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I think whats interesting is the class politics of conservatives overshadowing racial politics, where you can be a "based black guy" small business owner or academic (like thomas sowell) and be part of the "american" national identity against the underclass and communist china. Even in the underclass is the culture of "hustling" for money and the ambition of "black excellence" in some circles; but a general culture of "self-improvement" and entrepeneurial spirit that seeks to reignite the middle class.
Theres a right wing youtuber called "academic agency" who predicts this trend of subverting the "woke" for "fresh prince" civic politics in the coming years in the same vain. Where increasing representation of black suburbia and so on will dominate our consciousness.
To me this seems likely even in britain where a growing contingency of "based brown guys" are increasing in right wing media, dressed in suits, with perfect british accents and so on.
Ive noticed that there is definitely a white-latino alliance in america, and a similar white-indian one in the UK. To me this is drawing the lines of class interests in a proxy segregationism as nationalist feelings sprout up across the west. A lot of western politicians and thinkers right now are "based immigrants", especially canadian-americans ive noticed.
and ofc in all this is universal homophobia and transphobia as the last ditch effort of "common sense" unity against the woke mind virus


File: 1716690821279.png ( 451 KB , 1079x980 , lefttpol.png )

OP is copy pasted from a post on .org


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