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 No.551[Last 50 Posts]

Yep, we back at it again.Thread for n8, furries, furry related stuff, whatup.I was thinking of reading Beastars, I heard it was pretty good.


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>>552I wonder if that ever ended up getting finished?


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Being a furry retard isn't a hobby; it's a full time job.


>>551Is there a way to hide threads? I might be forced to do something drastic otherwise.


>>563Yes there is, newfriend.


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>>559It's still not finished unfortunately. I'm too much of a nice guy to be pushy and ask for a "when". >>563Rude.


>>564I only see hiding the op so I assume eye rape furry shit is going to be popping in front of my eyes for a sec everytime I load the catalog.


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>>568Dude, cmon, hasn't it been like 2-3 years now? The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


>>576It's actually only been a year and half. Also I just don't wanna push or be too nosey, cause I did that with my first maker and it went south real fast, albeit there were other factors like the fact I'd met that maker through a friend and I found out later said friend was abusing the maker and was passing along false information and yadda yadda yadda drama blah blah blah and that's why I'm being very standoffish and impersonal cause holy shit I don't want another drama.


>>577Well, I guess it's your life, but damn did you pay already?


>>578Only half, and it is coming as far as I can tell, plus it's kinda good cause I'm in a weird spot in terms of address(not homeless or anything just a lot of moving around cause of school)


>>579I got you man. I still don't have a steady job so it's not like I'm any closer to having a suit.


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get the FUCK out, you pedos and freaks are not welcome here


>>552You have ruined Yugoslavia and Tito for me


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heres some antiques i found on my hard drive uwu


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>>599>you pedoswut>and freaksunderstandable>get the FUCK outno


>>606>fist pic n8 looks high af


>>599>pedos Are you that twat on leftypol who keeps saying GET, anime, the mods, and everyone else on the site is a pedo? >get the FUCK outNu u, Methodists out.


>>607>>610>are u that cuntNope, believe it or not lots of people hate furries because you're fucking weird in a way that is qualitatively different than gays and trans etc, all of whom I have absolutely no problem with>how dare u accuse us of being pedos!>why would anyone be suspicious of group of grown adults dressing up like childrens costumes, claiming it is an important part of their identity, and often highly sexualizing the characters and the routines >Methodists>implying only a protestant ethic would find such a bizarre, aesthetically obnoxious, antisocial trend to be distasteful


>>631>ur pedos cause kids like animals and you dress up in animal costumesAre you fucking high or just that much of a schitzo?




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Can't unsee


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>>642Y doe.


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>>644cause stockings are life


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lactose the intolerant uwu


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>>649> Manifesto For A Furry Future


>>648Why Soviet Ukraine? Is this a reference to something?


>>652Probably because ukrainian kulaks deserve to be ruled by furfags tbh


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Who /kemono/ here?


>>657I tried to watch a bit of Kemono Friends, seems a bit too childish though.


>>659"Kemono" Friends has human characters.


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>>657>Japanese>hueg assGood joke.


And I thought this furry shit went out of fashion or fbi finely put you fags in the penitentiary.


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Monosodium glutamate


Who's the best furry artist?Someone share some SFW stuff, i don't got much


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>>670Depends on your fetish tbqfh


>>668Why would you ever think that lol?>>670That last pic is only 'SFW' on a technicality tbqh


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>>685absolutely disgusting


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I don’t know if this belongs here or in the grand strategy general, but someone should create a hoi4 mod based off of the gene wars in Chackat’s Den Universe.


>>699This idea is horrible, I love it.Though it sort of seems like missing the point that the idea is supposed to be about the post-war galaxy and unity between species.


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We need a bunkernate.


I have nothing against furfags. But this thread is fucking cringe, holy shit my eyes.


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>>701>Though it sort of seems like missing the point that the idea is supposed to be about the post-war galaxy and unity between species.I don’t know. Their is the league which does slavery. And a lot of terrorists on Earth in that universe. Still a hoi4 game of the gene wars set in 2050 would be pretty fun. It wouldn’t be two hard, we could just import the tech trees from millennium dawn and reskin them. Just imagine furry doing stuff from the guerrilla warfare branch. Or humans using it against them.


>>714i would if there was a canadian chapter


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>>721Perhaps I'm confused, I'm thinking of M.C.A Hogarth's series, is that not the Chakat universe?>>722Be the change you wish to see in the world




>>760Ahh, NVM then.I think furry sci fi focussed around war are a bit edgy, I prefer the ones that are either about the utopian post-Earth future or furries being used as geneslaves by corporations and fighting for freedom.


>>819>I think furry sci fi focussed around war are a bit edgyWhich makes for a perfect hoi4 mod where the leader of Russia is a literal bear, and most American Field Marshals are Bald Eagles.


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>tfw no anthro gf


>>635Antifurs are invariably schizos.>>667Kemono artists seem to like big women, at least if the likes of Kishibe and kakuteki are of any indication.>>819Such as? As far as furry sci-fi goes I've only read Erma Felna EDF and that's focused on war.


>>551Beastars is pretty damn good, just got caught up myself. Great writing, fantastic art, I'd definitely recommend it.


>>950i got really into it tooi want wolf boy to taste the bunny, gently


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Suit's finished finally. Now just gotta wait a month for shipping cause lol.


>>953fuck yesshow to put in spectacle ticket for propaganda machine


>>953Hooray! Good for you, happy for ya. You can probably make some funny OC with it or get buttfucked if that's more your thing


>>568Hey Yugo-fag long-time no see. i miss chatting with you on /leftyb/, those conversations were hilarious. Have you talked with Tomoko poster.


>>998Been talking to her lots actually. Also new phone who dis.


>>560Thread should've ended here.


>>1014Well, sadly my pleas to create a fulltime /furry/ board have fallen on deaf ears so this will have to do for now.Anyone done any fun fuzzy stuff lately?


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>>998hi therei like the furries too quite a bitthey're neat, posted >>670 before


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>>551NO furry's here.


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>>1017yiff yiff motherfucker.


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>>1066>bitched about reddit>shows his power level by using an old.reddit link


>>1066furry_irl is better


>>1067But anon, if you know what old.reddit is, and he knows what old.reddit is, that means you're both redditors!


>>1074Everyone but me is CIA and reddit.




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>>1076rrerrTo get back on topic, everyone in this topic post your fursonas!


>>1096people would trace it back and know i post here, i'd rather noti'll say a black cat though


>>1096uhhhhhhhh….It's the tito one. I dunno what else to say.


how do i make a fursona, what do i do with it and do i need to learn to draw or have money for commissions?


>>551You all should stahp!


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since this is a leftist chan here's a furfag of interest to tear into:Roarey RaccoonGuy draws fat people with coon tails, and caricature 'paws' and uses them for his political messages, mostly about how evil communism is. He is also a tickle-foot fag. He's not wrong about gender and identity politics, but that's more a broken clock being right 2x a day than him actually being even the least bit class conscious.Enjoyhttp://www.furaffinity.net/user/roareyraccoon/http://www.furaffinity.net/view/27373832/#cid:130529566


>>1111He went on a video with Vaush just because but never actually watched the stream and still talks shit. A youtube comment from the strem summarized him perfectly>RoareyRaccoon is pure cancer and a lot of furries hate the dude to bits. He seems like one of those dudes who tries to sound like some smart philosopher by making long text posts with big words, pretending to be nuanced about a certain subject until you realize he just really wants social permission to call black people the N word. He's your typical "Oh actually people who get mad at you for saying slurs are the problem" kind of guy, and is overall just not smart or nuanced. He might actually have half of his brain missing.Of course Roarey's circlejerk quickly began to lambast the quote. http://archive.vn/VeJNJ


Furfags belong in gulag


>>1114No shit. But if BO insists on not remaking a leftypol/leftyb/leftyweebpol board on 8kun.top or jawaworld (or even a basic trash thread) then we might as well have a furry isolation thread, no?


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Reposting from a while back; The Corporate and Other Crimes of Varka & Co.Varka (Jan Mulders) owns E621, the biggest furry porn booru type site (and is the reason why it constantly has stuff deleted), admins and owns f-list, and furrynetwork and is a founder of Bad Dragon as well as; - agn.ph (pokemon porn)- twentypercentcooler.net (e621 with ponies)- toypics.net (porn tube with dildos)And many others, yet is so cheap as to sell a 50 cent coloring book for 40$ More domains: http://archive.is/y6qhwDRAGON FRUIT VENTURES LLC:- https://ecorp.azcc.gov/BusinessSearch/BusinessInfo?entityNumber=L17591659- https://ecorp.azcc.gov/PublicBusinessSearch/PublicBusinessInfo?entityNumber=F15438049Varka also owns a hosting company INPUT OUTPUT FLOOD LLC with their own data center (they host sites on their own servers): https://ecorp.azcc.gov/PublicBusinessSearch/PublicBusinessInfo?entityNumber=R19946450There was drama about Varka of being involved in a bestiality ring and bad business practices: http://archive.is/cniHkhttp://archive.is/XNjrFIt goes further; actual beastiality videos and brothels, with major members like Athus being literal animal rapists, with one being a human rapist as well whose swagger with Bad Dragon essentially got his rape accusations dismissed and the victim harassed by other furries. The only good part is Herpy got taken down which ex-admins tried to defendCum lube used by BD and other companies is also carcinogenic and toxic, just use corn starch, water, and a stove to make your own. (Or for shits and giggles use the recipe pic)


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>>1117Sorry here's the dragon cum recipe, fucking 3 image limit.


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>>1119Please fucking kill yourself.


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>>1117This is why dragon dildos need to be a nationalized industry and should be supplied as is needed. The entire fucking fandom's overpriced tbh, all the good folks who actually charged a reasonable price got overtaken by the fuckers who charge thousands for some arts and crafts style stuff, cause competition 'totally' drives prices down and the cheaters will be ousted by the system. >Share the DongEveryone a High-Quality Dong set when? Dildo re-distribution and collectivization when? After seizing the means of dragon-dildo production of course! AS EACH ACCORDING TO HIS NEEDS KOMRADE, AND WE NEED DRAGON DONGSBD alternatives:>Still no one talking about Erasexa (Russian Bad Dragon that basically copies everything it can)Someone buy a toy and review it.- http://erasexa.com/product/fury-large-1/It's mostly shut-down now but still has stuff.Others known as the budged bad dragon:- http://www.frisky-beast.com/ - https://www.primalhardwere.com- http://fantasytoymasterlist.tumblr.com/masterlist- https://fenicore.tumblr.com/post/166018962698/lets-talk-about-dicksEven https://www.mrhankeystoys.com/shop has somewhat-recently began rolling out with some furry/anthro designs.


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>>1120why when I'm having so much fun? Not doing anything against the rules.


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>>1121>>1118>>1117>Sock & Condom Stretching: https://imgur.com/SJf78lU>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play: https://pastebin.com/cnkP5kdc>Anon does the math with J-Lube: https://imgur.com/a/cuLRo2u>JLube Testing by /ftt/ ScienceAnon: https://pastebin.com/EJsAc4GU>Recoring a toy: https://imgur.com/a/gFS04>Panty's Guide to Anal Training/Blowjobs: https://imgur.com/a/TrGhL>Cleaning techniques and alternative methods: https://pastebin.com/FLWghXvyList of shops and beginners guide: https://pastebin.com/fcZzua9KOnahole guide from /jp/: https://pastebin.com/hwhGL66aMore complete shop list: https://squirrelmunkwrites.wordpress.com/2017/10/09/list-of-fantasy-toy-makers/


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Nazbol looking appealing right now


>>1115The cult of pedos and dog corpse monglers need expulsion. They are cancer.


>>1127This thread was literally just minding it's own business until your mentally disabled ass started shitting itself the moment you got called out on your shit, that dramashitters had to invade didn't help either.


>>1127Besides those fringe fags frankly the issue is that 90% of furries even left-leaning ones would be counter-revolutionary rad-libs the moment collectivization begins. Being a full furry is a commodity based hobby that relies on market dynamics TBH


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>Degenerates like you belong on a crossFurries, if they can't stop being furries, better all be Natsoc, since all the primal cringe and decadence seeping from them will surely greatly degrade any cause that they would choose.


>>1131>cringe as an adjective>degeneratesDamn, you aren't even being subtle anymore, as if you ever were in the first place.


