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 No.752[Last 50 Posts]

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans. >inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.I'll start:Dreamch.netArisuchan.jpUboachan.netThere was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…










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Was going to mention 99chan and 151chan but apparently they don't exist anymore. Always hurts when unique websites die.


>Nyymichan.fi (small, but alive)>Loistolauta.org (dead, except when it isn't)Both in Finnish, but are most often welcoming towards strangres.


>>77299chan merged into 7chan.If you anyone uses Tor check out banana chan




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>>755Lainchan has fresh posts multiple times a day.Anyway: sushigirl.us


ernstchan.xyzSlow but decent board if you are a complete assburger and into serious dicussions. A couple regular posters seem to be gommies, however far-right bourgies are there as well. Politics topics are generally not very popular though thanks to regular toxic behaviour, raids and other shenanigans of butthurt /pol/ fags from Kohlchan.


>>853Don't understand any German but I really like the look and feel of that board. Seems comfy.


>>854EC has an english /int/, which is the most active board as well.https://ernstchan.xyz/int/




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8kun.top is the new 8chan. If you were a BO just send a message and credentials to the owners and they can restore the board with old threads intact.

For the less than SFW boards of 8ch they moved to https://julay.world

I wish leftypol had done so, we could have recovered all our lost threads. or leftyb or leftyweebpol.




was /leftpol/ recovered? I want to see my old shitposts


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No, I don't think the BO bothered to asked.
Even if he asked, I don't think it would've been recovered.


> I don't think the BO bothered to asked.
*to ask


Seems this /fascist/ has a little intelligence in terms of rejecting communism. At least they're open about who they are.



That Dvach's been dead since 2009.


But I'm not sure if this is obscure enough.


Had no fucking idea this thread was a thing!
Piece of shit mods on /leftypol/ always just locking bumpthreads without so much as a word of guidance.

Here are two leftist imageboards from around the world:
>1st - a Japanese one:
>2nd - a Chinese one:


>I don't think it would've been recovered.
It could be but since /pol/ was forced to restart from scratch you may be right


The Chinese one is just a news imageboard. Most of the other board are lifestyle and hobby boards


What is the differences between all these places? What do the different ones mainly cater to?

leftypol modding should be more loose


>What is the differences between all these places?
Different communities, netcodes, history and specifics boards.


i am retard what is a netcode and why is it important? What do the different boards tend to have in terms of boards?


Christian image board.


That board is down at the moment and is reporting a 500 error.


literally the least popular imageboard I've ever seen


Anybody know what happened to arisuchan? All i get when i go there is "fuck it. RIP arisuchan


Does anyone know what the hell happened to Endchan (and what happened to the /kc/ board)




Thanks comrade


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apokalauta.fi - aka Sukkero's cave
suomilauta.fi - pedos in denial

I don't think there's anything worthy in the domestic chan scene - alties from ylis dominate the discourse everywhere.

Wanna see strict moderation - https://wizchan.org/rules.html

They have been in that paranoid witch hunt mode after Hotwheels got pussy :D
(Reminds me of kind of how northpole.fi ate itself from inside out.)

Don't get me wrong - I'm all for moderation, but it's a delicate balance.


Meant .org - ugh what a brain fart.


how does this work? isn't neocities html/js/css only, with no server side scripting?


cross site scripting. All the fancy code comes from https://paleochan.herokuapp.com/


…That's interesting and cheap way of have multiple frontends under different hosts to your you service. Trick duly noted and saved.


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is the 2nd oldest western chan by some account, in any case very early split from 4chan's emerging culture when it removed it's trains board.

It's topic is trains! End everyone's a namefag.


Don't know if it really is that obscure, but still active.




I don't think I want my board to be on 8ch again. I never even made any posts in it anyway.

Is there a comfier, more obscure chan that lets you make your own board?




More like 8kun.glow



Kelvin Chan


dead to me


9chan.tw is a new one that is currently active


420 is mostly hot couch guys in the process of becoming schizos (especially on the boards like /psy/)

the only good part are BWH (Bump When High) threads in /weed/ with really random shit, even for imageboard standards


and it's the most depraved shit i've ever seen.


I like to imagine alternative timeline where imageboards, kind of molded into decentralized, open source social networks as an alternative to the shitshow we have now.



Created because of the panic that Ron would be banning lolicon so the butthurt faggots created it. Still has a few decent boards, comparable to julay.world


>linking to paedo-bunker




good list
unfortunately samachan.org went down a couple weeks ago since the admin didn't want to keep it running anymore, ded after 5 years ripip. was a very nice site


2ch.hk still works but certain boards are hidden from non-russian users and all boards have a ban on non-russian posters. However if you use Tor and somehow make the last link server Russian it allows you to post and view in limited capacity.

As a side note, does anyone have some reliable instructions on how to choose where your Tor circuit leads? I wnat to reliably get Russian circuits without restarting the browser a dozen times.


A lot of samachan people moved to sushichan, even made a new otaku board for them.


ikr is pretty fun also /philosophy/ is ok and not degen


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A new chan (9chan.tw) popped up made by the Kiwifarms guy using a new interface. It is currently stable and has decent traffic despite some spam problems early on on other boards.





Hey listen ere buddy. I'll have you know 42Ochan is the board of refined gentlemen such as myself. You can't just go on the Internet and assume that we're all a bunch of steam brained crazies just because we say a few things you may not have even considered before. You just need to widen your perspectives, comrade.


this is so fucking reddit tier


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Quite specific a topic


looks really comfy, are they leftist friendly in general?


Kinda makes me want to make my own ib for my specific fetish.


Honestly what the fuck




Kek, when the /d/ BO gets so assblasted about Ron banning lolis (despite lolis being minimal content there anyway) that he kills his board to spite him.


Not a chan but it was made by an r/FULLCOMMUNISM dude trying to get them off reddit.



Holy shit I got both dubs and satan trips. Based shit.





Just a really comfy Ukrainian imageboard, their /int/ is pretty active


Something new, can anyone tell me if its Fed-bait?


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/kind/ is looking to build its own "webring" like network of likeminded boards since the actually existing webring has been overrun by /pol/types. Why don't we join them? I think we would be a good fit.



