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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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File: 1608526448328.gif ( 75.39 KB , 353x500 , 7d114d9e87b3f34abe92b6aed9….gif )


Just got forklift certified. 😎 AMA.


Are you going to wear a cringy t-shirt so everyone knows about it, or are you just going to limit it to posting here?

Just joshin', though. Good job. Hope you're getting compensated better than before.


Can you do any cool tricks yet?


Hey pal 90% of the reason people pay union dues is so they can wear XXL shirts with their local number and a pitbull on the back to suburban barbecues


How long did certification take?


Legit, one day. They just went over the basics with me. Had me take a test. Then they taught me the basic functionality of the forklife and just let me dick around all day, lol.

It was easy. The hardest part is getting used to 2-3 tons of product hanging 30-40 feet over your head.


Lmao, no, I am not that much of a faggot, though, I am proud to have a card that says I am certified, yes.
Thanks, anon.

However, if I joined a union I would, deff, do what >>9446 said, lol. I ordered a bunch of IWW gear that i'm gonna be flaunting anyways.


No, lol. I take the safety pretty seriously. I have seen some bad wrecks and people getting mangled really bad by forklifts.




>Then they taught me the basic functionality of the forklife
Did you choose the forklife, or did the forklife choose you?


File: 1608526449863.jpg ( 35.19 KB , 500x434 , germany forklift.jpg )

OP is German clearly

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