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/gulag/ - gulag

trash can / purgatory for deleted threads
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File: 1716078004858.webm ( 5.95 MB , 352x640 , thallasss2.webm )


I've had a channel for years. I have more talents than any the top tubers, REALLY, and I don't get any help from them while they help their goofy talentless friends. I just upload anything I want & not have to spend 2 weeks making vidz the top tubers can't top, but that will only get 2000 views. Youtube is a joke, plus it's rigged. Youtube Head Quarters has more power over who gets big on site than you realize.


The worst thing that ever happened to Youtube was attempting to turn it into a social media site for its own sake. It's just a video hosting platform, asshole. Using it for anything else is a mistake.

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