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/gulag/ - gulag

trash can / purgatory for deleted threads
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Water is a real issue most people never get their head around everything required to aquire and process water and the infrastructure to contain and store it.

Designating a latrine and trash collection point is also a stealth consideration. Better thermal can show that a hole was filled in, due to the mixed soil layers heating and cooling differently than the surrounding ground. Even if they mistake your cat holes as fresh land mines, they know the site is occupied.

Crapping on the ground is worst, since they'll know you don't have mines. It also offers a rando the chance to find you and collect a bounty for reporting your location.

Trash can also be recycled in support areas, even if collected from a site you have abandoned. Some people know how to smelt and cast aluminum into useful items and some plastics can be shaped with heat and used like a poor man's kydex.

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