Probably filled with Feds, can anyone confirm?




Are they actually looking to build one or was that just an offhand remark? I do think it would be cool to have an 'antifascist webring' though.


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>no ableism
>before fascism and imperialism
shows you were their priorities lie
reddit MLs are just berniebro radlibs LARPing to annoy the republicans


pretty much all reddit leftist communities are radlibs LARPing at this point.


Damn, I guess weebs are still weebs.


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At least he was polite I guess


Just change your IP address and be more subtle I guess. though its probbly a waste of time.


It was a pretty shit thread to be honest. You should have posted something they cannot attack, like helping at food not bombs or some entry level shit like that.


Or maybe some story about how your union defended you from your abusive boss, shit like that.


What did you expect? Of course a board based around inane kind discussion is going to not want a thread about something as prone to argument as radical as marxism and /leftypol/.


julay.world is dead the remaineder has moved to https://alogs.theguntretort.com/


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Todya I'll remind them:
>Bunkerchan tried to make a bridge between here and mlpol
>They accepted and started to argue the people that went there
>everyone inmediatly went "wtf they are nazis" including the mods and pulled the plug and banned the single mlpol fag that was arguing in the leftypol side of the bridge (which was a leftypol user themselves during 8ch)

So daily reminder to not post your preffered chan here


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We just made an 'embassy' topic on mlpol, but it turned out they were even more autistic than /pol/ and the topic didn't achieve anything so it was abandoned shortly after.


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Someone sauce me this image


It says it on top, leaflets, a socialist tiktok account that is also a youtube account. Its like well made agitprop, easily digestible


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There was a guy arguing in here and then he got permabanned and even the people in the embassy thread thought it was a retarded fucking move because he was being civil and knew what the fuck he was talking about

mlpol left them in and a shit ton of posters just flooded the thread (which 50% of that thread in mlpol was previous users complaining about the shit moderation in 8ch leftypol)


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Oh wow, found yet another one: https://rupattelu.us

Apparently they too used to be an 8chan board that also chose to stay in their own lifeboat chan after cloudflare kicked 8chan out.

It's a kiwifarms-originated project so what can you expect?


Every chan is fed bait by now


It's possible by specifying the country code of exit nodes in some config file, probably torrc.
Just do some web searching, it shouldn't take you more than a minute find.


if anyone is looking for a source of arguments or odd information Desuarchive is a good spot to visit

Conversations like the following, are good sources of practise arguments and debunks for debates.


now that spacechan.xyz is dead, does anyone know if the original posts in it were put anywhere else? or did it die with all of it? /wanker/ had some good fapbait


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soyjak.party (site literally devoted to spamming soyjacks)


>>10535 (me)
clickable link (sorry):


Man, this is a blast from the past. I only recently bothered finding /leftypol/ because I settled for half chan. I remember the days of going to 7chan and 420chan as viable alternatives to 4chan.

Hell, Jewlion from 711chan was in my fucking highschool math class. It was absurd. Dude would be asleep for first period and I'd ask him why, he said he was up all night posting on a chan, pretending to be over 18 the whole time.

It all feels so fresh and underground. An inundated radical alteration and dissemination of information and catharsis. What a beautiful thing. Thank you for reminding me. Looking through some of these I've seen some boards I thought I'd like, but aren't what was expected. It seems like most boards about literature are even slower than regular /lit/ and the law board on 420 chan isn't actually other lawyers, its people just asking for legal advice. Interesting nonetheless and it's given me hope again of chasing down rabbit holes.

Thank you comrades.




I find 7chan in particular a soothing time capcule of about turn of 10s chan culture that doesn't really exist anywhere. Kind of that 22chan gives similar vibes though upon a quick glance, seems a lot of old fags have found there in a way or another.

I wonder what happened to 711chan.org . Until summer their entry page that said "slurpees still flowing, join irc, etc" was up. Then it said the site would be coming back and now the url redirects to actual 711. Such a shame. I always thought people posted 1st rate porn there.


Shameless plug for irc.7chan.org. We have lots of comfy activities here.




boards I like on 4chan that aren't corrupted by /pol/

/p/ - photography
/an/ - animals
/ck/ - cooking
/sci/ - science & math
/out/ - outdoors
/mu/ - music
/diy/ - do it yourself
/s/ - sexy beautiful women

8kun/julay/etc. boards I like
/sw/ - star wars
/strek/ - star trek
/milhis/ - military history


>not corrupted by pol
huh? their wiki is good but every single time i check it out it's full of race science shit and iq discussion


Really? I only see like 1 or 2 threads and outside of that there's no bullshit


/sci/ is absolutely ruined by /pol/ shit

/out/ has /pol/ shit

/mu/ isn't as corrupted by /pol/ as other boards but it's been ruined by normies

/lit/ is good if you just filter the /pol/ shit IMO


>/lit/ is good if you just filter the /pol/ shit IMO
I spend most of my time on /lit/, but ignoring the /pol/ bait gets harder by the day.


/g/ use to be a good board and i would have recommended it a year back including /jp/ but my fucking god it's like you can not get away from them. It's like >>10706 mentions, they slowly creep up on you and the mods do jack nothing at times.


A lot of Nazis


/ck/ has racebaiting threads but no /pol/ shit
/sci/ is race science/bell curve hub
/out/ may occasionally have a /pol/ sounding thread
8kuck and friends are unusable, any good board on 4chan is flooded with /pol/ shit on 8kun



420chan is decent, and they nuke nazis on site. The /b/ board is genuinely random shit. On the other hand, the userbase has become more insular over the years (they have a defensive thing to do with 4chan and some people go mental if you post a wojack or something) and it's basically almost become like one of those old BBD forums where the mods just make up rules as they go along and ban people for all sorts. Not surprisingly this had led to a reduction in users.


what's mlpol?


there's also a star trek board on 420chan https://boards.420chan.org/1701/


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/mlpol/ - My Little Pony Politically Incorrect - was a /pol/ board for bronies.


And on 8kun and julay, but they're fairly stale. Little that hasn't been said on our Star Trek thread comes up on there.


