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File: 1622303640528.png ( 252.08 KB , 559x314 , 1397768-far-cry-6-12-07-20….png )


Alright, what's everyone's opinion on this?


is it out yet


No, it's releasing on October 7th.


We had a thread discussing the first trailer and what portrayal will Ubisoft do.
El Presidente shall be a Castro?
Or a Trujillo? With you as his Trujillito


who's trujullio


What’s the setting this time?


US PSYOP to lay the groundwork for a military intervention against Cuba in a new generation.


A fictional spoof of Cuba called Yara.


look what they did in far cry 4, they wanted you to literally sympathize with pagan min because the golden path founder killed his daughter


Is Gustavo Fringe going to be play Batista or Fidel?


They'll probably muddy the waters by mixing both into one


I think this is less intentional muddying the waters and more because they have a track record of being totally spineless when it comes to putting politics in their game inspired by politics


They will portray Castro as a fascioid banana republic hereditary dictatorship, just like a true psyop. And you will fight as the revolutiojnaries who want freedom from the dictatorship, who will probably be left wing to an extent. Thats how a real psyop works, it doesnt seem like propaganda so it will go down easier, and people will associate Cuba with repression and terror regardless.


These “game developers” are pretty much devoid of reality. Apparently one of the developers went to Cuba to research, “went to Cuba” probably went to “little Havana” Fla. and considered that to be Cuba.


I think it's gonna be a far cry from what its fans want gameplay wise, following the trend set by FC3-5 with the latter two's politics already being abysmal
I wonder how they'll do the main character's self discovery theme justice or if they'll fuck that up completely for some shooting with broken sneak system


>it's gonna be a far cry from what its fans want



The best far cry was number 2.


100%. That game was great and had a great atmosphere/message.


If I remember correctly you could ally with literal communist guerillas right? Fuckin based


I think the idea was that both sides were just as equally corrupt groups of "beyond left right or centre" Mobutuists with non-descriptive names that both sound vaguely revolutionary.


Yeah, it was a parody of like 'Democratic People's Front' and 'Alliance of Democratic People' which is so prevalent in Africa sadly.


Are people actually getting mad at this game? isn't inspired by Batista's dictatorship? It's not about Castro at all I thought?


The Pentagon funds this crap dude of course it's about Castro and Cuba


The creator literally said it’s about a so called “revolution” and the after effects of such a thing. Batista wasn’t a revolutionary, he was a dictator propped up by the US. The main villain of this game is a “revolutionary” leader with a tight grip on his people.


Anyone thinking for a second they're not attempting to rewrite history by making a Castro that's somehow like Pinochet or Batista is delusional. This is ubisoft, they're liberal centrists at best (Syndicate) and reactionaries at worst (Unity).


What makes them liberal centrist? At most in syndicate it seems liberal left from what I remember playing. And what makes them reactionary in Unity? Was it the presentation of the revolution? Funnily enough they kind of present Napoleon in a decent light.


They are insane libtards. Fallout 5 got made literally because the lead story dev saw a "the end is coming" cardboard guy the week Orange man got elected and he started thinking "but what if the cardboard man is right?" because of it.


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>Fallout 5 got made


well he's outright described as a fascist, thought that would leave only batista, especially since castro didn't have his children be his successor like some monarch


How much you bet you say to someone that the hid of Castro is ruling Cuba and he saying "yea seems legit"?


To be fair I think most westerners just imagine poorer countries to be like that


Somewhat unrelated but while I'm not sure if it's the best game of the franchise I think FC4 had one of the most interesting politics and villain. The dictator dude of Kyrat (forgot his name), while by no means leftist, was definitely the lesser evil and the game implied that heavily in the end. In a way he's sort of like an Assad, and the revolutionaires in the game are very similar to the rebels in the civil war. The fact that no matter which side character you choose to side with, you'll end up with either religious fundamentalists or drug dealers running the rebel forces drives the point home even farther, surprisingly similar to actual jihadists in Middle Eastern conflicts. It would've been pretty cool if in the secret ending in the start where you don't leave the room the dictator dude takes you under his lead and you fight alongside the government against the rebels. In a way it's implied that happens in that ending, when he say some shit like let's go shoot some guns.


Well you're right that syndicate was kind of libleft, although they licked the monarchy's ass like hell. They also literally bastardized marx into some kind of a fucking socdem that the real marx would have stuffed in a locker.

In Unity they straight up displayed reactionary tendencies, the revolution of the people was just a muh conspiracy. Also them presenting Napoleon (who literally betrayed the revolution) in a positive light is not a good thing.


The fact that there were no objective good guys in FC4 really was a pleasant surprise. Though, It was probably just Ubisoft having some sort of post nut clarity for a moment.


Mainstream garbo


I liked the girl faction. At least the monks were send to the fields.
Oh lord, seeing what they call guerrilla after reading the memoirs of two failed ones is like feeling a ghost leg and wanting to beat everyone with it. Goddam


Napoleon was kinda based though. He didn't betray shit, the revolution by that time already was a mess made up of the most cynical and corrupt dipshit centrists. Meanwhile Napoleon, as egotistic as he was, dragged Europe kicking and screaming out of the last remains of feudalism. Even when he was defeated, the old order didn't really manage to recover.


This. Napoleon wasn’t exactly a pure conservative (feudal conservatism at the time) neither Republican radical like the Jacobins. Napoleon was very much center and simply had the military try and consolidate the revolution. We would get to see Louis Bonaparte years later take this stance of being a sort of centrist that bring all the old aristocratic conservatives, the bourgeois republicans, and the socialists in toe with his government to maintain the “peace”.


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> A story about a modern revolution must be. There are hard, relevant discussions in Far Cry 6 about the conditions that lead to the rise of fascism in a nation, the costs of imperialism, forced labor, the need for free-and-fair elections, LGBTQ+ rights, and more within the context of Yara, a fictional island in the Caribbean. My goal was to empower our team to be fearless in the story we were telling, and we worked incredibly hard to do this over the last five years.

> We also tried to be very careful about how we approached our inspirations, which include Cuba, but also other countries around the world that have experienced political revolutions in their histories.

> In our approach we made sure to seek creators and collaborators for our team who can speak personally to the history and cultures of the regions we were inspired by.

> I am from a family that has endured the consequences of revolution.


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so, they admit that it's Cuba + USSR, China and so, they will bring exiles like Yuri Bezmenov to give their testimony, this is a new level of propaganda, but because they speak about
> "a modern revolution must be…"
and no longer the classic COD with the kill Soviets, they are just bad

He says that and also "I am from a family that has endured the consequences of revolution.", looking for a porkie that has the same last name, there is only one fugitive ex-Iranian banker who lives in Canada. Curious, the director of farcry 6 is also from Canada, has the same traits and last name


>I am from a family that has endured the consequences of revolution.

Yup, it's gusano time


thread theme


>modern revolution
Sounds like liberal bullshit.
>the conditions that lead to the rise of fascism in a nation, the costs of imperialism, forced labor,
>the need for free-and-fair elections, LGBTQ+ rights,
>to empower our team to be fearless in the story we were telling
Nevermind, it is liberal bullshit.

>We also tried to be very careful about how we approached our inspirations, which include Cuba, but also other countries around the world that have experienced political revolutions in their histories.

>In our approach we made sure to seek creators and collaborators for our team who can speak personally to the history and cultures of the regions we were inspired by.
Could this mean that they're focusing on what happens before a revolution?
>I am from a family that has endured the consequences of revolution.


its pretty dull. the game play is ok, story is dumb


Ths isn't out yet though


This is the sequel to 5 right?


I don't know about sequel, but it's certainly the next entry into the series

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