>>1132>>cringe as an adjective>Harping over chanspeak Not really proving yourself here>>1131>Nat-soc>decadenceHuh?


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Well it's that fucking time of the week again when ""those"" people come crawling out of the woodwork for….. reasons? I dunno what their endgoal is actually. Just bored maybe? Oh well.>>1111I've seen worse tbh, that ancap wolf guy whose name's so pretentious I forget it because I mix it up with those auto-generated Xbox live names. >>1117Didn't Varka shove the biggest Dildo in BD's inventory up his ass on a livestream?>>1121Business idea: Replace the top of fence posts with dragon dildos so that there's a bunch of public dragon dildos always. That or distribute pants with dragon dildos built into them in the seam of the back. >>1099I mean it's not really cumpusalry or anything, it's usually done by the majority in order to have some sort of identifiable personal stand-in, but sometimes it's created like it's just a d&d character or exhibits personalities they admire/want to exhibit(AKA insert fetish). I really wouldn't recommend drawing it or heaven forbid, commissioning it(furry artists need to chill the fuck out, we get it, you have a niche market corned but we don't want $900 YCH you pieces of shit). It's best just to keep it in your head or fill out one of those stock ones since it is for you and supposed to be a product of your creativity or you just like how anthro animals look and want your own. I did mine simply for the memes. It was a really expensive meme now 3 years in the making but it's worth it. Don't do what I did. [i]I'm trying to find a flamethrower to complete the vidya but I'm afraid the fur might catch fire[/i]


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>>1137>ancap wolf guyI have a rough idea of who you're on about. He's more outspoken but his own ancap idiocy makes him easy to dismiss and laugh at. Roarey is more moderate and so more people like his faggotry and agree. That said, any time someone serious points out his bullshit he nitpicks then blocks them.>the biggest Dildo in BD's inventory up his ass on a livestreamI think so, not that I've seen it or looked TBH. >fence posts with dragon dildos>pants with dragon dildos built into them in the seam of the backThe latter probably. Furries are a minority of the social populationm Furries doing buttstuff even more so so public BD wouldn't go over well. Although that does remind me of pic related


>>1138I had to fucking google the guy's name "esoteric entity" it's more pretentious and more auto-generated than I thought. Also he made that fucking cringe hammer meme so I sure fucking hope nobody takes him seriously. >Roarey is more moderate and so more people like his faggotry and agree&ltCentrism.jpegIs he Sargon's fursona or something?>Furries doing buttstuff even more so so public BD wouldn't go over wellI wanna make a joke about everyone getting a dragon dildo whether they want it or not but I feel like someone would take that seriously>that picI want dragon dildo wallpaper now. Also tbqfh the only part of that which actually took me aback was that fucking sergal body pillow. I need to do some google searches real quick.


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>>1140>Sargon's fursona or somethingNo but he may as well be.>I need to do some google searches real quickOh boy>dragon dildo wallpaper nowTry searching for Bad dragon dildos on duckduckgo image search in tor, that image searcher gives the best resolution for any search I've cared for NSFW or not.>joke about everyone getting a dragon dildo whether they want it or notWe're a tiny closed-away board on a tiny closed-away chan, go ahead, I'd enjoy more BD jokes.Here's one you may know;Why do they call it Bad Dragon?Because the quality is bad and the wait times keep draggin' on.


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>>1143>Try searching for Bad dragon dildos on duckduckgo image search in torNah I mean like a real physical wallpaper for my room. For reasons.>go ahead, I'd enjoy more BD jokesOh the joke was just going to be "everyone gets a dragon dildo whether they want it or not" but in an ironic sense.. >that joke>Also I was just asked to go to a masquerade event and when I asked what's the style they responded with "formal: suit and mask" and I had a terrible thought run across my mind. [i]the awoo of the opera[/i]


>>1144>the awoo of the operaThat's a good one actually.>picThat guy's deer provides great furry humor. His animated video to the Grease song is really well made too.


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>>1129>furries are inherently reactionary because they have consumer products related to their subculture/hobby, like literally every other subculture in existence


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>>1148>Furies are just like any other consumerist hobby>StrawmanNo, Unlike say a game or movie or book series there is a limit to that shit, with Furries there is none. That's why you get 500$ YCHs when people in other communities do shit for free. Or commissioned and paid stories when literally over a million fanfics have been written.Consumer items like Diamonds, coffee and oil aren't supposed to be grassroots communities. That's the main issue with furries and why their subjectivity and cultural practices are interesting if not just straight-up depressing. You can find fake scarcity in all sorts of digital goods (videogames, music, patreon camwhores, etc.) and pointless shit with a marked up price because of arbitrary sign value (supreme brick, kanye west designer shirts, etc.) everywhere in the contemporary consumerist market, but only in furry will you find 1500$ YCH and other similar bullshit (as far as i know, tbh some weeb must have tried to pull a similar ruse by now). Even weebs, a disperse community that in certain regions places a focus on grassroots organization and items made by small, organized groups don't charge social capital for doujins at comiket. The vast majority of furries, despite their surface level political convictions, would gladly break for fascism were the opportunity to come along. For practical purposes every "leftist" furry is unconsciously playing a status signalling game. signalling that you care about the poor and the unfortunate is a high status move. actually taking effective action to resolve the issue (or even speaking too harshly about the status quo) is not. While the dominant ideology of the fandom is the left side of the californian ideology (libertarianism+60s free love culture), faced with actual socialism, or even social democracy imposed in a top-down manner, these people will disapprove. if socialism came by revolution, they would find themselves quietly supporting the white army logistically. if socialism came by elections, they would change the channel as neo-Allende called for citizens to take to the streets to stop the tanks of Pinochet2. If social democracy were restored, they would status signal that it simply wasn't inclusive enough, wasn't good enough, didn't deliver enough, and ever-so-often that they preferred using daddy's healthcare plan.


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>>3214>t.can'treadIf you're not going to bother reading a serious answer, don't bother answering. In fact don't even come to this fucking chan. We're leftists, writing and reading comprehensive arguments is standard requirement for a conversation here.>haha ur just ass-blastedOh wow, what a creative argument, LOL.


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I just like anthro animals cause they look cute/cool and dragon dicks, I don't see what the problem is. The gayness is secondary.


>>1111Found another "muh shtoopid commies" furry. This time a furry brony - AlexSpastichttp://www.furaffinity.net/user/alexspastic/One of his anti-communist posts: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/33990819/As always everyone is like "equality of chance, not equality of results!" and "Sweden Socialismlite is best!" and other Succ-dem rubbish.Unlike Roarey however, Spastic is actually a decent illustrator and its a shame he's so /pol/-pilled.


>>650Not sure I get what the author of that is trying to say, is it pro-communist or anti-communist?>>685>>692No…. just no..


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>>659Same, I got through like half the first episodebut some of the memes are cute thoughhttps://youtu.be/MhKn46XVdVw


>>1161The english dub bloopers are good. I had to check to make sure it wasn't done by team four star like that other anime dub. Also the CGI shortens my life span. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBKNSGCb44c


>>1162geez, that video was a little weird, hearing professional voice actors use like memes from the generation after mine


>>1163The fucking "I got you fam" caught me off guard the first time. I still can't get over the fact that's the official voice actors. It's not even abridged. The future is now.


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>>1164>The future is now.We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again — a new age. Aquinas spoke of the mythical City on the Hill. Soon that city will be a reality, and we will be crowned its kings, or better than kings: Gods!Okay but seriously, to get back on topic, heres my durrsona>>1099You can just use a template to get a starting idea, that's how I made this one


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>>1165What if a fursona is just a furry stand?


>>1164> It's not even abridged. The future is now.Highschool DxD dub was doing this years ago.


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>>1169I'm just saying it fits pretty well. I mean killer queen looks like a cat.


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>>1174Sorry, it's just the first thing that came to mind lol. I never watched Jojo and I think it looks dumb. Grrr.>>1173


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>>1178>I think it looks dumb.Understandable. It is dumb. But I like it. Still dumb though lol.


>>1173Based parent knows to keep her child away from furfags


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>>1179but how did they do the eyes????>>1182there's no escape, all will become one with the furpile in the end


furry communists?


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>>1184>but how did they do the eyes????>>>1186Yes.


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whoever the guy is who made the leftypol lynx sticker pack on telegram thank you




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>>551So, what are you guys' favourite furry games/media? Bonus points if they intersect with leftism.


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>>1192Beastars I guess, I haven't seen any too out there leftist stuff in it but I can't shake the feeling that it's leftist, maybe it's cause of the fact the whole point of it is that the status quo is bad and must be changed for the better even if that means disrupting society.


So after sitting on my ass for a long time I've failed to come up with any ideas of what to do with the fursuit. My only idea that wasn't totally cringe was going to involve a flamethrower and yelling "Fucking nationalists" but then I realized that fur is inflammable. Otherwise all my ideas are just a little cringe lel. [i]yeah yeah I get the irony[/i]I need ideas for making fusuit webms for shitposting reasons.


This animu is actually not bad at all. The art is good and the rest passable. https://www10.gogoanime.io/category/beastars


>>1157>>1111>>1112Another "muh shtoopid socialism" furfag >>1159


>>1194it doesn't really have enough world building yet? to be coherently leftist tbh, we don't really know how their politics works other than 'there's mayors and schools get to choose a superhero every few years' the herbivore-carnivore distinction which seems to be the main focus resembles sex more than it does class


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>>1317This guy (forget his name) is my favourite, made this years ago


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>>1319Now that's strong.That artist's name is Jay Naylor btw, and not only is he a massive Randroid, but he also wrote one of the worst lines I've ever seen in anything form of pornography ever. Also sandworm cocks.


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>>1320>Also sandworm cocksIf that's your term for non-mutilated cock, then shame on you my man


>>1320>worst linesWait is that NOT an edit? WTF. Also like a typical rightwinger he's into cuckoldry, since his main 'protagonists' are constantly cheating and he has his red riding hood series where wolves dominate human girls and turn men effeminate. It's drawn well and all but fairly obvious.Also Naylor is really autistic about people reading his shit without paying which is why he reports shit constantly.


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>Sandworm cocks
Frank would be proud.


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>sandworm cocks
Post example.


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That anon is just an Americlap who is into Jewish tricks and can't appreciate a good foreskin

(PS this board isn't SFW so I think it's fine to post porn unspoilered outside of OPs, nobody has told me otherwise)


>Sandworm cocks was just a name for circumcised cocks
And you had my fucking hopes up.


I told you man, I warned you about WASP Americans


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They don't look circumcised to me they look like he draws everyone with minor phimosis. Hell I've seen some artists that get lazy and draw all erect cocks and just tubes, even if flaccid they're clearly uncut. The vast majority of cut ameritards (myself unfortunately included) have 0 foreskin left over and often have a distinct scar that gives the dick two color tones, 2nd and 3rd related.

cut or not I'd still go to town on them


Anyway, anyway, does anyone like any furry webcomics? I gotta admit I loved Twokinds back in the day




I tried reading that and thought it was an interesting idea, but it seems so absurd, 'cringe', and somewhat dystopian that I'm not sure I can get behind it (ie how the furries make their kids wear fursuits too, that seems kinda wrong to me)

However it's been a while, maybe I'll give it a try again


I sorta thought the whole point was that it was supposed to be cringy since it's supposed to be a stand-in for religious/cultural practices and iirc it's supposed to be set in the 1990 recession which is why it's so shit. The opening chapter is definitely a bit harsh if you're just getting into it but the later chapters get really good. The one about the depressed cripple hit me hard personally, I'm 90% the artist just translates white-on-black crimes into the comics.


*90% sure


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Post your political compasses and chat in this thread, it's actually quite interesting (make sure to sage).


I heard political compasses are a meme though


they are unreliable but the thred linked has interesting discussion.


>go to 8kun

Aww geez, I dunno, I guess I can check it out but I can feel the DoD filtering through my shit when I go there


You don't have to post, just read it. Or use the onion link + VPN.

