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File: 1621634521426.jpg ( 25.09 KB , 480x360 , carnivores.jpg )


Should I start a carnivore/raw primal/high cholesterol ,high-fat diet?
I know how terribly unhealthy this all sounds but it also sounds hyper-masculine and caveman. I know some bodybuilders have 40 eggs a day and theyre fine(inb4 Gaston)
a Builder of Communism must be strong and manly!


no loser


It will raise your testosterone and kill you at the same time. You will die from a heart attack while masturbating furiously.
IMO it's worth it.


File: 1621794011215.png ( 55.41 KB , 1200x1697 , 56069ddadd089506028b46e3.png )

I thought this was already the diet of the average Argentinian?


Thoughts on diets?

- Pescetarian diet (only seafood in an otherwise vegetarian diet)
- Mediterranean diet (plant-based diet, focusing on unprocessed cereals, legumes, vegetables, and fruits - also, moderate consumption of fish, dairy products (mostly cheese and yogurt), and a low amount of red meat - and olive oil)
- DASH diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods)
- Vegetarianism (practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, insects, and the flesh of any other animal). It may also include abstaining from eating all by-products of animal slaughter)


>10. European Union (28 countries)
How are they gonna mash all that up? What about the poorer countries in the EU?


mf watched one liver king video sybau fr

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