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Red Skull is now the Jordan Peterson of the marvel universe, this shit is written by T-Nehisi Coates, the real JBP knows about it and he's mad


Give us scans of the full issue or gtfo


>Red Skull is now the Jordan Peterson of the marvel universe
Hilariously stupid thing to do but if JBP is mad at least it's doing some good.


Ta-Nehisi Coates writes comics? Last I heard he was, may Allah forgive me for uttering this term, a cultural theorist.


>putting this shit into your HD
Comic writers today are either people who seems them as a stepping stone to writing TV and movies like Bendis or Tom Tylor
Or rich kids who just buy the position so they can shove their politics there, it's really disheartening.


Also great job bringing JBP back to public consciousness right at the absolute rock bottom of his relevance. Last anyone had heard about this guy he was in a coma due to his own stupidity.


You pribably just missed his greatr comeback he published a new book some time ago Rules for Life 2


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>Ta-Nehisi Paul Coates
Wait… The "ADoS" grifter? Is writing comics now?


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This same page is stanning cops and Amerikkkan imperialism, lulz.


He’s been writing for Marvel for years now. The guy is infamous for riding on controversy to sell his comics, he hasn’t changed one bit since his “cultural critic grifter” days.
Most modern comic writers are just liberals that failed in every other entertainment medium and endeavor.


I hate libs so much


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yet another reason to hate capeshit


i always thought erotica was where a mediocre writer could really set up shop, but looks like i have a new goalpost


Whatever capeshit story a leftist can come up with is bound to be better than this liberal shit anyway


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Well naturally.


Nah, you needs lots of connections and dick sucking to write comics


Erotica is a middle ground between fandom autism and schizophrenia. People who failed even Hollywood get sent to comics. Exhibit #1: Geoff Johns who shat the bed writing the script for Justice League.
Or just be an actual CIA glowie like Tom King.


I don't follow. Are you saying that erotica is higher level than comic books?


Unironically if villains were real they whould totally sell those type of books


Very yes, erotica writers are more socially adjusted, educated and successful than fucking comic book writers.


And his daughter, who was at least partially responsible for his condition, was dating a Stalinist she met at a club if I recall correctly.


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>JP is now braindead and playing with his toy RC car
>his daughter got impregnated by an ML weeb
This is gold lmao.


Cringe on its own right.
Also while JBP is a retard when it comes to politics, he is unironically doing gods work with helping losers get on their feet.
>Haha but that is so pathetic he's their lobster daddy xD
Sure, it is, but isn't it better for pathetic losers to be pathetically brought back into actual society in a cringey way, rather than to let them wallow in their failure and ruin their lives?




>he is unironically doing gods work with helping losers get on their feet

He doesn't do that at all, he just indoctrinates them into his alt-right obscurantist cult. How is he qualified to give advice to anyone else when he's rich and famous and has no real problems but still had to be hospitalised for his addiction to benzos?


>helping losers get on their feet
He's a surrogate dad for alienated whitebois, it's fucking cringe. They aren't "getting on their feet", they're subscribbing to Sam Hyde and posting on /pol/ 24/7


>he is unironically doing gods work with helping losers get on their feet
Most of his useful advice is the same shit you'd find in any self-help book, I'm not exaggerating. The difference is he dresses it up in references to philosophy and positive psychology so people who think they're above self-help books think they're engaging in something deeper and more intellectual instead, and of course, he makes sure to tie self-improvement to right-wing politics in a way that seems inextricable to his listeners. No, he is unironically doing terrible work and it's worth attempting to discredit him whenever possible (which needless to say, this comic does not do).
>Sure, it is, but isn't it better for pathetic losers to be pathetically brought back into actual society in a cringey way, rather than to let them wallow in their failure and ruin their lives?
Yes, I agree. These people need help. But we shouldn't be convinced that the only useful help they can get is also one that indoctrinates them into conservatism.


It’s such a terrible target.
JBP is too limpwristed to go full red skull.
If you’re going to attempt to give the red skull a modern spin, at least make him one of those deranged youtube personalities that mask their views like Stefan Molyneux.


You know what’s fucking annoying about Ta Nahisi Coates?
His dad was a black panther but chose to go full lib because he thought his views were flawed.
The man is aware of socialist theory but chooses not follow it out of knee jerk cynicism.


Libs are deliberately hyping up right-wingers, while quietly censoring left-wingers in the background.


are there any left wing comic artists left to censor in these publication


It always mocks itself, doesn't it?

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