Some dude is trying to argue that political spectrum is like a triangle because only leftism can be authoritarianism which makes Nazis and fascists automatically leftist. When he got BTFO on that regard he moved on to saying "Not real rightists" and trying to use the fascist manifesto as an excuse. Horseshoe plebbitors are everywhere!


furries rely on the artisan class rather than (based) mass production, that's as textbook reactionary as you can get. maybe one day the chinese will start mass producing fursuits at prices normal people can afford and furry culture will move from viewing those with scorn to having them as the norm but as things currently stands most furries express unease about losing something "special" because the fandom might lose the "unique" talents of artisan suit builders. (ignoring of course that mass production would empower everyone to modify their own suits leading to greater creativity and diversity, not less.)

art is a harder problem to turn to mass production, but furry has a dangerous parasocial element to the production of art. commissioners (subconsciously) imagine themselves part of a creative process rather than a commercial one. again, a community is encouraged where people buy goods from a select artisan elite rather than producing for themselves. theoretically all weebs are created equal: you just have to watch the shows and piracy is rampant. to really participate in furry, you have to open your wallet and pay excessive prices to a small elite of inefficient producers. this isn't reheated 2006 anti-furry memes from something awful, it's a material reality of cultural production. becoming emotional about this either way - pro or anti furry - ignores the fascinating implications of the economics of the furry fandom for general analysis of dot com capitalism. it must be emphasized that furry is merely the tip of the arrowhead.
mass production is good. capitalism was a development from and improvement on feudalism. for some reason, late stage capitalism has decided to reinvent the worst elements of feudalism. this tendency is by definition reactionary (although dangerously appealing to anti-corporate types.)


>this isn't reheated 2006 anti-furry memes from something awful

It is though. Furry is no more inherently consumerist or reactionary than any other hobby. With every hobby you have to buy things to participate (hell even for walking you need sturdy shoes).


He showed his hand as soon as he started comparing them unfavorably to weebs.


>With every hobby you have to buy things to participate
Wrong. Furries in the 90s didn't all have fursuits or massive sites dedicated to commissions.

regardless this has been covered before >>1149


Someone has never met an Otaku or a FGO fan before.


But no you see those are okay because FGO has cute anime girls rather than *scare chord* anthropomorphic animals.


stop allowing your enjoyment of things to cloud your political analysis. it's okay to enjoy things made in less than ideal circumstances: you are after all living under capitalism. allowing your judgement to be clouded in this fashion is exactly the same thing as allowing yourself to be bamboozled by "but your iphone was made under capitalism!" tier argumentation.
many fine authors, film makers, programmers, etc, have absolutely abhorrent politics. many people with excellent politics are terrible at producing media.

it's not about consumerism, its about the nature of *production*. that's the key thing that separates furry from other hobbies. (that and time. as i said: furry is merely the tip of the arrowhead. other fandoms will follow.) there's a separate social case to be made for the comparative inaccessibility of furry (it isn't reasonable to count expenses you'd incur anyway - like buying shoes or a computer - against other hobbies.), but it's not important here. we're marxists, not moralists. we should be making a serious and detached analysis of the production process, not getting upset because something we personally like has reactionary tendencies. surely we're mature enough not to get bogged down in the fallacy of association.

i used weebs purely because they're the other reference point common to imageboard users. i could have (and probably should have) just used the star trek fandom. the fundamental element is the same: you just have to pirate the shows to participate.
there's an entirely different (and non marxist) analysis to be run on weebs versus furries. notable weebs are usually low social status, notable furries are usually high social status, hence the greater prominence of the anime right-wing and the radlib furry 'left'. (but again, this is a non-marxist social distinction mostly applicable within the US. this doesn't have to make the 'average' furry 'high status' - by analogy, imagine weebs as an colonized nation and furries as an imperialist one. even within an imperialist nation there is still a proletariat class.)

we aren't living in the 1990s anymore. modern conditions demand modern analysis. the problem is not that the content of furry is reactionary (a ridiculous notion) but that the methods of production are. by analogy: the american revolutionaries were preferable to the british loyalists, but this does nothing to justify modern US imperialism. equally, the former crimes of the US would do nothing to invalidate a future revolutionary USA, just as the crimes of the tsar didn't taint the soviet union.

you're judging the content when you should be judging the form the content takes. don't do that. our situation would be no different were it weebs commissioning anime girl costumes and art of their waifusonas and furries pirating the latest tiny toon adventures releases. what matters is economic structures.


>we aren't living in the 1990s anymore
You missed my point. You're basically agreeing with my post without understanding it.


>our situation would be no different were it weebs commissioning anime girl costumes and art of their waifusonas
HAVE YOU NEVER MET AN OTAKU BEFORE!? They spend thousands on JPEGs of their waifu alone in Gatcha machines, let alone the lengths they go to to orde "authentic" japanese stuff AKA $400 for a limited edition manga with a special image of favourite girl.


>notable weebs are usually low social status, notable furries are usually high social status, hence the greater prominence of the anime right-wing and the radlib furry 'left'
oh you're one of those newfag tryhards that think looking at some imageboards and their wisdom of being 18 years old is enough of an argument for everything
go jump off a cliff


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>stop allowing your enjoyment of things to cloud your political analysis.

That's exactly what you're doing though, the things you like may have problematic elements but are ultimately okay, but furry is inherently reactionary because you think it's icky or strange


i'm agreeing in part. each reply to one person is also a reply to everyone. in other words, i'm trying to avoid misconceptions that you may not even hold because others who agree with you might hold them.

again, you focus on consumption instead of production. gatchas are not created by artisans, they are mass produced. limited edition manga are still (relatively) mass produced using industrial era technologies rather than handmade by one person.

none of these ideas come from imageboard use. if you must know, they come from excess twitter use. i could develop on them, but considering how hard it is to convince people of marxist ideas on a marxist board i suspect we shouldn't get sidetracked.

but i don't think it's icky or strange at all, this is a position you're projecting onto me. you're making the two key mistakes that lead to misinterpretation again: you confuse consumption with production and you confuse content with form. i don't know how to make this any clearer: a fursuit made in a factory is less reactionary than a chair made by an artisan. *what* is produced does not matter, what matters is the mode of production.

riddle me this: if furry disgusts me, why would i argue that the mass production of fursuits would be a desirable development of productive forces? why would i want to empower furries rather than eliminate them? there are two answers: i'm fucking insane (quite possible) or i've inadvertently revealed some emotional investment and it's in the precise opposite direction to the one you propose.


>limited edition manga are still (relatively) mass produced using industrial era technologies rather than handmade by one person
It's like arguing with a blind man that the sky's blue; it's called doujinshi and is very much artistically based, and manga artists go to anime conventions to sell their own handmade anime merch. It's probably worse than the furries because people have gone bankrupt buying handmade figurines made my the artists themselves


with handmade figurines and merchandise you are correct that they are artisan goods using a reactionary mode of production. the difference is that the primary element of being a weeb is not buying handmade figurines (not because weebs are superior, but again for obvious reasons of production. ultimately, being a weeb is about consuming the cultural exports of an industrial nation.) while individual commissions make up the bulk of the works produced by the modern furry fandom. in the case of many other self published works it's worth emphasizing that they are produced with industrial methods despite being made by a small circle. for example most self published comics or novels are still sent to a printing press to actually be printed using industrial manufacturing techniques, not hand stapled by someone at home with a printer. (i'd also note in passing that dōjinshi are group efforts at a higher rate than furry collaborations. this mostly follows from different form, however. it's easier to split the work on a manga than on a single artwork.)

there are elements of mass production in furry too: when people sell badges or t-shirts (because like with self published works, they usually aren't printing the shirts themselves. a guy who owns a t-shirt factory takes a cut of sales in exchange for selling their custom design) and also with a movie like zootopia which was worked on by and marketed towards furries. nonetheless commissioned artwork is the predominant furry cultural product by far, and it's what predominates that matters. for example's sake: the conditions of production in weeb culture are those of modern britain: you can see feudal elements, but capitalism predominates. in furry, this is not yet the case.


Otaku=/=weeb, Otakus are distinct in that they go for the merchandise and the """authentic" value of homemade Nippon stuff, they usually order merch through Proxies from mainland Japan, spending unreasonable amounts for that ""authentic""" feeling, versus weebs who watch anime and go to comicon or something. Otakus have rooms full of little figurines, a blanket of their waifu and maybe a body pillow, a weeb probably has an anime wallpaper and some manga, AKA Otakus are fursuiters and weebs are people who jerk it to furry art for comparison.




can that fucking weeb just fuck off already with his derailing obvious shitposts?
there's no way anyone can sincerely be this stupid


>a fursuit made in a factory is less reactionary than a chair made by an artisan

What the hell is the basis for this? It's a more 'traditional' mode of production sure but that doesn't make it 'reactionary'. I mean hell, you could argue that single person businesses like fursuit makers or artists is closer to leftism than mass production where all the profits go to the capitalists. In certain versions of leftism furry artists could continue their businesses unimpeded, whereas mass market anime studios would have to be reformed in all forms of leftism.


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Not the guy you're talking to, but with all due respect I don't think you quite understand what the words "otaku" or "weeaboo" mean. I don't exactly disagree with your point, but you're grossly misunderstanding the commonly-understood definitions of those terms.

Otaku are just consumers of Japanese media and are often themselves Japanese. You make it sound like otaku are purely some Western phenomenon needing to use proxy services to get an "authentic" Japanese feeling. You don't even have to be a buyfag to be an otaku, it has nothing to do with actually buying products. I would assume most otaku don't spend much on their hobby since piracy is widespread in the otaku community. There are more hardcore otaku that really will go all out and spend a shit ton of money on stuff that really isn't worth it, but I suspect that's mostly contained in Japan, with some exceptions. Honestly the anime industry hinges on those Japanese otaku who are willing to spend $100 on 2-episode blu-rays of anime. But buyfags hardly make up a majority of otaku and it's definitely not some sort of Western thing.

Weeaboos, on the other hand, are exclusively Western and the term itself originates from the term "wapanese", aka "wannabe Japanese". Weeaboos don't even inherently have anything to do with Japanese media, as the term itself refers to those who claim that Japan is the best country in the world and that Japanese culture is superior to every other culture while simultaneously knowing next to nothing about Japanese culture itself. They often insert Japanese words into everything they say (while not even pronouncing them correctly) and if they do watch anime they will often have only seen the most mainstream of garbage. In praising Japanese culture as the best, they ironically end up disrespecting it while cursing the fact that they weren't born Japanese. As simply as I can put it, weeaboos are basically blindly patriotic for a country they have never been to and know next to nothing about. See pic related.


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>The guy who makes a serious attempt at doing economic analysis on a Marxist website is making obvious shitposts, not the guy who can only reply 'no ur weeb'.


defenders of traditional modes of production as the exclusive source of a given commodity are opposing the development of productive forces, a desirable trend that makes more material goods available to greater numbers of people.
let us assume for argument's sake that in the nation of hobbystan everyone but the (non petit) bourgeoisie is on a $1/day wage and that labor is the only cost faced in production. the argument that the artisan chair maker producing a chair a month is preferable to the chair factory producing tens of chairs per worker per day is an argument that only the wealthy should be able to afford chairs. (even setting aside that absent factory competition, the artisan would surely charge more!) the artisan chair will cost $30, but the factory chair will cost $1. i can see myself skipping one day's meals for a chair, but a month's?
obviously in the real world we face resource constraints and other difficulties and we do not wish to tip over into overproduction as a result, but as the example surely illustrates the reactionary nature of opposition to modern production techniques. evil comes not from the factory, but from the factory owner.

for a more general gloss i'd read over these chapters of "a characterisation of economic romanticism":
obviously they are a specific historical critique, but we can easily see their resonance, especially with the thinking of some parts of the leftist furry manifesto posted in >>649
because this is a rather bizarre document. the basic analysis of furry economics isn't too bad (in any case it's improved since cultural barxist, now recognizing that furry is primarily lead by the artisan class and being less zealous in arguing furry is already actually existing socialism) but then it trips up and imagines that the pre-capitalist artisan class are somehow the natural class allies of wage laborers while overlooking that most wage laborers don't work within the fandom, they work outside it and then commission people inside it. instead it takes a much more romantic view of the structure of all non-corporate furry production. the result is precisely the view post suited to the artisan class: anti-corporate (because corporations may eventually turn artisans into proletarians) but with little to say to the large numbers of furries who are already proletarians working outside the fandom. indeed the main barriers name-checked are that the proletarian status of furries working outside the fandom constitutes an income constraint to the fandom as a whole, and that raw resources come from global supply chains which are exploitative. nonetheless that latter note really reads are more moralistic than practical - with the suggestion of setting up furry factories for art supplies being both idealist in the extreme and disconcertinly moralist - moralist in the sense that it's concerned with ensuring furry production is 'ethical' as furry production, rather than with the democratisation of global supply chains.

ultimately what is sought is the protection of a single class from modern modes of production. in this case it is more helpful to consider fursuit makers more than artists. the opposition to a corporation moving in and providing mass produced fursuits reflects only the class interests of the artisans who produce fursuits, not of the proletarian furries who buy them - indeed the proletarian furs would benefit most from a massive price cut, even finding themselves creatively empowered to make modifications to their mass-produced suits without fear of damaging something that cost thousands of dollars. the people who it disadvantages are existing fursuit makers, who may have to find themselves turning to wage labour instead. (i doubt this. artisan suits can always be a luxury good, though of course you lose the appeal of having a suit being a special and expensive thing.)

anyway: the resultant sum of the ideology in the manifesto is fascinating: furry nationalism + artisan anti-corporatism + liberal idealism + marxist aesthetics and some elements of analysis.

seriously, even if you hate my harping on about artisans and reactionary seating read this through the lens of furry nationalism, it's interesting. a lot of the elements that seem bizarre on their own suddenly make sense if you imagine this is the manifesto for a furry nation trying to push for autarkic development rather than a manifesto for transformation of a subculture within capitalist society. of course tongue in cheek it's always possible that they realized you can't give furries marxist analysis without stopping every 5 words to contradict yourself and say the fandom is great, since people will immediately jump on you with the assumption you're acting in bad faith or saying that a fandom with a worse economic structure is worse at being a fandom.

anyway for those interested here's the predecessor to that manifesto: the cultural barxist. if you don't care about anything else i've said, please read the last two paragraphs at the least.