List of communist chans, where we should attract people to post here on bunkerchan. https://unitedchans.fandom.com/wiki/Communist_chans

Someone needs to work on the Bunkerchan page too.


List of hidden chans

I think 7clams is dead or at least the cccp board is gone.


Not sure what it says, but the IRC is still quite active.


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Is still active

the mlp 10th anniversary just happened in fact

the sticky is still in the main board


the IRC? Standing for?


You seriously don't know what Internet Relay Chat is? It's an old-timey instant message protocol that's still used by a lot of chans and other tech communities.


I didn't realize it was THAT acronym


always has been


>*insert le funny spaceman meme*


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what ever happened to neinchan? It was like a backup to 8pol and polk I used to like to see what pollacks were talking about but it's 403'd


what's the point of random chans? just boredom




>it's overrun by fascists
every time


u18chan.com for furries. Hilariously this is the only chan I am aware of that doesn't have a catalog function. It is a good source for free comics being posted off of paywalled sites.


>this is the only chan I am aware of that doesn't have a catalog function
420chan also does not have a catalog.


it’s been around since 2015, Shrekchan/Pigchan users took refuge there


might aswell use plebbit instead of /mu/
discord 2000's edition, zoomer


btw is /bant/ still good?


It's a /pol/ nesting ground, so no.


https://www.allchans.org/-imageboard list. suprised bunkerchan isnt listed.Also dreamchan isnt listed


https://www.allchans.org/ dont include imageboard in the link


>>12452 Wasted trips


the main boards I go to, fit and fa are not that bad when it comes to /pol/tards. There are always one or two threads that try and shoehorn right wing shit with the same couple of topics. Both will have shit like "is *insert right winger* /effay/ or /fit/?". /fa/ will always have a neofolk thread which is basically just for cosplaying as a nazi from 40's and /fit/ will often have a thread about the golden god, some homo swedish nazi.


Does anyone have the tor server link to 8kun.top? I lost it.


Kinda crazy how many different chans there are. Never understood why so many branch off.


>discord 2000's edition, zoomer
But insecure as hell, and some zoomers believe it is unbreakable.




Honestly don't know where to post this so apologies if it's shitting up the thread but….

have I changed, or has 4chan gotten unusably shitty in the last 2 years? I've been on there since 2010 and finally quit sometime earlier this year and I can't tell if it's because I just got bored or if I as a person just matured past wading through pages of /pol/ bait on various boards and juvenile shitflinging

it's like everyone there is so hostile and insecure now too, like it was always like that to some degree but most of the userbase now genuinely seems like dumb middle schoolers or emotionally stunted late teens


Being constantly trumpeted in the medias as The Official Place To Be A Nazi Or Pointless Asshole is going to attract a certain crowd. (Which was always there to an extent, but.)


It's back on the og script, but posting is completely broken. If it's ever repaired I hope it goes somewhere again.


I've also been there since 2010 but for me it has gotten unusably shitty 4 years ago, but yeah I would say it's a mix of boredom and becoming more mature, it's like an edgy entertainment you liked as a teenager but find now just stupid and annoying.
Now I mostly browse it for the porn and sometimes /vr/.


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>A lot of Nazis


>/ck/ has no /pol/ shit
this is wrong. most of the threads are basically just ranting about any cooking personality that isn't rightwing adjacent. it's probably worse than other comparable boards because of the higher amount of boomers that will congregate there.


To be fair I haven't been on /ck/ in half a year, so I made the post based on my experiences there.


Fuck this board is the best I’ve Ever been to. Fuck bunkerchan, I’m out.


why did someone create this monstrosity


not a chan but Nationstates Regions tend to have fun chats.

currently joined https://www.nationstates.net/region=bunkers_and_icepicks and we're looking to get active m8s to join us.


Futallaby > Vichan


Are there any primarily erotic chans still around? I can only think of slutchan

I really really miss feetschan


any thoughts on lolcow.farm?


Glorified soap opera groupie club


not worth my time
I know there's bbw-chan and pregchan, but they're quite specific.


Oh, and a furry IB or two, won't be hard to find.


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That's right I like my girls BBW, yeah
Type that wanna suck you dry and then eat some lunch with you, yeah


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Desuchan, a chan with 10+ year old threads, was just raided by soyjak party and they removed 150 pages of threads.


Any lewd imageboards for women focused on males?

They had many threads for obsessively shitting on "bad art", mostly drawn by children or not-really-bad artists, but since their art displayed some typical "Tumblr" features the users wouldn't stop discussing every little detail for way too long. It was pretty lame and got tiring quickly. Last time I visited I also noticed that they use words like "troon" or "scrote" so that gave me crystal.cafe + Kiwifarms vibes. They seem "anti-SJW" but they're obviously massive libs.
I would recommend only if you're interested in one of the lolcows that are featured there.


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Zoomers are so AIDS it's obnoxious


I mean that itself is only… 1? (/girltalk/ on 8kun) I think you'll have to compromise and hang around a bunch of men who don't like women…


I'm guessing they had backups, there's 32 pages on that board active right now.


Yeah, it looks like all of their old posts are back
Seems that I'll have to create my own then. How does one stop an imageboard from becoming reactionary?


Moderate like /leftypol/. Ban all reactionary retards, use moderation. 4chan used to ban reactionaries from boards that aren't /b/ or /pol, however that all changed after rapeape hijacked staff during the switch of adminship from moot to hiro in 2015.


We just discussed two of 'em


Are there chans with NEET boards?


I remember 8chan having a board for australians NEET.


There's a femporn general thread on 4chan /h/ and there's also /y/ if you're into that stuff.


It's been years since I last visited /y/, but I did not know about the /h/ general. Thank you, anon! Too bad that many of the posters are femcels and that it's fucking 4chan which doesn't allow more than 1 file per post, but both of those things are not hard to ignore.
It seems that there's also a gentle femdom general in the same board. I wondered where it had gone after they stopped on /d/.


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I went to erischan and an anon made me this image.


