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In college, I had a class called Sociology of Minorities that was very interesting.

One point was that Americans initially loved Chinese people because they were such hard workers. In California papers they were praised as awesome new Americans!!

Then, it was discovered the the Chinese were sending all of their money to china. When they were done, they would move back to China. So, they became hated because back then money was "real" in that it was based on gold, and so they were taking money out of circulation, and insulting the country by leaving.

show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.


The "jew" thing is a form of "virtue" signaling to other jews, that's why it's in articles. It also says to non jews "I am untouchable" and is a low level form of terrorism.

I wish the Chinese would take over already and get rid of this nonsense.

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