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 No.5237[View All]

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
263 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ngl bros
i thought shin was just another name for the groins


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Haha no, anon.
The pubic bones are an entirely different set of bones. (Further up in the body from the shin bones.)

/hobby/! come for the recreation chat, stay for the anatomy and physiology notes


who needs school when internet strangers exist!??!?


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So apparently this is going to be the first time they have ever hosted karate at the Olympics. As a karate enthusiast, I think it's incredibly stupid that they're having kata "competitions", that's something that literally nobody but karate insiders would appreciate (and even I don't care for that stuff). I guarantee their scoring system is going to promote acrobatic leaps over fundamentals and degenerate into something that looks similar to floor gymnastics. I also think it's pretty silly to have both competitive taekwondo and competitive karate at the Olympics, they degenerate to similar combat systems in competitive sparring due to the pressure of rules and point systems. Maybe we'll see some exciting rolling heel kicks from kyokushin people though.


Oh dear god it's worse than I thought:
>In addition, the Karate kumite at the 2020 Olympics will be non-contact. “Competitors send tsuki, or punches, and keri, or kicks, with explosive force at the prescribed regions of their opponent’s body. However, a tsuki or keri never actually hits the opponent because competitors perform every tsuki and keri with absolute control, enabling them to stop the motion suddenly only millimetres before coming into contact with their opponent”.
The Japanese government seems determined to embarrass one of their most iconic athletic pastimes. People are going to have a field day ridiculing this.


The funniest part about this is that unless you fucking put on a gas mask and full body suit sweat and other water vapor is still going to go all over the competitors and nearby areas. Honestly I hope someone hides a speaker and plays sneezes and coughs at times just to make these morons twitch.


Sounds like a load of horseshit to me. Judo is full contact this year (is there any other kind?), so I'm guessing there's a big presence of kata schools in Japan invested in promoting their ""style"" of tap dancing


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This post is so old but man does it annoy me that I missed it, mostly because the stupidity of it is downright harmful
>you were trying to argue that they were and now in your response you’re implying front kicks
Not what was being said at all.
>struggle with kickboxers
No, I said they were tough opponents because it's a similar fighting style, so it comes down to who is more skilled, rather than what style is better
>it’s better for conditioning than training
This is a nigh-redundant claim
>Muay Thai technique is better
They're almost the same thing you dipshit
>tkd just makes certain crucial mistakes more likely to happen
Like what? None of these "crucial mistakes" are any less likely in most Martial arts, unless those martial arts are focused on either fist-fighting or grappling with reduced leg-work.
>Why train against overextension
You make this sound like it's some massive problem, when you fix this with literally a couple days of practicing kicks and being corrected by a teacher, it's not that fucking hard unless you're either really fucking old or very inattentive.
>just do some low kicks
Because that doesn't do jack shit against any opponent who isn't a total scrub, because they either don't hit hard enough or get dodged. I've lost count how many times people tried this shit with me and either I swept their feet, dodged and knocked them down or just took the hit and hit them with a haymaker.
>I still wouldn’t risk it in a street fight
No shit sherlock, that's why you train t do high and low kicks, and punches and elbows and knees and grappling, all of which TKD does. You're talking like TKD is only high-kicks. If you can't do high kicks train more and make do with other abilities, FFS, it's not that complex.
>that’s bad technique
No it isn't, this is probably the most harmful statement. When you're doing a turning side kick, you're already spinning around when you look bac, because if you're "spotting" you're letting the opponent know "I'm spinning back" ahead of time. And yes it's a risk, because that's the point, a stronger technique comes with risks that rely on your skill and ability, which is the entire point of training.
>the tkd stance is poor
Fucking how LOL
1) bouncing is done by numerous martial arts and it's usually done to keep the opponent guessing, it's not done always nor is it the default of TKD
2) It only wastes energy if you're a dumbass who doesn't use the rebound to keep pushing
3) Fights, especially street fights, do not last long, so energy conservation is retarded unless you somehow convinced a street gang to have each member 1v1 you in a straight fight.


>ou tighten them so hard they become painful and cut off your circulation
1) You're not supposed to use ankle weights that are too heavy
2) Use good quality weights that stay on snugly but comfortably, not all of them are the same
3) Pain is a part of martial arts and working through minor pains is also necessary.


>2) Use good quality weights that stay on snugly but comfortably, not all of them are the same
I'd be delighted if you could direct me to some of these. Maybe my weights are just shit for kicking.

>just cut off your circulation bro no pain no gain

This is cringe though. Blood vessels in your ankles aren't analogous to knuckle conditioning.


Oh I'm not talking about Circulation pain, that shit is definitely a no-no in any type of weight training, what I mean is the pain you might get from the weights themselves.
>direct to good weights
Personally I use 1-3kg All Pro ankle weights with Contour Foam. put them on over some socks (or your pants) and any pains or problems like tight grips is minimized. I do not recommend exceeding 5-7 pound ankle weights for anything except walking and slow-lift kicks (basically training how long your can keep your leg up in a kick rather than how fast and hard you can kick).
Also as an alternative go to the Ocean or a pool or lake and wade out to your chest height and just do line drills for kicks as fast and hard as you can, it's more subtle but does increase your speed and strength for kicks.


