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 No.9389[View All]

To join:
>open minecraft
>add server
>use address leftypol.aternos.me and name it whatever you want
If it's offline you can log in to the public-use aternos.org account leftypoluser to turn the server on.
The password for that account is bunkercelsBTFO
Reminder to bump the thread if you bring the server online so other players will see.

Mode: Survival
World Type: Large Biomes
Pirate Friendly: Yes
195 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If you want a new server we can download the existing map to preserve buildings .


I would be happy with making schematics of the builds I've done so far if a new server is set up with decent plugins + performance. Also, no large biomes next time lol. Maybe a (lightweight) world generation mod could be used to make exploration more interesting.


Based. Also, is there a way to increase idle time? It's kinda annoying not being able to go away for a while when i'm at the xp farm.


I can't play without large biomes, I really despise the idea of having biomes the size of my backyard


jw, has anyone ever ran a modded server? What would the security concerns be like?


No security concerns that any other server wouldn't have, just make sure that you aren't exposing any unprotected ports


>Also, is there a way to increase idle time?
There is not option for that. Probably a cost-saving measure.


So how do I join and play? I am interested. I run linux.


>open minecraft
>go to multiplayer
>server: leftypol.aternos.org
>is it online?
>yes: join
>no: go to aternos.org, log in as leftypoluser, turn on server
password is bunkercelsBTFO


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>play minecraft for more than 10min
>feel nauseous
>tfw get motion sickness from a game


Haha you're old


FOV? Turn off the FOV-changing effects it's in accessibility options.


Had the exact same problem. Disabling bobbing solved it for me.


Which one of you motherfuckers did this


Can't we have something in-between? I would love making it easier to get to new biomes, but at the same time, reducing it too much would be kinda immersion-breaking.


The server's back on.


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All these enchantments for only 12 levels? Holy fuck.


If we do make another server, can we please get rid of that bullshit anvil cap?


Get good at enchanting, follow the guide I linked here >>9775 and make use of the villager trade hub to get the enchants you want. Before the villagers disappeared, I had vendors for Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, and Mending. Using the XP farm you can get god gear in less than 30 minutes.


The next big project I was planning was the creation of a potion industry which would require several new farms in the Nether, but I'm hesitant to start if a new server is going to be created. I think we should brainstorm new server ideas so we can come to an agreement


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The suggestions/feedback in this thread after the perceived death of the server:

>the next server should be paid and have some decent plugins and perhaps mods

>Although of use of stock server was asking for it. No account protection, no quality of life plugins, a metric shitton of lag up the wazoo. If someone makes a new server, please consider using Paper.

>Can we get a server based on iran?

>I would be happy with making schematics of the builds I've done so far if a new server is set up with decent plugins + performance. Also, no large biomes next time lol. Maybe a (lightweight) world generation mod could be used to make exploration more interesting.

>I can't play without large biomes, I really despise the idea of having biomes the size of my backyard

>Can't we have something in-between? I would love making it easier to get to new biomes, but at the same time, reducing it too much would be kinda immersion-breaking.

>If we do make another server, can we please get rid of that bullshit anvil cap?

Also this one, since it goes along with my bias:

<yes I always felt that minecraft's enchanting system was incredibly grindy, frustrating and tedious, maybe we should install mods/plugins that remove the increasing anvil cost.

Is there anything else really bad about minecraft that should be changed without hesitation (i.e. phantoms) ?


texture pack?


>texture pack?
Faithful x32, my personal favorite. It looks very detailed yet remains faithful to the vanilla aesthetic, hence the name. It also doesn't hurt performance as much as higher resolution textures (which in my opinion don't fit Minecraft's pseudo-voxel worlds at all).


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We now have a neat little wool farm.

I think it trying to look realistic-y and detailed really puts me off. There's something so charming about the game's simple yet distinctive looks that i don't think much can be done to improve it (besides adding something like BSL shaders, which just look gorgeous).


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I've begun extending the portal network directly to the north. So far there are two network nodes right now: one leading to a deep cavern (pic related), and another leading to a forest with a pit in the middle. The current plan is to extend the network as far as possible while complementing the portals with stations to faciliate further exploration of the Overworld territory beyond.


