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James Fischer and James Steele did a massive 110 study meta analysis. They took all of the data from those studies and sifted through it. They introduced a control to the data by only looking at studies that verifiably had people reaching failure on their sets. So long as failure is achieved there is no difference between 1 set or several. As long as you hit failure it's all the same in terms of growth benefits. No correlation could be determined for frequency. Once a week is highly similar to 2, 3, 4, or 5 times a week. Another study was done, don't remember by who. They found that the only factor that made a significant difference in gains was the number of sets performed, showing that the number of sets significantly and inversely affected the gains. Literally the more sets they do, the less growth people will get to a consistent predictable degree. So reach failure, do at least 1 set, and you're golden. Keep sets relatively low and don't overtrain. More studies came out showing that you're still recovering and inflamed for much longer than 3 days after exercise. More studies came out showing acute MPS post exercise does not correlate to increase in skeletal muscle mass, showing that muscle damage does not equate in any way to growth. One more study came out that showed delayed hypertrophy up to 21 days out from a single bout of exercise in otherwise UNTRAINED subjects. Whether or not that extends to trained subjects is not yet known, but people can speculate. He was way ahead of his time


Cam you out it in simple words?


Did you just copy pressure this?

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