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/gulag/ - gulag

trash can / purgatory for deleted threads
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>attack the prisons
>Slaughter psychiatrists
>hang cops on lightpoles
>Burn the churches
>Liberate all animals
>Torture to death conversion therapy experts
>Behead wilderness camp workers
>Feed juvie workers to the inmates
>Did i say murder psychiatrists?
>Politicize the youth
>Instill the spirit of rebellion in a man once enslaved
>Uphold destruction as a cure for cruelty
>Arm the people with small arms and cyanide
>Bury caches of weapons everywhere to make gun control unachievable
>give voluntary arson classes
>Every man,woman and child a warrior
>Indoctrinate the freed generation into an unwavering love of bodily automy
>Transcend into a being of pure principle
>Make the world a beautiful garden
>Put the hatred down as the tyrants no longer stand
>Learn love again
>permit yourself to become soft
>unlearn the past and experience love for others, a feeling you thought the tyrants have beaten out of you
>learn to love the hug in which the rifle lies between you


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Based and redpilled

and frankly I'm getting pissed off at ordinary people for continuing to go to work

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