I was talking mainly in terms of the consumerist side of things since it was the mainly relevant thing, especially since the Otaku big spenders are the "big whales" to use EA's language, those big whales are probably the minority but as because of just how much they're willing to spend they make up the vast majority of influence. Weebs on the other hand…… I see them mainly as diet Mishima nationalists but extremely white (insert /pol/ack saying the white race is dying with a bunch of anime stuff here). Otakus then in a very very general sense are the "core" japanese culture enthusiasts and are willing to go to great lengths to appreciate this, most relevant is through spending absurd amounts of money, whereas weeaboos will just lap up what they can without much discretion between the quality and whatnot, so in a very very very general sense weebs are watered-down Otakus(I know it's more complicated but we're looking at it from a consumption based perspective) As Otakus are more likely to order directly from a Doujinshi through a Proxy while Weebs will probably get something off Amazon, one is treasuring the rarity of the authenticness of coming right from the artist, inherently being non-mass produced, whereas weebs will take Chinese asbestos laced Astolfo mousepads or something. They just like the """aesthetic"""

Also completely offtopic but does anyone have pics of the Yugoslavian fursuit guy? I thought he finally got it finished o something.


>moralisticly crying about "reactionary modes of production" because his fanbase is better than the other shoehorning arguments based on jack shit
>>serious attempt at economic analysis
go be a 16 yo tryhard somewhere else


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>his fanbase is better than the other shoehorning arguments based on jack shit


>Astolfo mousepad
>Yugoslavian fursuit
oh hey yugo did you lose your pics?


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So, I tried reading it some. As you say it's a bit of a harsh way to begin, but stuff like this actually irritates me more.

I mean, if furries as a religion/culture were actually a thing, people would get used to it yknow? Like if you're black, or you wear a hijab that covers your face, you'll get comments sometimes I'm sure, every now and then, but most people are going to be polite enough regardless of what they really think. It just makes the metaphor seem a bit overwrought and silly.


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Okay again, like this guy, furries have their own ghetto in the city, so it's hardly like he can be unaware of what they are. Surely he's perfectly aware of their existence and at least knows he has to be professional regardless of what he might think himself. I mean even in the South in the most racist places I don't think a black guy going for an interview at a big company is going to be called out to his face and told to fuck off, they'll just awkwardly go through with the process and dump his CV in the circular file afterwards.


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Lol, I think this is about the point I gave up last time. First the weird kids explanation and now this. Not that I'm a huge fan of goons either but come on. Oh well, I'll keep going, I don't have anything better to do.


well SA are the ones who're largely responsible for furrys being what they are. All of that classic 4chan furry hate is inherited from them


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Sure sure, but I think it's a bit too far to portray them as being the hip brand for furry-murderers.

Anyway, to get back my 'review', boy oh boy, someone is certainly judgemental of others despite all their protestations for tolerance of their ingroup, eh? I see why he set this comic in the 90s, since that's his 'era' of furrydom. Thank god we gave those supercilious blowhards the boot.


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How very perceptive dog-freud, it's like you're inside the author's head.


Someone give me another furry comic to review/dissect!


not a comic, but a webstory, it contains a goldmine of ideology


Their is more stories to analyze from the same site, Chackat’s Den is a goldmine for strange ideology. This one is written by the guy who owns the site, and is also a boomer btw.
how will future historians look back at the furry phenomena, will it disgust or just merely interest them.


>how will future historians look back at the furry phenomena, will it disgust or just merely interest them.

I doubt they'll really have to look back lol, they can just ask the genemorphs among them.


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How do people get into furry communities anyway
It's something alien to my brand of anthropomorphic autism, i just don't understand it. i tried a few times but it's been so long i can't even remember why it didn't work. there wasn't drama or anything i'm just boring and got ignored. I don't even know if it's realistic to expect someone else to explain how they did it, like being social is a mechanical process rather than something that just works for some people and not for others.


Do you mean community in person or on the internet? If you mean online, well, you're in one, but I get what you're saying. Furries definitely trend much more towards an appreciation of art and sex than other topics, so if you're not very good at either of those, then it can be easy to be overlooked I agree.

If you mean in person, well, I find furry meets are quite friendly, but they can also feel very cliquey and it can be hard to be the new fish. However there's bound to be other people who are in a smaller group or on their own and that's probably where you should start unless there's some kind of fun bonding activity going on that you want to get involved in. Obviously, having a fursuit definitely helps you stand out and be everyone's best friend, but clearly that isn't achievable for everyone. At a much lower pricepoint, it helps to come up with a character concept and buy some art, and maybe laminate a con badge to wear with your character.

Realistically, a lot of the interactions in furrydom are about sex, which I don't think is a bad thing, so it's also useful to know what you're actually looking for in that way. Personally, I have tried furmeets but I'm just a kind of lazy and home-loving kind of person, so I do almost all of my furry fandom-ing with sexual partners or on my own consuming furry media. Sorry I kind of got off track there but my point is that you should think about what you want out of furry sexually and try to achieve/experience it.


man i'm just confused now the fuck is this


File: 1608525578550.png ( 19.32 KB , 505x578 , n8 hot dayum.png )

By what? The feelings in your peepee when you look at n8chan?


Wait how is that even possible?


What do you mean? Horses are fucking giant and heavy. Crushing deaths for horseriders are relatively common.


Man why even ride horses then?


Because it lets the bourgies feel big and above the peasants (as literally confirmed by that story). It's the closest they can get to being noblemen of the old eras slaughtering peasants from horseback, just they do it to animals now instead, and animal rights activists trying to stop them flagrantly breaking the law.


Cause horses are nice and they enjoy it if you ride them properly(read: not like a pompous ass)
Hey, not all horseback riders are assholes, just the ones that try and make a sport out of it. Personally my family's got horses from back when they used to pull the plough and I don't like seeing them just get Colic from not moving and eating grass all day so I just try and walk or ride them around. Seeing people beat or whip them to do jumps just sickens me.


I'm tired AF and read that as "Cause horses are nice and they enjoy pompous ass"


>Seeing people beat or whip them to do jumps just sickens me.
Horses don't do that on their own?


They do, but professional horseriders take it a step further and try and do some pavlovian conditioning. It's stupid and redundant cause they'd jump anyways, but porky doesn't need a logical reason to do bad stuff.


File: 1608525581463.jpg ( 55.39 KB , 640x539 , farmers only horse.jpg )


Now this I can get into


I'm pretty sure those were the last words of Mr. Hands.


That's as maybe, but furry is a wonderful land of possibility where 90% of your body volume can be filled with cock and it just feels blissful.


The guy actually did it a lot of horse fence-hopping for a while. There is a video of him doing it which is separate from the actual accident that killed the horse-fucker. As a side note why are so many engineers into furry shit. Mr.Hands, Doug Winger etc. were all white-collars with big money.


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Horsecum protein shakes are apparently good for health and muscle growth though only for women since digestion makes cum turn into an estrogen.


That really sounds like bullshit bro science, but I wish it were true so that by feeding my trans GF I was feminising her more.


File: 1608525583300.png ( 1.59 MB , 1076x2656 , IR.png )

Everyone knows that /pol/ loves interracial but they seem to dabble into beastiality too

As a side note most porn featuring beastiality on horses has them able to fit and not flare like crazy because they usually tranq the horses so they don't kick the actors to death. Its really rare for a horse to willingly want to fuck a person or be fucked unless they're in heat and denied sexual release.

Ask Tomoko-poster if they're still around. They know something about it.


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I think neoreactionaries see interracial and interspecies as interchangeable. A dog or a horse fucking someone, usually a white chick because of the cuck aspect, is the same as a black guy doing the deed because black guys are not human to them. Hentai of orcs or trolls fucking fair princesses or something is also functionally the same. They like the idea of an aryan chick getting "defiled" because that validates their schizophrenic replacement fantasies. Or maybe vice versa: the replacement fantasies are a way to cope with the self-hate they feel over their fetishes
Look at the comments on this track; it's all /pol/yps
Now why they never seem to bring up furry men on human women is anyone's guess. It's like the perfect middle-ground between interspecies and interracial. Maybe it's too degenerate even for them, or comes uncomfortably close to perfection. The latter option might just be me projecting my own tastes


Is that also why hmofa stuff is so popular on /trash/? Like how they also fetishize Asian women because of their orientalist delusions about Japan being ethnically homogenous and crime free.


Most likely yes. For a good while I had a habit of lurking /trash/, and saw an upsurge in /pol/-tier fetishism right before I stopped. I think they had a successful shilling campaign. Seems like the extents of their interest in furry assumes the form of the delicate, submissive exotic waifu, rather than cuckoldry


same shit with monstergirls ironically. They hate it for race-mixing yet still like it.
(therefore a ton of MAGA hats on characters like Miia)


File: 1608525584738.png ( 86.33 KB , 294x441 , cards001.PNG )

that's a little rude to assume i'd drink horse cum or know anything about it
i'm not that depraved
i do like furries though


Tomoko I've been chatting with you for a long time now both on leftytrash and leftyb. I remember you clearly telling me why drinking horse jizz acts as an anti-testosterone dose due to how it digests.


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>i'm not that depraved
Fattest lie I've ever heard.


Holy shit someone actually saved my screencap of Tomoko's boomer cocksucking fetish post LOL.

But enough bullying Tomoko.


File: 1608525585764.png ( 643.2 KB , 680x640 , laughing furwhores.png )

>he doesn't drink horse cum


File: 1608525587486.jpg ( 218.65 KB , 1280x1920 , yr2r7wiwl0k01.jpg )

how does this image make you feel?


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I see that the US has PP to spare


File: 1608525587849.png ( 378.62 KB , 685x677 , all cops are bakas uwu.png )

I'll show you my PP uwu


DADT was a mistake


America’s military is the gayist on Earth, if your country is being invaded by burgers you better hope you are a women.


>if your country is being invaded by burgers you better hope you are a women.
&ltcountless rapes of boys and women in the middle east
&ltmany other brutalities
haha very funny.


aw cmon anon, lets make this a fun/nice topic


with homophobe banter and relativizing of ongoing US imperialist terror, including rape?
sure, that's the kind of stuff we're all here for


i mean it's definitely what the guy drawing on the bomb was there for :3


I'm pretty sure everyone in this topic is at least 80% homo


>homophobe banter
piss off, just because idpol thread is gone doesn't mean you should shit up other threads.


>haha american military is so gay they rape only men that's funny
>i'm not doing idpol, you're doing idpol for pointing mine out!
ok retard


Nigga I'm this poster >>1836
It's a stupid shitty post about the US military but calling it idpol and homophobic IS idpol. Go to >>>/GET/


Come on guys, chill out and pull the horse cocks out of your asses.


But what if I want a horse cock up my ass?


