stand that they would "go to any length" to combat the radicals). It is believed by some that the Seattle Seven would have been freed if some of them had not provoked the elderly judge with catcalls during the proceedings.
While there was some original overlap between strategy and tactics between the SLF and the Weathermen, they disagreed over the Weathermen's decision to devalue individuality and people's personal relationships and especially the whole guerrilla-style subsuming of people into a movement.
Take of that what you will, but the reason for leftist politics is to protect and empower individuals and people, not feed them into a meatgrinder for the libidinal enjoyment and benefit of some future government of the central committee members and some lofty ideologies held by some ivory-tower intellectuals, officials, bureaucrats and functionaries disconnected from the people's struggle. That's why I hate terrorist movements; they are the height of lifestylist distraction and do nothing to advance the cause of regular people, who are the ones who end up paying the price for some assholes' misguided libidinal incontinence.



His assertion that technology necessitates social change is pretty basic, but it's a way better material analysis of the way society works than most mainstream political analysis in the US at that time. Which, I guess, isn't saying very much, but had a lot to do with why media types found his manifesto so impressive. Basic American political thought
is (or at least was) so married to spooky ethereal analysis of events that Ted looks like Engels by comparison.

>It is believed by some that the Seattle Seven would have been freed if some of them had not provoked the elderly judge with catcalls during the proceedings.



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I've read most of Ted's works. He's had an influence on me and I think he was right on some things, but his worldview was ultimately anti-marxist to the core and incompatible with communism, because:
>1. He didn't see class conflict in society but a conflict between technology and humanity. Between the technological establishment, big tech, big pharma, scientists, intellectuals vs the rest of the world. He deemed marxists technophiles and enemies of the anti-tech revolution.
>2. He believed that society/economics is too complex to be controlled or planned, and ultimately unpredictable. Quite the opposite of what Marx and Engels believed when they set out to discover the laws of human development, and of socialist planning.
>3. His rejection of politics (probably derived from his rejection of class), his rejection of socialism/communism (regarded as totalitarian). Consequently his ideas about political organization were very vague. He considered himself an anarchist, but his very individualist worldview and opposition to both left and right (including opposing anarcho-primitivism) left him in a pretty isolated position, more reminiscent of a Luddite. Not to mention he was the definition of reactionary, wanting to return to pre-capitalism (no, he didn't want to return to the Stone age that's a meme)
Ted grew up in 1950s red scare America and had a very boomer mindset on leftism. I think, ironically, he himself was too much of a STEMlord and lacked the humanities and philosophical background to develop a more cohesive political theory.


Idiotic and built around pure projection and him just calling people he disliked various insults.


>more reminiscent of a Luddite
Insulting to the real Luddites tbh.


What exactly do you agree with him and what influences did he have on you? Because almost everything from him sounds like worthless ranting from some facebook boomer. I imagine there's better people to hear from if you just like living in the woods or think technology went to far, his hyper individualism and meme understanding of leftism and even fucking hating enviormentalists offers very little.


>What exactly do you agree with him and what influences did he have on you?
NTA, but his contempt towards academia and intellectuals in general.

His dismissal of marxism was not surprising considering all major marxists were academia fags. And he admitted as much.


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anon we have better examples than Mk-ACKzynski


>His dismissal of marxism was not surprising considering all major marxists were academia fags. And he admitted as much.
He targeted STEMcels and I'm not sure how left leaning those types of guys tend to be. In fact maybe he would've have a better and consistent ideology if he wasn't a STEMlord himself. Or if he wasn't MKUltra'd.


One criticism I heard of the Weatherman is that is was a bunch of white trustfund college kids stirring shit which just made the FBI feel more justified in brutalizing people actually trying to get shit done like the Black Panthers.
>Seattle Liberation Front exposed how the FBI would engage in false flags to discredit protest movements and this was one of the first instances where that information came to light in court
That I can respect though

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