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Is it just me or are most jobs in IT utter bullshit? I am not referring to "Bullshit Jobs", the book. It's something different.

Take say twitter. The mobile twitter front-end in particular. What is twitter? Chunks of text with occasional hyperlinks, pictures and videos. There are also a couple of forms, to register, to submit a tweet, to report stuff, etc.
So again, it needs text, pictures, links and forms. All of that is supported by HTML directly, i.e. it doesn't even require a single line of javascript to accomplish that.
But judging from the fact that on an old phone twitter may take half a minute or more to load or it may actually fail to load, or freeze up while loading, and taking in account how generally sluggish it is, it's obivous that it isn't plain html. In fact, there's probably a good dozen of megabytes of JS and CSS code, and that is after compression. The code that nobody every asked for. "Yeah I'd really like some people to spend their time writing thousands (?) of lines of code just to provide me with a site with the exact same functionality but with way poorer performance" - said no user ever. Bloated frontends should actually push users away it'd seem, and they probably do to some degree, that's why e.g. nitter and invidio.us exist.

And this doesn't only apply to twitter. The same with youtube (there exist even more alternative front-ends, hooktube and invidious and there probably are more). The same with the vast majority of sites on the web, actually.
There are countless frameworks like React or Angular, that achieve the same thing as can be achieved using regular HTML and some js, but they make websites slower AND require people to develop them AND people to learn them.
And by the way AFAIK nitter or invidious devs aren't paid anything for creating the sites, they might receive donations but that's it isn't it

So who profits from the labour of those who develop such sites? Why would the capitalists behind e.g. twitter be interested in
a) Paying more people
b) Making the site less attractive to users, thus potentially reducing their profits.


It has to be due to ignorance.
> Everyone else is doing it so it must be good
> The capitalists don't know about bloat and performance
> "Interactive" web 2.0 good
> degree mill programmers
> impress investors with larger employee count
> justify investment with larger employee count
Or it's normalizing the concept of running arbitrary code from the internet on your own computer.


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What you have to understand is that since 2009 or so with Googles invention of the V8 javascript engine, execution of javascript has become way faster on the front end, leading to frameworks like angular etc. This is attractive to employers because

1) it pushes all the computation of rendering and re-rending the UI/view onto the user's computer/phone, not the server as with traditional server side rendering. This reduces costs especially in cloud environments where you pay for that extra compute time (ex: amazon web services).

2) It's faster to make certain kinds of apps that have a lot of user interactions (i.e. web "apps" like twitter). Traditional websites don't really benefit much.

3) From a hiring perspective, front end only dev is a lot more accessible intro to development than traditional back end dev which is traditionally the domain of CS majors and enterprise devs. Now you can use those back end devs for the database logic and APIs, while letting some non degreed hipster graphic designer learn react from a bootcamp and still make a pretty good UI, since most of the scaling will be on the backend anyway, performance isn't usually as much of a problem on the front end unless you're doing something really wrong.

4) Hype. Theres a huge hype around SPAs right now.

5) It simplified the backend. Now that you take out the presentation layer out of the backend, there is no need for complicated templating systems, xml, html, jquery etc. The back end dev only needs to know their language, json, and possibly a DB query language (sql?)

6) Most users don't mind. While old phones suffer, most people have modern smartphones and computers, and even angular, arguably the most bloated SPA framework is still only 500kb, which is nothing compared to people streaming gigabytes of twitch and youtube video data every day.

7) The tons and tons of useless javascript and css come from NPM dependencies which people just download to add one thing to their project and think nothing of the size. This is why despite being the biggest framework, Angular projects probably end up growing the least because it already has angular-ways of doing everything you could think of, unlike "smaller" libraries like vue, react, etc. which are small at first but you end up downloading all kinds of dependencies for missing functionality.


Coding right now seems not worth.


>reduces costs
It's 2020 and generating a text file takes too many CPU cycles, even despite caching?

Also, there's now something called "server side rendering". Bruh.


Twitter doesn't offer much more interactions than an imageboard does.
Not only is react &co harder to learn then HTML and basic js.
> Now you can use those back end devs for the database logic and APIs,
Yeah just like you can with HTML templates.
Again, same as with HTML templates.

Also this: https://twitter.com/gianlucaguarini/status/855476786880282624 shows how React is actually a step back from templates to mixing php with html.

So basically it boils down to hype. Not hype among the audience, not the sort of hype that could help attract more users, but rather hype among capitalists. All of this idiocy is basically rich fuckers' whim.


>Not only is react &co harder to learn then HTML and basic js
there are also many such frameworks, so you need to learn more. One place needs react, another needs vue and so on.


shouldn't this thread be on >>>/roulette/ ?


Yes it does take too many CPU cycles but only if you are running a planet scale app like facebook/twitter etc, even 0.001 extra second of compute time could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for facebook billions of users.
>server side rendering
AFIAK that just renders out the initial data of the SPA rather than loading it from json the first time, just to speed up the app. Thats fine but it doesn't handle updates to the app (ex: scrolling to the next batch of tweets on twitter). Its still an SPA.
>Twitter doesn't offer much more interactions than an imageboard does.
thats true but the original version of twitter was written as a server side rails app that they rewrote to spa+scala for scalability.
>that tweet
JSX is only for react, angular components are totally different


File: 1608525634734.png ( 53.61 KB , 1270x881 , Screenshot at 2020-02-23 1….png )

>the tweet
I tried to open it with tor browser and after 10 seconds or so got this. Oh, the irony.


The internet is a Chrome walled garden now, haven't you heard? Of course, it's not a monopoly like IE and microsoft!


Mozilla is basically google's puppet I think. Gecko is increasingly more akin to Chromium. And even then it cannot render such a popular site.
The entire internet is controlled but a single company. What a motherfucking dystopia we live in. Frightening.


>All of that is supported by HTML directly, i.e. it doesn't even require a single line of javascript to accomplish that.

It sounds to me like you think, you only need to use HTML to make twitter, which is obviously not true. For twitter database is a must, also you need backend language for communicating with database, I mean stuff that is fetching certain data (for example all posts by certain user) and sending to display in views. This backend language cannot be HTML, it can be JS, or any other programming language. Thing is: database comunnication is widely known as bottleneck in many web applications, I mean its a thing that is causing web app to be slow. So if you say that JS front end rendering is bottleneck of twitter, then I am asking: How do you know that bottleneck is not caused by database communication which is not related to JS?


Because nitter loads way faster while it should actually have to spend more time fetching data from twitter than twitter itself.


At least its not reddit
>Open page
>Page loads fine
>After page has fully loaded it removes everything on the fucking page and says
&ltOoPs sOmeThINg wEnT wrOnG

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