The International Judo Federation is killing judo too. These fools banned leg grabbing in 2010, and have severely restricted unorthodox grips like double lapel and bear hugging. They want judo to look "different" from wrestling or sambo, but they're just killing the sport + reducing its effectiveness against other styles. Jigoro would be rolling in his grave.


What's their explanation for those restrictions? Do leg grabs result in more injuries or something?


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>leg grabbing
>double lapel
That's the most retarded shit to restrict, it's a standard practise of Jiujitsu and sambo and Russian Judo, heck even Tae Kwon Do practices this in grappling what kind of ban-happy crap is this?

The International Judo Federation made no official statement with regards to the thought process which went into the ban in 2010 and onward. By the way, in 2013 it became completely illegal to even touch your opponent's legs or trousers during a standing grapple. Like in the 80s Foot Sweeps and Head Dives were banned in sports competitions for obvious reasons (risky and injurous), but this is stupid.

The main theories are the following
1 - Muh russkies use leg grabs too much so it's abusing the rules
2 - The (International) Olympic Committee was going to ban Judo for being too much like wrestling
3 - leg grabs made it too easy to counterattack
The IJF was fearful that Judo was resembling Wrestling too much, by restricting leg attacks it meant that scoring points had to be more elegant and airborne making for a better spectator experience.

A good article on the topic is


I'm gonna beat the shit out of all of you anons. You can't stop me


I want to be the slipperiest opponent. I don't want to hit or get hit.
I'm lightweight and short so it makes the most optimal sense

How do I become such a fighter? I want to be extremely agile. All I know now is stretching.


Here are your options
>1. Have the better movement
>2. Have the better grappling
>3. buy a gun lol


Fighter in what context? Learn some gymnastics.


>1. Have the better movement
>2. Have the better grappling
What can I practice doing to get these things
Should I play quick based video games to get fast reaction times like this dominic guy

Daily life. I'm not talking like organized sports.
I want to know how to slip away to run if somebody grabs me or a bunch of people have me surrounded


Pretty much any self-defense-focused discipline like karate is going to teach you skills like that. But gymnastics are also great for staying in control if you lose your footing.


Gonna learn Kararte and Gymanstics when I can go out again

Anything I can do until I'm quarantined alone?




So I've been getting pretty serious lately about finally achieving the splits and I can already do a solid chest-on-floor pancake basically every time I workout now. And in the process of stretching towards a pancake, when I try to connect my abdomen to my thighs, it has come to my attention that the hamstrings in one of my legs are considerably tighter than in the other. I kind of can't believe I've never noticed such a large discrepancy before. What should I do to balance out the range of motion in both of my legs, kicking comrades?


it could be related to you having a favorite leg, like the one you put most of the strain when standing. Most people have a little asymmetry of this kind in their body, like you can probably only write with one hand. You might not be able to get this balanced out, and only reduce it a little.


I'm considering daily stretching on that leg's hamstrings, but I've read that there is a sweet spot for time/frequency of stretching where adding more doesn't really produce meaningful gains.


My brother passes on some knowledge from basic training on grappling and striking, I'm a pretty natural grappler. Got attacked a lot as a child and had to learn to fight that way, now as an adult I have an interest in learning combat skills for the sake of knowing.


the fuck is a grappling? that shit batman has to climb over buildings?


no, retard, grappling as in physically grasping your opponent and controlling their movement.


>Karate kumite at the 2020 Olympics will be non-contact
>[strikes] never actually hits the opponent because competitors perform every tsuki and keri with absolute control
I don't think that's covid that's kind of how a lot of karate competitions normally work. Strikes to the face are never full contact, some associations want you to lightly touch and others want you to stop a few millimeters away. To the body most(?) associations allow full contact though. Because in karate you generally exchange a few punches and kicks and then the referee breaks it up. You're not just standing there getting slammed over and over like boxing.

The thing that kept karate out of the olymics so long is just fragmentation between the styles. Even within shotokan the most popular style there are two different ways of competing. The traditional way tries to emulate a real fight more with a harsh scoring system. Basically you can go in punch someone in the face and win the fight in 5 seconds. But that doesn't make good tv. So there's also a more sporty style where they jump around for 5 minutes and do lots of flashy high kicks and you need 10 points to win or something.

I wish I had done a grappling martial art to be honest. Real confrontations rarely start off with people throwing punches. Typically people shout first and get in each other's faces and maybe shove a little bit. If all you know is striking then there's no way you can intervene in a situation like that without making it worse. With grappling skills you can control someone without escalating, or even take them down and pin them without doing any damage. The problem with striking is once you start throwing punches then someone is probably going to hospital and the other is going to jail. It's a lose lose strategy from the start.


