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File: 1722003580504.png ( 24.64 KB , 1366x768 , screenshot.png )


I spotted this dark web game specially titled "ABOMELOK0408" the creator is apparently some snapchatter that goes by zoeeeeeeeee89 it has been hard trying to find full info about this game can someone analyze it in a VM?

game link: http://bcloudwenjxgcxjh6uheyt72a5isimzgg4kv5u74jb2s22y3hzpwh6id.onion/dl/URI:CHK:57kkwph323dehuofosu372t6qm:hvwwogggspuldbreeubbl6jdm4ym5nrw2muq2hdu2opzqpthr4kq:3:5:77544807/ABOMELOK0408.exe.zip


In your screenshot the executable file got the godot-game-engine icon. So it may be a game, although it's not hard to stick that icon on pretty much any file.

If you want to be sure it's safe to run this, it would have to be fuzzed for known security threats or better yet de-compiled and reverse engineered. Analyzing the behavior in a VM brings limited protection because clever malware can tell if it's run inside a VM, and to choose to only behave nicely while being analyzed inside the vm.

Try to get the creator to release the source code, that makes it a hole lot easier and faster to check.


If leftists could /tech/ then you would have money and if you had money you wouldn't be a leftist.


>muh true leftist
nice sectarianism


The creators name was zoeeeeeeeeee89 it was 10 e instead of 9 my mistake sorry.


new link because OP's link don't work I tried it analyze this weird shit and tell us what you find!

new link: https://file.io/BHECQI74URP5


If it makes it easier to get in touch with the creator copy and paste this: zoeeeeeeeeee89


OP the game was made by someone from Snapchat and I will provide the links of zoeeeeeeeeee89 admitting it I don't know what it's about tho.

zoeeeeeeeeee89 admitting: https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/912415948

Here you go OP just message zoeeeeeeeeee89 if you want to know what the games about.

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