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I studied communism in school and there has never been anything communist. None of the woke stuff is communist.

What's going on today is the same stuff Germans complained about with jews before WWII, same STUFF.

Communism is about workers owning the means of production. That means turning out high quality goods for society, and not working about much because you don't have to sell unlimited products to make people rich.

Communism is about a cultural "melting pot" like the US used to be because people would need to work together to make decisions about what work is done in society.

Communism would not support black people not wanting to work, being high crime, high drugs, and no raising their families. That's because people that don't want to support society are criminals.

Nothing communist is going on at all. It's a Jewish agenda to defeat secularism, the Enlightenment, etc.

Marxism is based on social evolution.

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