A lot of karate training is very meta as well. It's about lining up and following orders and holding stances and learning to count to 10 in japanese and stuff which is not necessarily helpful for self defense.

>kata "competitions", that's something that literally nobody but karate insiders would appreciate
This is so true. The significance of kata is to demonstrate techniques without the stress of another person getting in the way. If you watch closely (at the good ones at least) you'll notice how when they move, everything (shoulders, lats, arms, hands, hips, legs, head, etc) are all moving at different times and at different speeds but at the end of the technique everything instantly stops at the same time and that's the point where you delivered maximum force to the hypothetical opponent with no wasted energy.

Perfecting that timing and coordination and efficiency for every technique is a key part of karate training. But you can argue it doesn't really matter in the real world. If you watch UFC fights you'll see the sloppiest roundhouse kicks with bend back and square hips and zero coordination still gets a knockout because real life physics doesn't care about you autisticlly perfecting every micromovment you make.


ngl sounds homo
can you use grappling technique in sexual intercourse? like grappling pussy?


how do you get actual get good karate training that's useful then?


>how do you get actual get good karate training that's useful then?
I don't think karate is that useful that was more or less my point. I think it's good for kids to give them a structured way of learning to use their body and some discipline and maybe get slightly knocked around to toughen them up a little bit.

If you really want to do karate though and need to find a good club I would start here.
Find the association for your country and then from there look for listings of who is chosen for the national team. There is normally a selection once a year and they publish on their website and maybe social media. From that list of names (and their clubs) find the club that's nearest to you.

If none of them are close then search for national competition results. Again it will be name + club for the winners of each division. Most of the medal spots will be taken from people on the national team. But you might find some people who came 3rd or 4th who are from a different club.

That's a way to find a good club with people who are taking it seriously and know what they're doing. It won't matter that much in the beginning but once you get to brown/black belt then the quality of the club makes a massive difference.


Here is an example of a fight under "traditional" rules. It is 1 point to win and most techniques are 1/2 point and some things like a kick to the head is 1 full point so fights can be over very quickly.

You can see they are not trying to make full contact. The mitts are just to cover the knuckles. Before mitts people would get their faces cut up and cleaning up the blood slowed things down.


Karate, when taught well with well-integrated sparring and kumite in addition to kata is a highly functional self-defense discipline. While it's true that competition "tests" some aspects of technique, too much of a sport focus can dilute self-defense training by ingraining unrealistic fighting scenarios and discourage effective tools that are too dangerous for sport. I've sparred with too many sport strikers that have no idea how to use their hands because their particular sporting rule sets give more points for foot strikes.


>when taught well with well-integrated sparring and kumite
The thing is you always spar against people doing more or less the same training. All martial arts end up optimizing themselves to fight against people doing the same martial art.


What is your point exactly? That all martial arts are the same then? There is a considerable difference between sporting competition and defense-directed sparring.


>What is your point exactly? That all martial arts are the same then?
I'm saying that karate is optimized for fighting against karate, boxing is optimized for fighting against boxing, judo is optimized for fighting against judo…. But in a self defense situation you are probably not being attacked by someone with exactly the same training as you.

>defense-directed sparring

I find this worse at times because it's just a karateka trying to emulate what he thinks a drunk assailant on the street will do. But your experience may vary.


>just a karateka trying to emulate what he thinks a drunk assailant on the street will do
So many assumptions here, do you think we shouldn't even attempt to estimate what an assailant might do? Humans don't have an infinite variety of ways to attack other humans. There are limits, and some are used more often than others. All self-defense systems attempt to determine this and train how to counter them. Here's one such attempt to catalog them all and integrate them into karate training:


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does doing(high rep, maybe bodyweight) squats help make more powerful kicks, quicker kicks?
why yes/why no?


Do push-ups make more powerful, faster punches?


Getting faster is all about practice.


aye,they DO


Lads… Jockstrap or compression shorts?


Copression shorts don't work for me.


They feel fucking awful to me. I have no idea how anyone can do high kicks wearing them.


How do I learn to video related?


Watch Naruto.


That guy got knocked out because the lower part of the back of the head is very susceptible. But you can do that with a hook-punch which is less risky.

The second guy in the video used a fancy spin kick, which is very risky. It's easy to block (just keep the elbows up) and usually ends with a knee in your groin and loosing your balance. His legwork was pretty good tho.

The ultimate show-off move that's actually effective is back-flip into cartwheel, where you hit the other guy with both feet in the head. Smacks harder than a heavy-weight boxing champing even if you're a twig. Just gotta train to be a gymnast for about 10 years to pull it off.

Realistic street fighting advice is prioritize not getting hit and watch the other guys feet, if he lifts one foot off the ground just shove/pull him and he'll fall over.


Become a hot-headed youth with an inferiority complex and you too will learn the irresistable urge to "prove" yourself in an idiotic exchange of consensual violence.

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