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I wasn't really sure where to post this but I guess this is the most appropriate board given that Mukbang is considered "entertainment" by some people. Can you lads help me out with this? I've watched this shit more than once and it's just so repulsive and off-putting that I have trouble understanding what the appeal of it is supposed to be.

I don't know why exactly, but I feel like this genre of social media content is the perfect representation of how venal and awful late-stage capitalism is. All these videos depict pointless, disgusting excess that brings neither the audience or the person eating any lasting gratification. It's hollow, nihilistic consumption that only produces misery for everyone involved. Do the people who watch Nikocado Avocado slowly die from kidney failure get some sort of sick pleasure out of watching a mentally unwell man kill himself by eating an entire Taco Bell menu everyday?


>people died in the korean war for this


Reposting my reply here

This fucker has traumatized me for life and it's what made me hate the concept of mukbang videos.

I feel that they're kind of similar in principle to those toy unboxing videos that are mass-produced by Elsagate channels. So yes, I agree with you. Now that I think about it, it's also kind of like porn both 3D and 2D nowadays.


I'm a feeder degenerate who gets off to women engaging in gluttony, I don't know if that explains the male mukbangs.


I'm a bit into the same thing but for males, but I found mukbang disgusting from the moment I saw it. Plus I don't think the majority of people who watch this stuff have that fetish.


My wife enjoys them because her anxiety makes it difficult to eat. But for some reason seeing friendly, approachable people (who aren't actually present, as that would trigger her social anxiety) eat helps her brain accept food it would otherwise reject. I think it has something to do with her extreme empathy, like, "If other people are hungry, I must be hungry too."


It's fun to watch people suffer for cash? There's a parasocial aspect to it? I dunno dude, ruthlessly criticizing everything that exists gets tiring, it's all so terrible and we're just yelling into a void.


I have no idea what the appeal for mukbangs of regular food, but I think one nostalgia critic youtuber guy actually went out of his way to search for weird shit to try and I always liked that, just because of how disgusting a lot of it the obscure crap was.

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