Well then that's fine, but don't take it out on everyone else &lt3


>idpol isn't idpol when you shit on identity rather than promoting it as central
ok retard
go back to >>>/pol/


haha whitey is killing brown people
btw don't call me out for idpol, that'd be idpol


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I always felt like this game was more of a liberals idea of da ebil ussr.
None of the commanders or other characters/units treat the workers (pigs) like living beings. Theyre considered extremely dumb with no emotions even though one of the commanders sees a pig studying a piece of art on the wall. Ending is based at least.
I loved the game though. Got it on release day and one of the few games i have actually chased achievements in.


Yeah you have a point there, it's a slightly disappointing take overall, that portrays revolutionaries as just cynical power-seekers, I would have preferred a 'synthesis' ending where the commies just agree to go vegetarian lol, but there we go.


is it worth paying attention to furry if i have no interest in nsfw
it seems pretty integral to the community




What do you like?


File: 1608525601264.jpg ( 196.99 KB , 942x1397 , furry iww inflation.jpg )

SMH leftypol is popping off about furries again



WTF that's my fetish.


condolences to that furry mod who had to deal with that shitshow


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Nah nevermind, fuck you.




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That was rude of you anon, you know I can see you're the not the original guy right?


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oh yeah I know, I'm just fucking around. I still think you're a fag though, banning people like that is petty as fuck and it's been a fairly old leftypol agreement to keep private stuff like fetishes, animu posting and furry shit on the down-low and n their own threads/boards (like this one). Posting "lol horsecocks" is fine for chan-talk when everyone is dicking around incognito but public media shouldn't have blatantly furry pics, especially weird niche fetish ones.
A) Most working class people are grossed out by Rainfurrest-tier crap like this
B) It's borderline NSFW due to being a fetish post
C) It gives /pol/ and its allies ammunition to further strawman leftism as "le degenerates for helicopter rides".

Even quickly scrounged up posters (pics related) are better for doing a "furry communism" poster.

TL;DR: Furry fetish pics are not for public posting, it alienates most of the working class, and gives reactionaries a foothold.


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I'm gonna start making this a screencap collage for the booru at this point.


>screencap collection
&ltcovering the posts up
&lttwisting them and having them barely be visible.
FFS learn how to make a basic screencap.


Who said I started yet?


It's all from /GET/, stop cherrypicking. Also you missed several screencaps that are pretty necessary for a complete picture.
>Muh fursecution!
Good lord furries love drama. The thread clearly points out the same points as made in >>2009
Furry posting is fine here on the chans, 'cause we're just fucking around.
to quote an anon on /GET/
>official profiles memeing like that is a fuck-up.


>It's all from /GET/, stop cherrypicking
Nvm, I'm making a collage of everytime you've said "wrong", "strawman" and "cherrypicking"


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>still no argument
&ltmaking another (cherrypicked) collage
Do you enjoy being so mad?


Yeah I saw that you got shit for banning those guys for suggesting illegal shit like "gas all the X" and people just honed in on the anti-furry argument. Thanks for keeping a rather good composure, I'm sure it's tough when a lot of people shit talk about your decisions even though what you did was right, the court of public opinion is a sonuvabitch I tell you what.


>gas all the X
Nobody said that
>people just honed in on the anti-furry argument
Because a lot of posters made objective arguments why furry should remain on chans and other niche areas.
>a lot of people shit talk about your decisions even though what you did was right
Considering the ban was lifted by other mods… banning everyone who writes "fuck furries" is stupid bullshit, especially when others who type up disingenuous /pol/-tier bait are ignored (like sage poster) despite calls from people to ban. Stop bootlicking.


>Yeah I saw that you got shit for banning those guys for suggesting illegal shit like "gas all the X"
imagine a mod banning someone for a shitpost


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for the irl leftist org i do stuff with, half the members are either trans, furries or both
it's pretty great


>I am a radlib
What a shock


stop being addicted to pornography and go outside and talk to normal people


Great you've ruined SotS for me now


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Now that's what I call solidarity.


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i learned one of my professors (stem) is a devoted socialist because he puts his pronouns in his emails
later i learned he had worked with a marxist-leninist i know (nonbinary) to organize union negotiations
"leftism but without the weirdos" only exists online


Disregard shitweeb dudebros.


Well yeah, the population in general is quite varied and diverse, online it's easy to hide intentions, interests and general standings and it's easy to appear to generally neutral in terms of stance which is harder to hide irl when your general actions create a pattern of your personality. Socialism and communism isn't about creating a uniform thought pattern, it's about uniting everyone under a common goal, to alienate any group, especially marginalised ones, is counterproductive. It's "workers of the world unite" not "only some of the workers who I agree with on a surface level unite" after all.


>a devoted socialist because he puts his pronouns in his emails
lol wut?
>a marxist-leninist i know (nonbinary)
&ltleftism but without the weirdos
imagine equating gender dysphoria and sexual identity to a literal fetish.

>not "only some of the workers who I agree with on a surface level unite"
The irony of this is tangible yet subtle.


kill yourself


File: 1608525605573.png ( 222.03 KB , 384x383 , leftypolfur.png )

social conservatism is intersectional, a person who hates one deviant is much more likely to hate more, that's the only way i equate them
i'm just pointing out that socially conservative leftism falls apart irl due to the sheer volume of the people around you who will fall into these categories




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that's a pretty nice speech, but it would be better if it was addressed at what we are saying


Yeah basically that; when it comes down to socialism it's the bourg versus everyone else, there is no "mostly" everyone else, it's not everyone except that lot over there, it's not everyone except that guy Joe cause he made a Pee Pee joke once. Any socialist movement relies on the momentum and power that solidarity brings with it, to divide amongst ourselves over petty aesthetics, identity politics etc is just counterrevolutionary. There's a lot of different branches of the left I can't stand, I'm not fond of anarchists, I don't like Leftcoms, I think tankies need to be more critical, but they are not the bourg, after a revolution then petty opinions on how onions will be distributed under socialism can begin, but until then anyone you don't like but isn't bourg isn't a fucking bourg. There are people who are detrimental to the movement, who are blinded by bourg propaganda, those who sell themselves out of narcissism or to get a few scraps of the food, but again they are not the bourg themselves, petty-bourg at best like cops.

Sorry for the off topic rant but holy shit I hate sectarianism and division. It's like having 1991 flashbacks.


how mature
> socially conservative leftism falls apart irl due to the sheer volume of the people around you who will fall into these categories
No-one is talking about "no fun" I'm just saying that being socialist shouldn't be relevant to sexualities and fetishes. Or at least in public. As I pointed out before, a furry commie poster isn't the problem, its the rather fetishistic image chosen.


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Anyway y'all are gay


>its the rather fetishistic image chosen
Nah, that's what makes it so good. A furry communist everyone's seen in a cringe compilation, but furry communist wg? It's a novelty. My money's on that the next big thing will be some "step on the fash" poster that looks a little too much like the fash is enjoying it.


File: 1608525606318.jpg ( 26.5 KB , 631x490 , nick feels good.jpg )

Nice mang


>topic on 3rd page

yo where ma dogs at



Meh I'm just waiting for all the people having aneurysms over seeing furries to get bored and find something else to type angrily about so I can get back to looking at funny fox pictures.


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We can still use this topic regardless though, the porn will act as normie repellent.

Post moar funny fox pictures


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>No bullying Fuck off.
You furfags are meant to be bullied.

if you ignore /pol/tards, pedos and redditors or in other words around 90% of imageboard users, furfags are by far the worst people on imageboards.
And now you’re telling me I’m not allowed to tell you to yiff in hell.
Honestly just go and kys


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Man I'm not even a furfag, but you're just fucking annoying


File: 1608525611096.png ( 136.06 KB , 680x830 , 1412165448.natechan_141190….png )

how was your day anon?


That probably means that I'm part of that 90% of people worse than furries


decent, drank some coffee and went out to play badminton


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Can we talk about why you feel this way? Is it because deep down n8 makes you feel funny in your peepee?


File: 1608525612224.jpg ( 223.55 KB , 979x849 , YOUR TEARS FEED HEERO YUY.jpg )

You must be 18 years age or older to browse this website.


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Time to print as many copies as I can and share them at the next furcon!


Both my boyfriends are furries and they're both sexy af fembois soooooooooo S H U T


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I'm a big fan of Legend of Grimrock, Redwall, Sly Cooper, Fables, Banjo Kazooie & Yooka Laylee, and of course the one, the only Robin Hood.


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Why do all the furry femboys only date chad ;-;


who the fuck is the guy with the buttcheeks?


I think it might be a jojo?


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Despite having all kinds of amazing animals to choose from, furries always go for a fucking wolf.
Explain this phenomenon to me


Broly from Dragon Ball.


The majority of furries are not canines. However, there is certainly a canine plurality. Is that so surprising though? They are man's best friend after all and have many attractive characteristics both physically and in terms of temperament.


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I'd probably say foxes are more popular for sex reasons and fennecs are cute. Also knots. And the fact it's easier to do art and suits with cats/dogs etc then something like a deer or owl.


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But isn't that circular? The reason foxes are seen as a sex symbol is because they became a sex symbol originally. How did that happen? I suppose my theory is that they're a naturally twinky counterpoint to the more masculine wolf/dog and so faggots were drawn to them.


So all furries are fags?


If anthro foxes every exist it must be heard being one of their females.


As I remember the latest large furry study/survey said (male) furries are about 1/3rd gay, 1/3rd bi, and 1/3rd straight


Disney's Robin Hood started a lot of wheels turning in a lot of kids' heads. In general, foxes being more sexualized was common in early cartoons. It is, after all, the fox who's eyes pop out of his head when he makes an awooga sound because he saw a sexy lady. And in broader language, you have slang terms like "foxy."
So the pump was primed for foxes to be the go to furry sex symbol.


>political commas
who’s the top left?


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Omnivorous sluts, very often with faggish demeanor but not always. You're supposed to be able to tell from their favored species what kinds of aesthetics they prefer

amen. it goes way back


Fantastic Mr Fox, good movie if you haven't seen it


>Omnivorous sluts

excuse you, I'm a veggie


Shutup and take my meat in your mouth, slut.


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Being an anti-furry must be a truly depressing existence, I can understand not being totally into furry stuff are being impassive about it but having a knee-jerk reaction to every time you see a more-than-a-little-fur cat/foxgirl/boy really limits the amount of great shit you can see on the internet. I noticed recently that I have become completely desensitised to when porn art is furry or normal, 90% of online art has some furry stuff in it, most online fetish projects are also furry(TiTS, CoC etc) to lock yourself off to such stuff in the name of uhhhhhh whatever anti-furries believe in is honestly baffling. They must have sticks up their asses or something and I can't help but wonder why when they haven't seen the wonders delving into the deepest corners of the internet to look at kinky shit.


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People have such knee jerk reactions because furries are everywhere and it starts to get tiring for a lot of people who just want to avoid this. Especially in leftypol and other discussion forums; as was rightfully asserted, furries is a niche, fetishistic interest and should be kept to appropriate places for that purpose (like this thread), so when people see it put into the open like the IWW did, their quiet frusteration boils over.


It doesn't even have to be that. The mere sight of an anthropomorphic animal is enough to drive these idiots mad.


And infantilism is as niche a fetish as you can get, yet here we are.


The thing is though how are furry images any different from the omnipresent anime images online like on this site?


> how are furry images any different from the omnipresent anime images online like on this site
Anime isn't intrinsically niche or related to fetishes. It is a literal cartoon. Furries are inherently sexual in nature.
Also nobody spergs out if you post a SFW furry pic while discussing something, people get aggravated when people try to insert full out furfag shit (like the Inflation fetish shit the IWW posted). People don't like full-blown animu discussion on leftypol either, it belongs on hobby as an aside for non-serious discussion and interaction, forming a clear definition between serious discussion and politics and posters just horsing around.

TL;DR: posting SFW pics of a anthro animal or an anime girl isn't the issue but going full Weeb/Furfag is. The only reason furries were a hot topic of derision recently is because of how retarded it is to insert that into a "serious" workers organization. There is no point pandering to a minority fetish subculture with divisive radical left politics when its supposed to be addressed towards the working class as a whole, irrelevant to what your legal bedroom antics are.


>Furries are inherently sexual in nature.
Talk about projecting. Were Robin Hood/Zootopia just porn for children?
I agree with your general sentiment btw, but saying furries are inherently sexual is hilarious because that basically implies you're turned on by them and mad that you can't help it.


