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I want that deep red Zizek pill on why Disney is remaking their old animated feature films but devoid of soul and charm as live action monstrosities and why Hollywood in general cannot make a new story and is endlessly digging its head into its own anus amid a shit slurry of “sequels” and remakes of IPs from the 80s.
Like, I get the base actual reason is $$$ because they figure they’ll always get an audience doing so, but I still want the more basic economic facts as to why god awful remakes and sequels decades later are the only film products that can turn a profit and I wanna know the ideology present in the making of these products


All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.


Market consolidation - everything is controlled by a few large corporations so there is less choice

that also leads to decisions being made by committees of MBAs so they probably thought it was a great film when they sat together in the meeting watching it

cultural stagnation also reflects capitalist system stagnating


If you are a monopoly your incentive is to make things people want diminishes or disappears. In fact, Disney arguably has incentive to make people accustomed to shittier movies so they can get away with making shittier movies (since they involve less effort/cost).


blessed mods for moving this thread here


"marxist analysis" of infantile meaningless baby stuff


I see someone must have been touched as a kid


is it you? is that why you want a le ebin political analysis of shitty movies for toddlers?


this is bread tube tier shit


These threads are all just the same Mark Fisher shit about the slow cancellation of the future and he was probably right and there's no progress to be made on this topic


Breadtube is good faggot


Is me kissing you on the fucking lips progress?


Films are products and investments, remakes are safe investments because they are re-releasing a successful product which is already familiar to people.


Money. They are doing it for money.


Live action is usually much cheaper than animation


> the thing is, also… every discussion about Whether The MCU Is Garbage or Is Disney Irredeemably Evil or Has Star Wars Gone On Too Long or Why Does It Feel Like There’s Been Just Three Shows On American TV For The Past 3 Decades inevitably ends up at “hey but don’t shame people for wanting to have fun and escape the continuous nightmare of late capitalism for 2 hours a night” and like. fair. being effortlessly entertained is a valid desire that deserves to be fulfilled. but the thing is. and I really don’t wanna be That Guy but. if you’re coming back home from your soul-crushing corporate job into your alienated nuclear household, tired from a busy day of doing some bullshit to make a living, and you feel dead inside, and your idea of escape is to tune into the next installment of something that’s not really cinema as much as like, a long serialized commercial for the fast fashion items with the popular character of the month, then I’m sorry bro but you’re not really going anywhere. you’re not escaping, you’re sinking deeper in. and look. it’s your god given right to watch schlocky TV and then go read fanfic about it. but if you’re wondering why all this dazzling entertainment still leaves you feeling so empty you just wanna scream and scream and scream, then you might actually have an acute case of going too long without consuming any media that has an intent beyond draining your money and time and a formula beyond regurgitating what sold best last year

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