I like their theme. Seems like a cozy place.


endchan.net/ausneets/ are legitimate
/britfeel/ is basically anglo NEET+/self improvement/ general
Keep politics restrained in a single thread, no exceptions. If you're making a female-themed IB, I'm guessing you'll have to deal with 'Hi, I'm MtF' and the subsequent debate sooner or later.


torchan, but it might still be down right now






my eyes


>7chan has been down for almost a week now


I hope their IRC is safe.


was the IRC still up?


Yup, we're still here idling with our comfy friends.


Would you happen to know why 7chan went down?


Apparently the host shut it down due to their loli board.


uboachan was the best, shame it's kept active by about 5-6 neets just talking to each other/seisatsu's discord


/u/ has some pretty bad femcels but it's a very positive board and the male posters on there are typically respectful. simply become gay


I've heard many good things about /u/ compared to what I saw on /y/. Maybe I'll try to visit sometime, thanks.



More of a messageboard than a chan but I really like the concept of this one. It's just small talking with short replies to each other that get deleted after 24h, really comfy although quite unpopulated


great that stuff like this still exists


Whats the most popular imageboard software nowadays?


I was permabanned from there for posting anime reaction pictures.




Every cunt uses vichan these days sadly.


Holy based.


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Someone posted this on another thread, it's a spanish speaking textboard/imageboard with a userbase that's an unholy amalgam of leftists, tech nerds and anime. From what I got from machine translating their FAQ it tries to stay away from 4chan culture.

It seems awfully obscure despite having been running since 2010.


Are there any interesting german chans?
except ernstchan


what's bananachan


>8kun.top is the new 8chan. If you were a BO just send a message and credentials to the owners and they can restore the board with old threads intact.
kek so much for that


Is 8chan.moe the new 8chan?


8chan is dead


rest in piss


Thoughts about Lainchan? Seems OK to me.


The admin and jannies have a long history of being completely retarded.


I feel like it could has comfy potential, but a few /pol/fags and intentionally lax moderation let it fall just short of comfy-tier.
Check the bonus stuff like the zine and radio.
Read the rules and faq before posting. I wish they enforced them more though. One surprise was off-topic images like reaction images get deleted on the greek alphabet boards.
I think the mods are a 6.5/10 - responsive to reports and attempt to maintain quality outside of /hum/ and /r/. There is a history of mod-drama but I haven;t seen it since.
Political dartboard, someone kept starting gender critical threads and /pol/ bait at the start of the year but that seems to have settled. There are communists and vaccine-schizos and capitalists and fascists.
There are approximately two dedicated schizos and two rent-free anti-trannycommies at any one time, the other thirty user are fine.
Someone on soyjak.party keeps trying to organize raids on them like here but they're quickly deleted so you wont even notice, obvious hateboner.
An alternate site is wirechan but that's very slow.

Anything I misses?


Always had some of the better technology discussions, but the mods' autism over contentious threads has always been troublesome.


Just like this place then?


Arisuchan is a thousand times better.




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Is there any decent place to talk about games left? 4chan is a shitshow and 8moe is full of idpol retards now.
Other chans are ok but so damn slow


prolikewoah is all right if you ignore the one or two turboautists that try to bait a shitty politics discussion in every thread. Or you could just post more here.




Fuck Seph, though.


What the fuck is this place


/dead/'s new home, apparently


It looks pretty dead.


What do we think of Tohnochan?


I'm surprised they still exist.


I visited it last time and found my post on /mai/ from 2015.


*last night


…I bond burgered your sister.


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Do arabic imageboards even exist? There are in plenty of languages Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, etc but so far i have found none in Arabic despite being one of the most spoken languages

Anyone knows any?


There was Menachan back in 2016-2017, but some idiot kept spamming it with CP.

There's also /egy/ on 8kun/Endchan/Sportschan, but I don't think they're very active now.


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>tfw banned by cc for posting commmunist poster in wallpaper thread

kinda surprised since there's actually lefty women there


ban message and wallpaper or gtfo


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You will not tell me where to go

But the interesting part is that the cowards did not give a specific reason. To quote it was an "Unspecified" Reason

I've been posting for many months interacting with the users in non-hostile ways and just being chill but once I post the Hammer and Sickle out loud and proudly, I get perma'd

In the appeal sections I asked them simply on how I can defend myself of a false crime when I do not know the charges themselves. I didn't break any rules so the centrioids mods did not reply back with anything and instead denied my "appeal" like the feeble, non-confrontational liberals they are

If my IP resets, I will go there again and start posting with tiny hammer and sickles and slowly post a gigantic one.


Yeah, unfortunately they're a tiny minority in a centrist site.
Don't they have a "no politics" rule?
>If my IP resets, I will go there again and start posting with tiny hammer and sickles and slowly post a gigantic one.
Based>kinda surprised since there's actually lefty women there


whoops, fuck that up.
I think you get what I meant.


yeah but people were talking about race, trans issues

but i should have known according to the centrist ideals how things such as that are not considered as politics

i remember seeing a communist thread on /b/ that was posting memes and theory was locked up for no reason



its unusable without catalog i hate it


>i remember seeing a communist thread on /b/ that was posting memes and theory
Wow, really? I didn't know their lefty userbase was that big, I thought they had to hide. Obviously the mods are centrist libs with little tolerance for anything overtly political. Do they do the same to right-wing posts?



yes and there was a girl simping for stalin where i posted asking for haircut and it seems that thread has been deleted

might have been banned for posting there too


Simping for the real Stalin or the photoshopped picture?


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Ok, nevermind, it's an old-ass thread that obviously got locked because the discussion between leftists and rightoids was getting heated.
>If you make more than the $30,000 a year you're almost in the top 1% of the world in income. I'm in the top 0.1% of the world. Why should you or I support communism if it means that you're gonna take away my comfy life and force me into a plebian one?
The commies in the thread should've gone full classicide at that point. Or at least replied with something like "what about the 99.9%?"
They lacked theory throughout the whole thread, so they lacked arguments. I bet at least some of them have already joined us, though.
And lol @ the dumb idiot who's supposedly in their 30s. "There was no romance in the Soviet Union"? lmao.
Here's some funny pics I liked from that thread.