Based Syndie.

Also, what UI mods are these?


I'm currently using Fabric with InventoryHUD for the inventory display, VoxelMap for the minimap and RoughlyEnoughItems for the crafting guide. Out of the box it looks pretty ugly, but you can tweak all the elements to your liking through the menus.


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The cleric sells XP bottles now. Not as much XP as the farm gives, but good if you want to share it with someone else.


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Thank you.

I also just discovered minecraft has updated


how many people would be interested in a modded server? maybe we could use something like mc edit to port over the builds from the old world?


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Having taken most common criticisms of the current server in account, I have taken the initiative and set up an alternative one running 1.16.5 with Mohist core, allowing for the use of plugins and mods.

>Server URL: leftycraftreborn.aternos.me:63083

>Mods: Gravestone Mod, Biomes O' Plenty, Mowzie's Mobs, Mekanism, Immersive Engineering, Applied Energistics 2, Botania, Thermal Foundation with addons, SecurityCraft
>Difficulty: Hard
>World Type: Biomes O' Plenty

>Modpack link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fez97wu4gpi9h2x/LeftyCraft_Pack.zip/file

After downloading the modpack, put it in the "versions" folder in the game's root directory, then choose "LeftyCraft Pack" in the version selector of your launcher of choice and start up the game.

If the server is off, just log in the same account as provided in the OP and turn it back on.



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Insanely based Syndie.

Just hope the mod list isn't too much for weaker PC's to handle.


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>After downloading the modpack, put it in the "versions" folder in the game's root directory, then choose "LeftyCraft Pack" in the version selector of your launcher of choice and start up the game.

So, i did all of that, and all that happens is the game downloads a few things for a bit, and remains still. Do i have to delete/download something?


Are you using TLauncher? If not, try creating another 1.16.5 Forge instance and put the "mods" and "config" folders in it. That probably should work.


It seems to have worked like a charm, thanks anon



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I have added some more mods to the server's modpack. However, instead of releasing the entire pack all over again, I've decided to upload just the new files to save on player's traffic and time.

The mods are as follows:
>OptiFine - allows the use of shaders (BSL is included) and model replacements while optimizing the game's performance
>Chisel - adds a lot of new building and decorative blocks
>Pam's HarvestCraft 2 (Core, Crops, Trees and Food Extended) - introduces hundreds of new crops and fruit-bearing trees as well as tons of new foodstuffs
>Mekanism Matter - adds matter fabricators, synthesizers, analyzers, recyclers and Naquadah (hello, Stargate!)

Upgrade pack download:

>Extract the contents of the .zip archive into the modpack folder
>Press "Yes" when asked to replace some files.
>Launch the modpack as usual.


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Some screenshots. There isn't much building for now, but it's pretty great nonetheless.


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It's beautiful


Why does the clear lag thingy that removes blocks from the ground keeps deleting my boat?


are liberals allowed on this server


Oh shit I'm looking forward to this, well done syndie-kun


Few things we should focus on right now:

- Mining (we need wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more iron)
- Exploring (so far i've only found one village, some meteors, and overall, not anything really interesting/useful for us)
- Expanding our farms (living off bread sucks balls, so we should consider getting some livestock, or, at very least, increase our bread production manyfold)


remember that exploring too far and causing more chunks to be generated increases load on the server and can lead to the save becoming unplayable


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Goddamnit, though, i'm probably still very far away from getting to this point (i hope, at least).

Is there plugin to prevent this from happening?


>Is there plugin to prevent this from happening?
It's a limit the website imposes because they have limited server space.


How far have you gone from spawn so far?


When i try to join any of the rooms, it says i wasn't invited?

I see, but i meant something like reducing the same numbers of chunks loading, as to alleviate this.

Some 1400 blocks.


>When i try to join any of the rooms, it says i wasn't invited?
I've set the join setting for the rooms from invite only to public. That should do it.


After a few unsuccessful tries, i think i finally managed to create a portal in a nice location to move the base.

Problem is, it seems the portal spawned just outside an Pillager Outpost lol. So if anyone wants to help me clean that shit, i'll gladly accept, as i can only burn so many things with a single flamethrower at a time.

Unique IPs: 31

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