>Robin Hood/Zootopia just porn for children
&lttalking about projecting while buying into this shit
Robin Hood is not the same as being a furry. It was an anthropomorphism of animals around a classic british legend. Sexual attraction to animals was never even a glimmer in their minds. Zootopia was obviously pandered at furries as seen with the gratuitous yet SFW 'sexual' poses.
>saying furries are inherently sexual is hilarious because that basically implies you're turned on by them and mad that you can't help it.
Hardly. Its a square-rectangle situation. Furries like anthro animals but liking anthro-animals is not automatically furry. Furries are a fetishization of anthromorphs.


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>Furries are a fetishization of anthromorphs
This seems more like just how you view it, there may be a lot of fetishization going in the furry fandom but again that doesn't make it inherent.
>as was rightfully asserted, furries is a niche
Weren't you the one pushing that narrative? Talk about tooting your own horn.


>Weren't you the one pushing that narrative
&lteveryone who says [X] is 1 person
>it's just you
Holy fuck reign in the delusion pal
>Rick and Morty
Never mind I'm out. sage


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>literally doesn't even refute it


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arguing with fools is to be an even bigger fool. Refutation is arguing


&ltad hominem


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>Furaffinity down cause of a DDoS attack
Fuck, guess e621 it is for the next while.


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What did anon mean by this OP?


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Are you claiming to not like stockings?


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in that context.


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So you're just racist against Sonics?


in that context.


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Cmon, you gotta admit they're cute sometimes


I'm the OP of that, I just didn't have anything else in my gallery lmao


I have to say that despite all the cringe and my past prejudice towards furries, you fellas have good taste in fembois


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>tfw nobody engaged with the analysis in/of these manifestos and their developments


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you could do it annon


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Ok ok, I'll try read them. Sorry, the tone in this thread feels a bit low for serious stuff.

I also deleted my book reports cause they took up like half the thread lol, sorry about that.


Don't delete your stuff, I enjoyed reading them!


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Haha. Well thank you man, I saved it as a word document, here it is again in pastebin form so it's less spam.




Can you do some more?


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umm, annon


Thanks, I'll check it out!

Ayy carena, I'll just do this

lol I was gonna attach a word doc but it doesn't work. Oh well, I'll make it a PDF I guess


We must preserve Marxist analysis of furry fanfic to ensure hypertension for future historians.




Sauce on first pic?


Martin gang


ngl this thread is kind slow, anyone know of any furry chans that have the same speed or higher of what 8/fur/ used to have


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why don't you just post more, dork?


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Apparently the Italians and the Argentinians pooled some resources together to make a furry noah's ark movie back in 2007 and i legitimately think it was some kind of crazy satanic plot to turn poor, sweet, innocent christian kids into bisexual furries. What the hell man.



If you ain't seen Judas and Jesus then you ain't seen nothing


>the Italians and the Argentinians pooled some resources together
nothing good can come from this sentence


what the fuck man


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Oh fuck there's a new Nekojishi and it's on the MOTHERFUCKING SWITCH, HOLY SHIT ARE YOU OK NINTENDO????


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damn what's this cutie's name again


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Oh yeah it's Reggie &lt3

Damn e621 and their stupid policies that I have to look him up on pornhub now




and here's a bonus


Sometimes I wish I liked baras more so I could appreciate stuff like this, oh well


What happened with the e621 policies? Also Nekojishi has 1 twink, it's that brown one and he got a cute butt.


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For years e6 had a bunker on head retarded 'tag what you see' policy where male chars would be tagged as female if their gender could not be seen in the pic (and vice versa) except unsurprisingly this didn't really apply to established big characters so it was only OCs primarily affected even though you could just look at their gallery and see the characters gender. Which ticked off lots of artists (for reasons which I think are kinda dumb but w/e) and led to e6 having lots of artists pull their work, including I believe Whygena. I argued against this policy literally like 6+ years ago but it's taken this long for it to finally change, but of course those artists are still salty and don't want their work on the site, which means to find it you have to try trawl through personal galleries which have no sorting and are obviously a nightmare.

Overall a retarded policy, no idea why it was implemented in the first place besides admin autism, no idea why it lasted this long, too little too late now. But of course there's no e6 alternative so there we go.

Also, he does look pretty cute, but still I'm not gonna buy it for one char.

At least this nigga's game (2nd left top) was free even if it was full of baras too.


Man if had a dick as big as that rat I'd be upset if I got called a girl too.


>Thailand Furries
I don’t if this is a good or bad idea.


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>thailand furries
>but all the characters are baras and not femboys


Have you seriously never seen or heard of Nekojishi before?


I think I just realized why I am obsessed with reading furry sci-fi/fantasy fiction. Because the real world sucks. Paying pills sucks, working sucks, sitting in traffic sucks. The worlds in fiction don’t suck.


Fucking Analockman is here now


>Literal zoophiles on leftypol
And you wonder why normies think we’re freaks


We all had to deal with the kero the wolf drama.


because you need replies for posts to be worthwhile. filling the thread with your own posts won't get you anywhere.


Hot take: Furries aren't zoophiles by default
Nuclear take: zoophilia isn't even strictly immoral anyway


But animals can't consent


Yet we still slaughter and eat them.

Animals can consent sorta, in an animal way, obviously it's not quite that simple as in humans but you can tell if an animal does or doesn't want to do something.


Shut up and go back to fucking people wearing fursuits furfag


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Wow make an argument anytime


Animal's don’t have human rights.


Unironically why do you find dog’s more attractive than your own species? How is wanting to fuck non-human species not totally mental?
I honestly wonder if sexual liberalism will finally end in justifying pedophilia, because I don’t see what other way it can realistically go.


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mental health is a spook


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>Unironically why do you find dog’s more attractive than your own species?

Well that's not exactly the case, it's not like dogs turn me on only or humans don't turn me on, I appreciate their unique characteristics I guess. Like how you might like different types of humans in a sexual way I guess. As for why, well, I don't really know, probably a dash of genetics, a sprinkle of childhood experiences, and shake it all up. It's not like I chose it.

>How is wanting to fuck non-human species not totally mental?

Well it's certainly abnormal but is 'mental' the right word? I don't know. I don't think it's mental anymore than other weird fetishes.

>I honestly wonder if sexual liberalism will finally end in justifying pedophilia, because I don’t see what other way it can realistically go.

I honestly think our current approach where we pretend children are completely asexual until they turn 18 is pretty dumb, I think there's certainly more room for nuance in our approach. I don't know exactly what the right solution is for that one, I would like to see overall a more open society about sex and sexuality. So call me the radlib menace if you want I guess.

Anyway that answer your question?


>when you come over from /pol/, use all the same stawman but it's okay, you're a "conservative socialist" now
your ilk needs the bullet, it's the only cure


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>everything I don't like is paedophilia
Oh god it's the "anime is paedophilia" gang again.

Time to dump content to artificially dilute their posts.


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Good to see bunkerchan is shitting itself.


you are a rapist if you want to have sex with animals


>If you've ever wanted to do something, you've already committed the sin in your heart
Ok Eric Hovind

Also if you eat meat then you're already infinitely worse than me even if I did fuck dogs. Some animals want to fuck humans, none of them want to be butchered.


furry is more powerful than politics, when the two combine furry wins out. the implications of this will never be grasped.


I don't eat meat.
And no they still are better than you.


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Why? How could I possibly be worse?

abloo bloo bloo, the poor doggy can't consent ;_; but industrial genocide of the animal kingdom is okay because, err idk we don't get off from it ':^D


whatever helps you sleep at night, animal rapist
two wrongs don't make a right
the way they do thing is wrong but doesn't justify your crap.

people who eat meat are better than you since food is needed to live and sex is not.

Justify with all the mental gymnasitics and finger pointing you want to do. Non vegetarians are still better than you rapists.


A:I'm not the same poster as the other one you're responding to and don't wanna have sex with full-on animals, there's a reason why I like anthro

And B: First it's peadophilia and now it's rape? If you're gonna make a failed argument at least keep your story straight.


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morality is a spook


i'm not the guy who called you pedos.
just rapists that is IF you want to have sex with animals or justify people having sex with animals

Also why does your fetish community always fallback on the same shitty argument that >muh animal husbandry industry does it too so that makes us not as bad or >muh morality

like eating animals for nourishment is better than fucking them for pleasure. i say this as a vegan.
no two ways about it.


You're right two wrongs don't make a right but you're out here fully triggered and freaking out at me over me just making this argument, but when you're out in the high street and you walk past a McDs do you go in there and scream at them about the immorality of their actions? No, because meat eating is socially normalised even though it's clearly more harmful to animals and more cruel.

Look I'm not even saying all bestiality is okay, far from it, I personally have never engaged in it either but I'm not gonna lie I have thought about it and I couldn't say I would never do it in my life. But clearly it should be consensual also. "But animals can't give consent" well they have sex with each other, so is it just they can't give consent to humans? What's the difference? A dog will hump your leg when it's horny or stick its nose in your crotch, is that rape? Am I raping him if I do nothing but sit there and he's the active one? Do you not see how this is totally silly and arbitrary to approach it by the standards or 'argleblargle evil scum pedo rapists'?

And, I feel that I have to return to the point of industrial animal exploitation, is it rape when cows are penned up for bulls by humans or atificially inseminated? How about when humans build machines to milk prize stallions of their semen for profit? I mean that's surely not for survival is it?


>How about when humans build machines to milk prize stallions of their semen for profit?
That's a waste of horse cum.


who is triggered and freaking out here?
i'm just stating stuff and checking back in time to time since i'm bored from staying in. i'll stop but i'm never going to agree since i'm absolutely right

animals can't give consent. animals do sexually assault other animals.
rape is not silly and don't try to make bestiality as some slippery slope bullshit.
the things you said are also awful and should also be illegal.


>muh animal husbandry industry does it too so that makes us not as bad
Eating meat is justified because might makes right, if animals could fight back no one would do it. Might makes right also applies to zoophilia, if you can do it, you can do it.


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>just rapists that is IF you want to have sex with animals or justify people having sex with animals

There's no such thing as a 'thought rapist'

>Also why does your fetish community always fallback on the same shitty argument that >muh animal husbandry industry does it too so that makes us not as bad or >muh morality

Because it's a pretty obvious paralel to draw. If society wants to stop eating meat and stop all the grotesque exploitation of the natural world then maybe, maybe, I will entertain their criticisms of my fetish, until then it's literally just 'unusual thing bad'.

>like eating animals for nourishment is better than fucking them for pleasure. i say this as a vegan.

That's just you being megaspooked by society

Agreed, it's a lot better from the tap.

Oh, well, you don't have to stop I guess but I just don't see the point in your hate/disgust. You should reserve that for zoosadists who are the ones that actually deserve the bullet

>animals can't give consent. animals do sexually assault other animals.

How can they sexually assault each other only sometimes if they can't give consent anyway? You're basically just retreating into absurdity by arguing animals are the same as children.

>rape is not silly and don't try to make bestiality as some slippery slope bullshit.

Your argument is silly. Rape in the traditional sense is bad of course but society has also vastly extended the use of the word 'rape' to circumstances it really shouldn't apply.

>the things you said are also awful and should also be illegal.

You mean me or meat?

That's an interesting thought anon but this is a leftist board, I think you're in the wrong place


>raping bad

>muh muh spooks

>muh whataboutism
everytime. it can't be a politically incorrect website without people justifying objectively awful actions and pretending it is society that's wrong always.

animal shaggers go into the gulag.


If I bend over and let a dog fuck me, without me doing anything, is that rape? How?


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Down the road, not across the street, tourist

And actual zoophiles fuck off too, there's a reason the furry community actively shuns zoophilia and it's not just because being enough of a fucktard to sexually molest a real life animal is disgusting in of itself, and why even feral-styled characters (eg. MLP and some pokemon) are shown as having sapience.


>That's an interesting thought anon but this is a leftist board, I think you're in the wrong place
The working class has the ultimate might, this is why they will win. Demographics are destiny, and 95% of the population is proletarian.


>muh poor puperino
say I fuck a dog, what’s the dog gonna do to stop me, it can’t stop me, it can’t report me to the police, beasteality bans are unenforcible


If anthros existed irl would the also get carrona?