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File: 1622699167524-1.jpg ( 168.45 KB , 720x720 , 1606760709259.jpg )

dunno why the other images didn't post


BOTH lmfao
there's also the covid thread and other threads hidden where i can see a socialist posting

take back property frog


Shit, now I'm finding myself posting there unironically. No politics though. Could this be the place to make the board I've always wanted but in thread form? >>14475


Yes yes slowly but surely leftypol hobby will take over cc muahahhaaha


No, no, anon, I'm only there as a legitimate member! But probably not for much.
I just witnessed a book reading thread being immediately locked after a mention of Fanged Noumena and philosophy.
I also checked their other boards and they ban a lot of stuff, not as fun as I thought.


does lainchan have an overboard? I wonder how many pph they have and if we could influence them.


It's /mega/. The site is run by fascists so don't get your hopes up.


yeah very grumpy place
not going there anymore too

i think my IP is static


File: 1622754112199.png ( 410.51 KB , 494x795 , 1572788741340.png )

Ooo, my thread is still active! I think this thread will go as the biggest mark I leave on the universe


kys, influencefags are always sloppy, blatant and provoke negative reaction. Shilling is shilling. Just don't be afraid to be yourself in relevant threads and call out rightoids shitting up threads.
There's a few socialists there, its not 'run by fascists' AFAIK, but there is at least one confirmed fascist mod.


I rather meant if the board slow enough we could simply take it over by posting.


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its a good thread tbh


people like talking about obscure boards that are not 4chan or reddit


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You will leave an even bigger mark in the universe


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I dunno man, I kinda like being a deadbeat


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If you like technology, why not? They're a bit more quiet than here but similar tier.


Not only that, but the boards I wanted to use are slow as fuck. The thread I saw being shut down was relatively fast, but of course they had to kill it cuz muh politics.


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taking a shower during the summer is one of the little joys left in my life


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it's moonson and that always makes me pumped up to play football

me but with showers in rain




>site could not be loaded
the CIA does not want 711chan to come back


What's the chan for otter discussion?




insane how that guy has such a request and you have an answer to it

also crazy that both of you got dubs


>but some idiot kept spamming it with CP
That happens with every board


>That happens with every imageboard

hang the pedo capitalists





is it not?




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stfu cap-pedo


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>you need to run a special JS script to post on Kohlchan through Tor that logs all your session


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lainchan gets a lot of shit from an anon or two here, but they're alright.


Lainchan's userbase used to be full of anarchists but then Kalyx purged the anarchism threads and it hasn't been the same since.


There seems to be a few hanging out at /lit/, although I can't say how active they are.


Anyone notice on some of the major alt chans their /pol section is like explicitly neet-soc? Even worse there's like no /lefty presence. Should we be concerned? Cause it seems like that's cause for concern.


I personally don't think that a lack of leftists on imageboards is a cause for concern. They're a tiny portion of internet users and also imageboards hardly represent the real world accurately.


/lit/ was really wacky last week. 8+ /trad/ threads at a given time.


i got unbanned on 4chan and probably on crystal cafe because my IP changed



never posting on any of those trash websites again
leftypol is my home now


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>banned from CC and there's a 75% chance it's for being a moid
>wants to post here
Oh no.


i don't understand


>never posting on any of those trash websites again
I don't think I can get addicted to posting on 4chan ever again. There's a couple of slow generals that I check every once in a while, but that's it. If it weren't for that, I would get myself banned on purpose.
I got banned from CC recently for soyjacking a schizo who randomly accused another poster of being a "transhumanist" for literally no reason. Or at least that's my guess, because they never tell you why they've banned you, but I'm glad I can't post there anymore. Unfortunately all the posts I made with that IP were deleted, including a couple of effortposts that had been useful to others. But I archived those threads beforehand.
Now I'm in the process of curbing my leftypol addiction as well.

They might've just been curious and learned about it on this site, like I did.
It was fine at first because I sticked to the /media/ board, but it was so slow that I went on the other boards out of curiosity, and quickly began to hate it. I lasted less than a month there.


curb addiction as in stop posting here forever or just bring it down to a more healthy amount like visiting for a couple of minutes everyday


never understimate the power of otters


Any of two, really. It depends.


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mashallah may he break free


What happened to 420chan it seems to be down since atleast 2 days


File: 1625071258851.png ( 1.64 MB , 400x225 , sakurako_slump.png )

> post on a small comfy chan for some time, pretty nice
> a wild /pol/yp suddenly appears and single-handedly ruins it


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there's (one?) who drops by every few months just to post bait.

imageboard unrelated, but schizos can be the same


File: 1626605862333.png ( 114.84 KB , 400x225 , ClipboardImage.png )

I… I thought w*ifu*st.pr* was for 2D waifus…


how is that shit not shut down already?
guess its a pretty nice honeypot


And you let them comrade?

Completely kill them by ignoring them and organize your community to not reply to /pol/ posters

what is it about? CP?
I once got led to a porn imageboard and it fucking had a jailbait thread
Freaked out and can't remember if I carried on reporting that site to the feds
Bullshit ass forms. I was also worried if that was incriminating. Is it?


There was a /waifu/ board in old 8chan which had 3d girls for some reason, i guess that where they moved to.


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>what is it about? CP?
from the looks of it, yes since the threads i found was filled with her in a bikini


I'm just sick of these echo chamber lurkers posting something idiotic and then calling you the thread derailer for correcting them.


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>In 6 months this thread will be a year old
Where does time fucking go


Nah, Seph was great.


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Even less


>Seph was great.
he bitch poop


Yeah, it has pretty young girls in it, some looked like they were in their early teens, and the thumbnails I saw were pretty suggestive.

I was reading about different imageboard software and examples, and one of them was that site. I'd never heard about it before, the name sounded like it was for actual waifuists like those in Tohnochan's /mai/, so I checked it lmao. I only saw the home page, shat bricks and got the fuck out of there. Then I tried to find some info on it online. I'm also worried about myself being fucked over by having done that.




