We need to study the Gibbons. Collect all the new youtube video that is related to the Gibbon. Only then can we unlock their secrets.
Here's a recent one: gibbons fighting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si31_UKLaa0Notice how their comical anatomy makes them physically unable to hurt each other. (And please, take note in your scibbon notebook.)
Here's the other Gibbon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxQAB5C3GloNote: it's called kulak gibbon - a very rare species indeed. It got its name from hoarding humans. A single kulak gibbon can hoard up to 6 humans, but some sources say they've seen a whole human village being owned by a kulak gibbon. (N.B. in your notebook: further study of Gibbon class structure is required.
More on warfare:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCP9wqgtJhENotice the superiority of Gibbon agility vs. the puny jaw strength of the dog who can't even bite once. Other species it seems, are afraid of the Gibbon. The Gibbon uses tactical warfare aimed at influencing its enemy's psychology, the enemy gets irritated, makes mistakes, the Gibbon wins.
Another inferior species: the feline.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWZ2QVx9pr8It has no chance against the Gibbons masterful coordination and speed. The feline is immediately defeated. Inferior scum felines. If Gibbons anything more than inferior scum canines, it's the coward felines.
Let us study more Gibbonology together.