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I know it sounds dumb, why you should work retail, and despite all the shit I dealt with, dangerous retarded co workers, fraudulent bosses who will endanger you for there own convenience. Retail wages. But there is a couple upsides. Especially in night crew. One is if your night crew you dont have to deal with custumers on your ass. Makes you job alot easeyer. Second is there isnt alot of people around so you get a decent degree of privacy. You cant be like a popeyes employee but its not as stressful as a job if you got a functioning brain.

Next is track to trades. For free you get offered this benifit were lowes will pay interplay for you to learn shit about trades. For me I leanred plumbing. All paid for by lowes. Same thing for other stuff like electricity, HVAC, appliances and probably a couple other trades. Shit that can help you worh better jobs.

I know this isnt a high autism score thread but if you can and your not in a career or school. God forbid colledge itll reek of chads and stacys overywere. Lowes will pay for stuff that wont certify you as a trades man but will give you one hell of a edge for a aprentiship. And after your aprentiship is over. Youll make some good ass money.

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