I was always a fan of how https://g.chounyuu.com/ looked


File: 1626701382295.png ( 32.52 KB , 315x162 , wh.png )

>I was always a fan of how https://g.chounyuu.com/ looked
>Pictures on Chounyuu need to have giant breasts.
what the fuck is this shit


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File: 1626701727891-1.png ( 21.32 KB , 1198x131 , pedo.png )

>no loli rule
>has loli thread away


>what the fuck is this shit
"Chounyuu" translates to "super breasts"—it's a fetish chan. They have boards for "SuperFuta" and "HyperPreg" if you're into those sorts of things too. But like I said, the chan layout itself is unique.


RIP Bienvenido a Internet


is it permanently dead?


what was that?


It's not the first time it's down, it's going to come back, right…?


Spanish leftist textboard/imageboard.


Nah, I think BaI goes down every few months.




wtf happened?


BaI is back.


Thank G-d. It'd suck to see such an old place go.


Sigchan has been down for like a week what the hell


What was Sigchan about?


An offshot of /pol/'s self-improvement general to discuss fitness, health, good life habits and stuff like that
Naturally it's filled to the brim with polyps but I like their scope and they are of the positive fitbro kind that can give good advice


8kun/fur/ needs a Board Owner so if anyone is interested and willing to moderate, please apply. 8kun.top/fur/catalog.html is the URL. The lack of users means that bunkerchan could probably take that board over.
On that topic someone created /redland/ as a new /leftypol/ on that chan, and it needs some support.


>using a Boomer's Qanon honeypot
Jesus Christ anon, I'm so embarrassed for you.


>muh boomer
Do you people have nothing but buzzwords?
Get with the times, QAnon posting died since Biden was inaugurated.
Unless you're posting deliberately on their /pol/2.0 board, not really given how many small boards there are.


>Get with the times
You first, Jim Watkins is an utterly untrustworthy fed collaborator.


>Jim Watkins is an utterly untrustworthy fed collaborator
Like any site owner to own a site? Tor, any VPN service, Moot, Hiro Moot, etc. all have or will collaborate with the Feds if they are required to by law, including the owners of this site or risk Federal investigation and criminal charges. Unless they're given a subpoena or ordered by court or something, there is little point for them to actively report anyone who isn't posting crap like terrorist manifestos or some shit.


go back to twitter

It was a honeypot since 2015 and it was still used


>Like any site owner to own a site?
Watkins is the only one who willingly got on a plane and traveled halfway across the world to grovel in front of US Congress.


>the wise man bowed and said etc.
Comparing actual con men (Watkins, Hiroyuki) to your average imageboard admin (moot, hotwheels, etc.) is so fucking dishonest, lol.

>It was a honeypot since 2015 and it was still used
Well this goes to show how retarded people are around here.


>Get with the times, QAnon posting died since Biden was inaugurated.
[citation needed]

These are the stats from yesterday.
Top 25 boards - 8342
/qresearch/ + /midnightriders/ + /qrb/ - 7712 (more than twice leftypol.org)
/pnd/ - 117
/vichan/ - 244
The other 20 combined - 269


File: 1627260243307.jpg ( 41.54 KB , 600x421 , moot abandons 4chan.jpg )

>willingly got on a plane and traveled halfway across the world to grovel in front of US Congress
Because he was facing serious criminal charges for El Paso and New Zealand and risked not only losing 8chan but also being sent to prison. Don't be disingenuous about what he did and didn't do I was there in the last days of 8ch and beginning of 8kun and saw how shit went down.
>implying hotwheels and moot are good
Pic related - moot jumped ship the moment he could, he did no better than Watkins and Hotwheels too.

Not that anon but
>how retarded people are around here
Unless you exclusively posted on Bunkerchan this entire time since 2015, you're not in any position to talk shit m8. ALL chans track information, it's how they can make sure a person is banned for example. If someone posted an equivalent of El Paso on this site the mods would have to have the infromation required to allow the feds to track that person or risk criminal charges themselves, users are anonymous to one another, but the site owner knows our IPs and could doxx any of us if he wanted to, don't pretend otherwise.

It's an observable fact - after Biden as elected despite contradictory claims of a Trump victory and other such nonsense people lost faith in these QAnon posters and actual unironic belief in it is quite low.
>/pnd/ & /qresearch/
1) Those numbers are very low compared to what we had back in January
2) The topics of discussion rarely actually involve Qanon themselves, a lot of discussion back in March was calling them out as a fake who got the board's hopes up. Just bare numbers mean little when the content is nil.
>other 20
Yes, that's my point, /fur/ is abandoned for the most part, there is no BO or Mods, and people post sparcely, anyone willing could take over. Since most furry chan boards are right-wing, it would be useful to have such a niche board under leftypol's control. Moreover /redland/ is basically leftypol and is also a good outpost for leftypol.org to spread it's messages and information as a counter-balance.


Is there an imageboard dedicated exclusively to simping? I feel guilty about doing so in /b/.


are you arguing for the sake of arguing or what

there's no reason for anybody to continue using 8kun or "rescue" people still using it when everyone has migrated over to more relevant clones like alogs.theguntretort.com, 8chan.moe, 9chan.tw, endchan.org, etc.


literally all of those are no less fed bait than 8kun, kek

>arguing for the sake of arguing

Try following the conversation


>Well this goes to show how retarded people are around here.

but if it was a honeypot back then, then does mean it same site as before. there no differents but a q ad once and while if you don't have adblock


>literally all of those are no less fed bait than 8kun, kek


It's basically the same as 8chan in terms of surveillance, but since /pol/ is officially banned it means that there is a lot less focus by feds, especially since the site is a lot slower.
And yeah adblock is a good solution, and Q content is confined to the related boards and not others.


the only things you've really said are "lol you think this website glows???" and letting jim watkins' entire history with the u.s. department of defense slide.

never said they were good websites, just used them as examples. reddit-like websites where users run their own boards are a cancer and only contribute to the existing problem of online homogeneity.


>moot jumped ship the moment he could
…And this is supposedly on the same level as, again, being literally con men and massive dataminers (this includes Hiroyuki, guy's slimy as fuck)? Imageboard brain rot strikes again.
Hotwheels can't be compared either because the guy was gullible as fuck and got scammed by, again again, a literal fucking conman who's into shady businesses and came to his senses way too late.