In anthro world there's no sickness or STDs and if someone eats you you just come back to life anyways so I'm guessing no


General speaking viruses don't cross the inter-species boundary which is why household cats and stuff don't catch it. On the other hand a bat anthro would be doubly fucked by COVID-19.


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keep the bats safe


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not fucking funny


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No hazmat suits for bats, bat colonies are under sanctions.
>The Bats are unreliable, and are frankly just bad people, we don’t like em’. On foxes get hazmat suits.
t Trump


The bats are bring drugs, they are bringing crime, and frankly some I assume are good people


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Somebody posted this in a pol topic, no idea why but it's kinda cute lol

Before you can even look away, the ausar woman’s on you like a animal, spinning you around and pinning you down on the table, hands held behind your back. You yelp out in surprise, nearly drowned out by the jeering of some of the nearby dive dwellers. “Silly little bitch, thought he could actually outshoot me. Well, a deal’s a deal, meat,” Syri chuckles, roughly tearing off your comfortable clothes, undershirt, and boyshorts to expose your nice derriere. Your tiny member pops free in the process, flopping helplessly against the edge of the game table as your clothes are torn off. It throbs with your quickening heartbeat as the alien undresses you, hardening slightly as you hear her own trousers drop. Syri’s pants hug her ankles as the alien girl pushes you down hard and gropes your bottom, clawed fingers scouring the sensitive flesh. You wince as she digs her fingers into you, squirming under her domineering assault.

“Stop moving, dammit,” she snaps, giving you a hard smack on the ass. You yelp, feeling your anxious pucker clenching and tool throbbing as the alien dickgirl spits into her hand, slathering a little bit of much-needed lube onto her own cock. You feel a hand spreading your cheeks, and brace yourself for the coming reaming - only to feel a gentle caress. You look over your shoulder, seeing Syri on her knees behind you, cheek rubbing on your taut flesh. “What?” she snaps, giving you a sudden swat that sends shivers up your spine and quivers through your skin. “I’m an ass girl like you wouldn’t believe. Humans have the best butts in the whole wide galaxy. So soft and squishy and gropable, I could fuck ‘em for days and days. And you… have a magnificient ass. Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.”

Chuckling to herself, Syri lets her long, rounded tongue drag through the cleft of your behind, stopping at the top to reverse course, slipping down and down your ass until she reaches the base of your diminutive dick. Your ignored member jumps to life as Syri’s tongue laps at the hilt of your prick, bringing you to full mast in a matter of moments. “Poor little guy, looks so lonely down here. He needs a nice, tight little ass to fill, huh? Maybe if you step up your game, you’ll get to fuck mine,” she says, planting a kiss on your head. She steps back, standing and grabbing her prick and stroking it fiercely. She grunts with effort, vigorously jerking herself off as one of her hands caresses your tight asshole, thumb pushing and probing at your tightly clenched hole.

“What’s that adorable rhyme you humans have? Little fig, little fig, let me in,” she coos, “or I’ll woof and I’ll woof and I’ll fuck your ass in.”

You grimace, but relax as much as possible, letting her probing thumb in. Syri sighs happily, still vigorously stroking off as her thumb plays around in your kiester, getting you nice and ready for the real fun. When she finally pulls out, you’re left feeling strange and empty, though not for long. Syri moves in, grabbing your flared hips and slipping her cock into your crack, letting you feel all eight inches of red puppy pecker, from pointy tip to the thickening knot at her base. You dread the moment when that monster comes, but you can’t help but wiggle your flared hips as Syri starts to move hers, thrusting into your moistened crack. A wet squelching sound taints the air as the ausar girl humps your behind with short, eager movements that soon have a big, swelling something pushing your cheeks apart.

Leaning down right next to your ear, Syri breathes, “You know, an Ausar knot can stay filled for hours. Your earth dogs have nothing on us, Retard.” She leaves you with a wet, affectionate lick across the cheek as she straightens and leans back, gripping her giant bitch-breaking boner and lining up with your puckered hole. You brace yourself as the pointed tip presses against your tight anus, barely putting any pressure on your ass at all before she leans back, grabs your flanks, and rams it home. Your mouth gapes in a wordless, silent scream, your voice failing as inch after inch of throbbing alien cock slams into your ass, stretching you apart. Your fingers dig into the tables, leaving long marks as your anal passage becomes Syri’s personal cocksleeve, wrapping around the girthy girl-boner until her thickening knot presses against you, utterly hilted.

“O-oh shit you’re tight… what were you doing, betting this little pucker, huh? Trying to suffocate my cock or something?”

You groan, entire body shuddering around the thick prick spearing it. Syri keeps still inside you, her veiny cock pulsing and throbbing in your clenched anal tunnel, letting you slowly adjust to its presence before she moves. Involuntarily, your body shivers as you feel a thick, steaming hot plop of canine pre drip into your ass, much hotter than any human seed. You groan as the ausar girl gently rocks her hips, dragging the smear down your rectal walls until just her tip is spearing you, holding your hole open as she adjusts her grip on your curvy hips and slides back in. She pauses at each zenith of movement, fucking you with agonizing slowness. Your dick twitches against the table’s side each time her thick tip rolls across your prostate, and soon you’re dribbling a steady stream of Alabaster, staining the faux wood and dripping onto the floor. Pretty soon, you’ve left a nice little lake between Syri’s furry legs.

Again and again the ausar’s hips slap loudly into your nice rear end, the sound of flesh on flesh echoing as your dog-cocked dominator picks up the pace, hammering your ass with increasing vigor. Soon, her long tongue lolls listlessly from her agape mouth. Syri’s panting with pleasure as she spears you over and over on her long knotty rod. You can feel a lake of her hot, salty pre bubbling in your hole, thick streams of it leaking out around her pounding prick to stain your thighs. Suddenly, a huge geyser of the thick alien cream seems to erupt into you; you cry out as Syri picks up to a furious pace, moaning with abandon as her prick spasms into you, flooding you with what feels like an endless tide of her cum. The boiling batter comes and comes, every thrust dumping more of her hot seed into your bowels until you feel bloated, stomach churning with the oncoming flood of ausar-cum.

Minutes pass, leaving you heaving and groaning and pinned to the table as Syri collapses atop you, breasts pressing hard into your back. Her cock twitches in your rectum, little trickles of her cooling seed dribbling out around her engorged knot, just outside your worn hole. “How’s it feel to be mounted and bred, fox boy?” she chuckles, her tone surprisingly affectionate. “Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy being my little bitch for the night, Retard. A perfect ass like this…” she gropes your cheek, kneading it between downy fingers, “…can’t possibly lie.”

Your only reply is a low moan as she gently rocks her hips back, pulling her spent prick from your ass. “Just be glad I didn’t give you the knot, or we’d be here for hours. Of course, if that’s what you really want, little bitch, I’m sure that can be arranged. ”

Syri chuckles as she pulls out, leaving your hole feeling empty and well-stretched; your stomach gurgles plaintively, churning as her thick cum drools throughout your bowels. Plenty of it leaks out your tight pucker, dripping onto the dusty floor. She steps back and pulls up her pants, giving you a playful swat on the nice bottom as she saunters away to the bar, high-fiving some of the other regulars who just watched you get thoroughly plowed. Red-faced and leaking, you gather your gear and stumble to the restroom to get cleaned up.




I wonder how the species stuff would work in an anthro society, I assume it'd essentially be the equivalent of race or it might just go full on [i]Zootopia[/i] Beastars.


I think it depends a lot on if there are non furry animals for the predators to eat, I wouldn't be that shocked if, assuming all anthro species evolved sapience at the same time, there was a huge war of extinction with the prey species winning due to their faster breeding + much easier dietary needs + the fact that technology (even primitive spears) pretty much neutralises most of predators' natural advantages


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I find it grimly funny that this thread went swiftly from discussion bout furries to straight up shitposting and apologism… pretty pathetic TBH.


link to where you found this hfur stuff?


Ah fuck its TiTs… Game has a lot of sexy scenes but because Fenoxo updates every goddamn week and can't finish the fucking thing it makes playing the game deadening as you try to maneuver through all traps and bullshit. only to hit dead-ends because you missed some vague item or he released an unfinished idea way before even remotely getting it finished.


That's how imageboards work in a nutshell tbh.


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Yeah I mean, idk what you were really expecting anon, but if you want to have a serious conversation then go for it.

Dang, I did say I would read that guy's manifesto, but, talking about porn is just more fun.


>assuming all anthro species evolved sapience at the same time, there was a huge war of extinction
Bring new meaning to the phrase “let slip the dogs of war.”


is anyone else weirded out by suddenly remembering that the person behind the dog avatar is actually a human being, usually one as weird looking as themselves, but from america and with commission money


Not anymore than the person with the anime avatar or whatever, the human face is boring, at least a furry pic tells you more about the person's personality (like for example if they're a pink fox/bunny/sylveon with heart eyes you know they're a cock loving little cute slut)


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>and with commission money
I highly doubt most furfags have the money to pay for commissions
>from America
nah, it’s more likely from western Europe


compare that map to the burger map, the fandom might of started in burgerland, but it’s more popular in Europe


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Other than CoC and TiTS is there other text-base porn games?


Don't think there's any that are as full functioned, what were you after in particular?


Actually NVM, I just thought of one, you should play Paraphore, super long and actually emotional and moving (to me). I genuinely felt broke up by it at parts. But you have to be able to tolerate cub


I actually have played Paraphone some time ago, seemed nice, but I kinda lost interest after wards for whatever reason.

>what were you after in particular?

Companions that you can romance, the ability to submit without having to lose a fight, seduction actually being useful, being able to recruit the enemies I defeat and stuff.
Only Lilith's Throne come to mind to this, but it gets repetitive after a while.


Ehh, not furry but free cities is fairly fun, other than that can't really recommend anything else. I'd advise you to give Paraphore another chance anyway, but, up to you OFC.


Ty anyways Anon.


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I actually considered making a video about Paraphore cause it moved me so much for my YT channel (when I actually still used it) but I knew I'd get called a pedo and cancelled so meh


I was planing to learn how to use Twine to make my fantasy state building/management porn game where you can recruit monster from the forest (either by defeating them by combat or convincing them through dialogue/seduction), but I don't understand how is it suppose to work even with a guide so I gave up, maybe I'll give it another go once I'm done learning 3d and stuff.

>I'd get called a pedo and cancelled
I always found the reaction towards cub/shota/loli to be incredibly weird, like, I get that media can influence the way we perceive stuff and whatever, but some people (excluding the ones that where abuse/know someone that was abuse, that's understandable) have this vitriolic hate for that type of art


There's this weird CoC lite game called Nimin that I used to play a lot but isn't really supported anymore.


Not exactly a furry but OP's image brings back a few memories.

Anyone else remember with infinitechan was just becoming popular with all the refugees and there was this sense of optimism that pervaded leading to such a burst of new creativity ? People were really excited about establishing a new identity, a new beginning. Kinda nostalgic now, although it really wasn't that long ago.


>I highly doubt most furfags have the money to pay for commissions
i mean if they have a furry avatar they probably do, unless you're on amino or something where actual children just "steal" art.


Meh I've used avatars that I didn't commission for years, not every furry has a firm sense of fursona identity but just want to be furry


fursonans seem to be a gen x thing, furfags that are millennials and zoomers usually don’t have them


i'd say they're even more common with people who're 18-25 than with people who came of age in the 90s/2000s. (who sometimes still lack a fursona and only have "characters")


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Hi guys, editor of New Multitude here (https://medium.com/new-multitude) I know fa about Furry fandom, and tbh didn't even realise there was a leftist component to it.

I like the writing of the manifesto for a furry future. Would someone here be willing to write an article for the site explaining the intersection between furry and leftism for the uninitiated?


No, stop. You're taking this to serious. This is like writing an article about how leftism relates to getting stoned.


the point is that this sort of fluffy stuff (no pun intended) can help recruit people to leftism through it's very nature of being a non traditional political channel.


>can help recruit people to leftism
You won’t convert people to leftism through argument s on furafinity or dievent art, at best you might convert a person, a single person. At best.


It's kind of likely seeing furry shit on the site will turn more people off friend


What's n8?


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Stop appearing in the overboard




Furry is unironically the ultimate reddit filter, as evidenced by certain people on this thread.


I hope you're not referring to our friend the analyst.


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Is it on Pirate’s Bay?


