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>femcels dont exi-


Funny enough Incel as a term was created by a lesbian on her blog describing her struggles to find partners. Too bad a bunch of Incels came along and made the term toxic.


It is not possible for women to be involuntarily celibate in a world with tinder. It was possible back when the term was first coined, but not anymore. There will always be somebody desperate enough on tinder.


Most of the really old nuns and monks are probably virgins too, but remaining lifelong celibate without taking a vow of celibacy is more impressive.


>tfw female
>tfw getting older
>tfw no communist bf to have children with

Why even bother?


I mean tbf theres no such thing as a male incel by this standard since grindr exists and someone will always fuck ur ass


this. The only real incel would be someone who's been stuck in a cave since puberty. No matter how ugly you are you could always go to prison and spit in someone's eye. That'll get your virginity gone from you real fast.


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