>ALL chans track information
lol, comparing basic logging that literally all websites do (IP address whenever you load a page) to businessmen datamining you and then selling that data, either processed or not.
I know I shouldn't expect intellectual honesty on imageboards but still.


there exists "slutchan" but it's half-dead


>letting jim watkins' entire history with the u.s. department of defense
Noooo I'm pointing out that his behavior was caused by him being brought under criminal scrutiny 2 years ago, prior to that 8ch had everything under the sun short of cheese pizza (and even then it would get posted). We knew since 2015 that the CIA and Feds lurked on 8kun, just as they do on 4chan and 8chan.moe and all the other sites, the only differences is that 4chan openly reports to the feds on a regular basis without cause
>reddit-like websites where users run their own boards
Not really an rgument against 8kun specifically tho
>this is supposedly on the same level
He did it because he wanted to escape responsibility towards the Feds, he did no different to Hotwheels and Jim, except he abandoned 4chan to the Feds to save his own ass, and did. Hiro-moot basically lets the Feds openly data-mine as well, without any criminal threat needed.
>the guy was gullible as fuck
I don't buy that story
>businessmen datamining you
They don't, 8ch, 8kun and other sties don't need to datamine you, the browsers used do so.
>selling that data
So basically like every single forum on the planet?
>intellectual honesty
Fuck off




something ive noticed in my long ass time on imageboards is that posts who nitpick and quote every single of another post are always made by intellectually dishonest dumbfucks, like the guy above. its a funny phenomenon


>every single forum sells your data (???) except for 8ch (???????)
let me guess, youre also a gamergater


I just browsed Alog for the first time since… forever. It lost its charm ever since 8chan went down in 2019 and all it is is threads related to inter-imageboard fighting. I know I'm expecting way to much out of fucking /cow/, but I miss laughing at the Null threads they had.


Every time you see it, my friend.


You sure seem butthurt over an event that ended 6 years ago.


annnnnd spot on lol


Standards sure have decreased in the internet trolling business.


So how many comrade chans are there? Besides leftypol there's these

Honorary mentions:
Also bunkerchan's server is still up for some reason:

Tell me if I'm missing anyone


rectum ravaged


Why have I not known about these other sites earlier?


based gamergater


That just gore yaoi porn in the clown board and underage anime porn, most of the site just looks like a regular old chan


>every single forum sells your data (???) except for 8ch
I didn't say that or even imply it so I don't know what crack you're smoking
>Muh gamergate
I don't play video games and barely know or care about "gamergate" and couldn't care less, project harder fag.


You're retarded and can't even type out your own thoughts then.

>8ch, 8kun and other sties don't need to datamine you

>>selling that data

>So basically like every single forum on the planet?



>8ch, 8kun and other sties don't need to datamine you
they don't too int the same way, leftypol doesn't need too.


>can't even type out your own thoughts
I typed out my thoughts just fine, you have either dyslexia or shitty reading comprehension.
thanks for proving my point.


>https://dismantle.capital/ is made by the same people who host the servers for tf2c


TF2chan? The same place that managed OFFchan?


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It's nice to see every imageboard I use in this thread.

It amuses me when I, the fascist moderator mentioned, read posts such as these. It amuses me when I see others think I do much else rather than enforce the rules I helped write; so many people expect others to always abuse any power nowadays, as opposed to following principle. It's sad, I think we can agree. It amuses me when reports come in for racism, homosexuality, and many other things no rules mention, because they think us biased.

I'm not so bad; I merely believe most people can't handle controlling their destinies; weak people should submit to strong people, and I don't see it unreasonable many would willingly. It would be best for men to serve omnipotent gods, but there simply don't seem to be any to tell us what to do. Here are some Lainchan staff websites; guess which one is mine:

Use the hidden service.


What about it amuses you? Are you saying you wouldn't let us gain influence? It doesn't sound like it.

If the strongest man was a communist would you submit to him?


Shame on you for shutting down the Stallman/FSF thread in /tech/, you coward.


Reading those posts about influence are like reading a child think aloud. I'll write no more about it.

If the strongest man were a communist, I wouldn't necessarily have a choice but to submit to him. So long as the strongest man yearned to preserve what I value, I'd have little reason not to; in my democracy, however, my rulers seek to replace my kind with those more easily controlled, by immigration and miscegenation. I loathe democracy at the scale of millions. Even the strongest have reason to protect the weak over which they rule, and yet I live in a democracy with weak, scornful rulers.

That's not my board.


File: 1628124326125.jpg ( 121.84 KB , 1000x670 , kleroterion.jpg )

You appear to be suffering from strong misinformation on what democracy even is and then drawing conclusions based on its caricature. Cleanse your mind of Jeffersonian propaganda and read Aristotle.


I wrote of particular qualities of one society, but the feelings are general. Everyone believing something doesn't make it true; everyone voting for the same conclusion doesn't make it right or good.


If everyone believes you're a bitch, Ithink that makes you a bitch


As a socialist mod of other imageboards, this.
Most people don't moderate to enforce their politics, and any decent admin would kick them if they did before the site dies. We're volunteers. I chose to moderate boards because I was sick of seeing literal bot spam. Politics don't enter my moderation.

If the lain mods were powertripping politikfags, they would have left all the "da joos" posts up in the communism threads or deleted the anarchist zines threads.

>guess which one is mine

I won't because I think I remember from an old post you made, that's cheating. Thanks for the list. Also tell yer damn dev/s to pull our commits! But only the good ones, none of the bloat!

>That's not my board.
Don't tell me it's /hum/ or /r/. That would suck.


File: 1628126355415.jpg ( 152.57 KB , 1019x768 , dogfucker.jpg )



add /poverty/ in 5ch (jap board)


>weak people should submit to strong people
>Here are some Lainchan staff websites; guess which one is mineL
I remember you; you sound like lisp—kalyx used to poke fun at you for always saying 'superfluous'. http://verisimilitudes.net/ is clearly yours.
>It would be best for men to serve omnipotent gods, but there simply don't seem to be any to tell us what to do.
You never knew how bad you were, and didn't care to understand why. You're not fooling anyone here with your 'modest' beliefs. I'm surprised you haven't run off to some Peter Thiel backed venture at this point; it'd suit you more.