I got up to episode 6 on GoGo cause I'm a scrub.


most people under 20 who are into anthro shit aren’t really part of the “furry community” they just post about furries on the web and fap to furry porn


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objectively big cats are the best


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>this thread


quarantine is killing my mental health


Do you want a smooch in your booboo?


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>your mental health is only just now breaking due to corona

haha, casual


non furry here, when did u first realise u were a furry?


furry isn’t an identity it’s a hobby/interest


okay, then when did u first start getting into furry ism?


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How can I be supportive to my little sister who is into furry stuff? Can I just keep avoiding the topic? The whole thing makes me very uncomfortable but she seems to bring it up in conversation a lot.


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Human rights are a spook, morality is a spook, consent is a spook, and it is STILL not okay to fuck animals.


When I first started getting turned on by sonic/starfox etc characters I guess. Though I was probably more into anthro stuff than most kids even before that but didn't realise.


i'd consider it an identity tbh.
t. anthropomorphic enthusiast who restricts interaction with furries to imageboards


Have you tried politely telling her that furry isn't your thing?


>anime image

The closest thing to polite he'll be regarding her furriness is felony assault of a child. And that's on a good day.


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stop this sectarianism


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Thoughts on this?


>regularly see people posting about how furry is the kindest, most welcoming place they've ever been and how easily they've made friends in the fandom
>every time i've attempted to get involved i just got ignored or overlooked while other people who joined at the same time made friendships quickly
it really gets me down. i don't even really want to be in the fandom anymore, i'm just sad that whatever it is that makes it special to some people will never work for me. worse, that i'll never know why that is. are other people more pushy and outgoing than i am, so they got noticed? maybe, but most furs say they're introverts. are they just plain more interesting people? is it because i'm poor? was it because they're more talented? is it because i have undiagnosed autism? is it because they consider everyone they've spoken to friends, and actually are just as ignored as i was? was it because i don't have any art i haven't badly drawn myself? is it that i lack any sense of identity? was it because i stayed clear of nsfw? am i just rude without knowing it? do people have some 6th sense that i'm lacking, and can they detect that lack?
it could be any reason, or none of those. i'm not even really sure why i'm posting this here, it's not like any of you could explain why i persistently fail just from a vague description of failed attempts to use forums and discords by someone who isn't really here for what the fandom is about and just found themselves lured in by the aesthetic and by loneliness. i just can't stop it coming back into my mind every so often: a feeling that there's a party in the fandom and everyone's invited. (except me.)


When he said "Long live Lenin kill the Tsar" my head and spine went all tingly. Is this why people watch those ASMR videos?


Interactivity in the furry fandom is like any other fandom, don't be surprised that the furry fandom is a furry *pause* fandom. I mean look at "popufurs" and the usual drama. Sure it panders to introverts but it doesn't somehow make introverts sociable, if that were the case comicon would be just a massive meet-and-greet [i]it kinda is tbh[/i]. Don't focus on the social part of furries, you'll be sorely disappointed and I say don't let it ruin furries for you either, I almost did myself because of some personal drama until I realized drawings of fox fembois don't care about drama.

Socializing can bite my ass.


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is this what depression sounds like


I want a fox to jack me off


…Don't be. Furries aren't horrible people, but getting involved in this shit is a fucking slippery slope, don't let your sister go down that soul-sucking path…




R00d. You know I'll just make another one right?


>KiIlling the containment thread that keeps the furries out of our hair
Are you an idiot?


i'd bet on making this thread cyclical first considering how the fuckin mods are on the side of you stupid cumbrained badly-dressed furfuckers




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Why the hostility maaaan? You don't need this negative energy in your life. Just accept the things that you cannot change, like your lusting after fluffy boys and girls.


tell me why there is so much drama steaming from the furry community?


it's culturally dominated by people with big disposable incomes, big egos, and no real problems.


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A new chan (9chan.tw) popped up made by the Kiwifarms guy using a new interface. It is currently stable and has decent traffic despite some spam problems early on on other boards.






It's not bad for an altchan right now, given the fate of fatchan and 8kun.


Most drama actually comes from twits like this >>4123 >>4191 who have aneurysms when they see a jpeg on the internet
I don't trust new chans tbqfhwy fam-alam-a-damn.


ah yes, the majority of drama drama inside the furry fandom is started by
a) anti-furries
b) people who only participate on imageboards.

that makes total sense. i can see why furries would have big internal disagreements about… people who hate them, and people who they've never heard of.


Calm your tits child.


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anti-skub causes skub drama, this is a well known rule of the internet


quit talking animal assaulters.


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What good Kemono is out there?


And yeah I know Kemono friends isn't actually Kemono.


FYI: 8kun /fur/ has a new BO (Bell) who seems to be (at the very least) left-leaning. He talks about materialism and stuff a few times in the now deleted Meta thread.


plz no




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>using TERF language


File: 1608525846050.jpg ( 339.2 KB , 750x1000 , your fandom is a business.jpg )

food for thought


They also have a decently sized leftist board.


>total revenue from commissions is $5 962
That's honestly a lot less than I thought it would be tbh


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Does 3-4 years count as new? But yeah, I'm a lefty.


i think that's total amount spent by each commissioner, not the total revenue
that said their data is from 2010 and i'm not sure i trust it. if $100 is the average price and $1000 was exchanged on FA that would imply there were only 10 commissions a month. even for 2010 that seems far too low.


>all that nationalist and bigoted shit
Looks like a place for chud shitposts and larping.


The furries in that comic are more like weird humans sub-species TBH. Their suits are expressive and they behave like regular people in them… which doesn't match up with actual furries at all as Rainfurrest demonstrates handily.


Go back to reddit


Some good furry lefty macro


A lot of garbage furries and fur-defenders, but an interesting thread regardless.


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The last pic of Macro ice-breaking reminds me of pic related (and accompanying greentext).
>The Northwest passage appears to be open, we're going through.
&ltCaptain we have rammed into a tit-anic assberg!
>Periscope up!
>….Fire torpedoes!!!
&ltNyet, tovarisch, she might clench! Exertion pressure is unknown, our boat is old compared to the the new "Penetrator" and "Insertion" class boats and may exceed the rating.
>We're rubber-coated, could that help get us out? We have to eject our seamen if we can't.
&ltPerhaps we use SONAR?
>One ping only
&ltreaction noted, spasm in the exertion
>You'd better do more than one then

>Vibrations are causing pressure to rise and fall rapidly, full reverse, both screws!
&ltWe have escaped, for now…



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>You might see clean water with TRACES OF INTESTINAL LINING.


bear related




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Q: Why is Beastars superior to Zootopia
A: It tells a Zootopia-like story but without convoluted race shit.
Race discussion is still there - it's just that there's a little more effort put into making it seem believable rather than simply transplanting the real-world equivalent directly without taking a second to realize that sentient animal people would be far more different to each other than humans are. However it is less about race and more about differences between clearly different groups. Predators ad prey aren't a dysfunctional shoe in for blacks and whites, but represent just that predators and prey.
A good video that I recommend, about this "animal-race allegory" issue is 'Zootopia, Umasou, and the Failures of Race Allegory' by Jack Saint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oR6iET6FVo


Based and Dogpilled


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Soviet Union was a world's largest war machine - perhaps the largest of ever existing - and an industrial powerhouse, a nation created by Technocrats for Technocrats; modern Left is a bunch of pretentious, weak, over-emotional kids who rarely worked a day at industrial sector (yeah, struggle for "workers rights") who want stuff for free, coordinated by a bynch of lunatics whose greatest "weapons", unlike the unimaginably large weapon arsenal of Soviets, are covert infiltration into Western governments and Academia.

Aleone is a wierd Nazbol furry communist whom I don't really agree with most of the time, but their content is great for creating rightwing/liberal butthurt: https://e621.net/posts/2319563?q=ussr
Anyone want to reactivate an e621 account and spread some pro-soviet propaganda?


I love how this thread just derailed after leftists BTFO "muh copyright" idiots about patreon porn.


Fluff-Kevlar does decent drawings, but that doesn't make them a good person.


It's become derailed even further by "free market isn't really free" fallacy.


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Here you go, anon from the past.
He's a huge Jason Unruhe fan and gets anxious around bats.




Mods deleted the whole fiasco LOL


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identity and community in general are gen x things, most millennials and zoomers have never seen a living being besides themself before, they live entirely on social media


I'm a Millennial (Probably a Early one, was born in the very tail end of the 1980's) and I still have a fursona.


>Karren Fox
would nut


we need more posts of gay human x furry


>I still have a fursona
post it


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Here ya go.


Whats his job? Onlyfans.


does he also live in his mom's basement?


>no bulge
what's even the point of being equine


Do you like cannon dicks


not much point being a big animal 4u without'em imo


>500 posts
>still no squirrel and hedgehog


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Hey man, I'm not a furry but I would fug and hug a scalie/feathery lady


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What the fuck is up with snow leopards and being dick-hungry cum-sluts? Even shay's sona is a snow leopard, and shay's a filthy pig bottom who would probably tear your pants off to play with your dick.


>Even shay's sona is a snow leopard


shay said they were considering a snep fursona but didn't want to bother commissioning an artist to draw a neon purple-spotted snow leopard and probably isn't actually that serious about having a 'sona to begin with
source: she told me


Shay told you personally? Well in any case, snow leopards are pretty cool animals.
t. Not a furry




checked MSG, can confirm.


monosodium glutamate?


this is why i don't like furrys




Late, but I like this bunkernate. He needs a name.

Also why does he get anxious around bats?


8kun/fur/ needs a Board Owner so if anyone is interested and willing to moderate, please apply. 8kun.top/fur/catalog.html is the URL. The lack of users means that bunkerchan could probably take that board over. On that topic someone created /redland/ as a new /leftypol/ on that chan.


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what da fuk is this


A thread about Zoophile furries coping and seething about
A) Being revealed as animal-fuckers
B) Trying to moralize and justify their fucked shit


Dog genitals look viscerally disgusting and repulsive, I don't understand people who are into them.



>A-at least I'm not an adult person who is attracted to other adult people!!
This can't be real


Yeah I fucked that up, I've posted there for so long I automatically refer to this place as Bunkerchan in my head.
>can't be real
Oh but it is, this is just text-shit, there is another chan which I shall not name that has users post various animal corpses they jerk off to and discuss how "cool" it is, while shitting on "normies".


>while shitting on "normies".
the word normie has lost all meaning at this point

>posted there for so long I automatically refer to this place as Bunkerchan in my head.



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Exodus to another site and let it die. 8kun is a broken rotting site with a neglectful admin and dysfunctional global moderation. It's unironically the right thing to do to leave and consolidate in a better place.
https://8chan.moe/fur/ might be a good option if you're like me and think u-18 is a shit site overrun by google connections. That said, I have heard drama surrounding 8chan.moe so investigate before you invest.


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Listen if fidning other places was the problem I'd be fine, there are roughly a dozen threads on 8kun /fur/ that are really good and it would be a real shame for them to die. The board is abandoned for the most part, Bell vanished and so did Mods, and people post sparcely, anyone/group willing could take over. Since most furry chan boards are right-wing, it would be useful to have such a niche board under leftypol's control. Moreover /redland/ is basically leftypol and is also a good outpost for leftypol.org to spread it's messages and information as a counter-balance. We can't stay stuck in our bunker forever and expect /pol/ to not continue infecting the rest of the internet - eventually we'd risk floods and spam from much, much larger groups of liberals, fascists and porky-bootlickers.
yeah that site's unusable shite and the mods delete any discussion
Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw


Well then request the board. It's really easy. Just do it. You just need to log in once a (fortnight?) to retain ownership.


but seriously, why?


>575 posts
>14 ips
I swear to god furfags…


Akchualy the reason it's 14 IPs is because 90% of this thread is mirrored from bunkerchan, since this thread dates back a while. 14 IPs are only posters on this site, and there's only like 34 dozen posts that are from this site and not mirrored.


It started with the muzzles and the dog knots, then the weird looking and unhygenic looking dog vaginas


>8kun is a broken rotting site with a neglectful admin
no u

>dysfunctional global moderation

only 60% of the time


>good option

>Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw

>Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw


>>broken rotting site with a neglectful admin
>no u
what is this, 2020?


no u
ur momo is 2020


>the word normie has lost all meaning at this point
it really has, edgy alt-girls now use that word to refer to other women, I wanted to scream at her, but for better or worse I was quite


for the better, but depending how you went about it could be really based or depressing and disturbing

Unique IPs: 16

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