If lisp isn't still on the mod team then my second guess would be kashire. I don't have any distinct memories of him, but he never struck me as someone who shared the 'beliefs' expressed in >>18783 and >>18790


(Although I could be wrong)


That's not a good way to run a society.

The guess was wrong; I don't use Github; this poster was right: >>18833

I understand my political opinions may be silly, idealistic, incompatible, or unrealistic. Since my political opinions don't matter, lacking political power, I needn't refine them like I refine my thoughts on computing, language, and other more interesting topics. My vocabulary has grown since then, but there's naught wrong with the word "superfluous".

>You never knew how bad you were, and didn't care to understand why.

Use the present tense, since I still don't.

>You're not fooling anyone here with your 'modest' beliefs.

I don't know what passes for a modest belief here.

>I'm surprised you haven't run off to some Peter Thiel backed venture at this point; it'd suit you more.

I loathe startups and whatnot. I loathe money in general, since it allows men to gain without work; people have mocked the idea of a society abandoning money only to create "labour tokens", but those aren't money. What I know I hate is growing up in a society that seeks to drag the exceptional down to the average, rather than support them, and my beliefs stem from this basic thought; the smart shouldn't be commanded by the stupid; the strong shouldn't be commanded by the crippled; we can envision exceptions, sure, but exceptions should never be the rule.

I suppose I shouldn't continue to derail this thread; I'd be delighted for thoughts on my work, but this isn't the thread for it, so oh well.


>I understand my political opinions may be silly, idealistic, incompatible, or unrealistic.
You're certainly idealist. Acting flippant in the face of what you advocate for (in addition to lacking consideration of what that may entail at its most essential) has always been my biggest gripe about you. You don't see a need to refine your political opinions because (I suspect) you already benefit from them, albeit not to the extent you want. In practice, you're just a STEMlord with social darwinist inclinations; like a nerdy LessWrong user from a decade ago, or put more simply: a child trying to pass themselves off as an adult. What semblance of ideological coherence you have is actually quite compatible and realistic, just not with notions of 'democracy'—even trite ones such as yours. Anyone with half a brain can tell your 'post-political' pretensions indicate that you're the type of person who'd welcome fascism with open arms—not necessarily in the 'ethnonationalist' sense, but rather in a much more 'technocratic' one. Think of a 'friendly' or 'polite' kind of fascism; something corporatist, hence my Peter Thiel comment. He's a silicon valley venture capitalist who loathes startup culture; is deeply conservative, but has an eye for industrial policy. Anyway, I'll take a look at your work; I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on marxist criticisms of the free software movement (Gavin Mueller, Johan Söderberg, etc) but perhaps in another thread. Also, since you recently read "Brave New World", I suggest reading Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We" too; it's much better imo.


>money in general, since it allows men to gain without work… What I know I hate is growing up in a society that seeks to drag the exceptional down to the average
literally communism


Do not go to 420chan for a while
Some weird attack has probably happened and every page you click on auto redirects to google searches about CP and similar shit, you don't want that on a possible history


holy shit

that's a fucked up way that a site has control to do that to your pc
does ublock origin even not stop the redirection?


with Kuroba-dev everything seems to work normal


>Site goes from Bunkerchan.xyz to Bunkerchan.net to leftypol.org to leftychan.net
Can we stop this shit please?


Not an issue to me, onion is still the same. 8))


what's the best imagedump chan?

i need wallpaper and reaction images and i would've gon to 420 chan but i heard it's got some hack going on




Was it fixed now?


File: 1628871667527.png ( 65.32 KB , 995x428 , ClipboardImage.png )

Is Proleshpere dead or just undergoing maintenance?


guess who's back


Back again…


Bunkers back


Tell a friend


it isnt working for me


File: 1629507029804.png ( 10.5 KB , 545x158 , ClipboardImage.png )

did it die


It isn't outright rightoid which is worth noting


I have no friends, Mr.slim shady wicky wicky eminem


420chan is fine now but the only active board is prowrestling



decentralized textboard


Pretend to be retarded online and the FBI will offer you some




No you're doing it wrong


File: 1713734455542-0.png ( 148.67 KB , 703x606 , based lebs.png )

File: 1713734455542-1.png ( 183.79 KB , 862x665 , drawfag thread.png )

A socialist imageboard focused towards actually building community and discussion and OC, as opposed to more shitposty places like /leftypol/ and /GET/.


File: 1713743390888.png ( 25.17 KB , 300x300 , glowofficer.png )

Have fun with that. I remember that last three times a leftist image board took itself too seriously.


What lessons did you learn?


You are not allowed there to critizise trans-ideology, so basically it is no different to leftyogre.


When your webzone exists to change the world you end up with a wealth of pretexts for mods to grab at power. You better have strong feedback mechanisms for the users to hold mods accountable or you'll end up with abuse eventually.


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>go to a new website
>first thing you do is ignore the rules and ask whether you can complain about idpol, then bitch here when someone says it's a topic they'll probably ignore unless it's actually relevant
honestly I'd tell you to fuck off too. the problem isn't the topic, it's your fixation with it. good filter reply, hueyposter.




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>I remember that last three times a leftist image board
is the list just /leftypol/, /leftypol/ and /leftypol/?


Unironically yes. It is.


They're trying to set up a 'poster union' on Matrix to re/elect mods every few months and have a non-mod own the domain and server creds so the users can reboot the site if the mods get cliquey. But that system doesn't really work until there are enough users to hold the mods accountable. Will be an interesting experiment.



what are some active/large chans with movie/tv discussion?




>what are some active/large chans
You jerk.
Maybe tvch.moe, I literally haven't checked


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They officially changed their name to Nukechan for their anniversary.

Also, really fucking loving their feeds and overboard modifications. Really puts leftypol/leftychan software to shame, but it's also perfect for a slower board where you want updates on a certain thread.


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