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This game is absolutely brutal and I'm playing all the levels on easy.
It almost seems like every stage has different timings for each button. Considering also you're not allowed to press buttons late.

Is the trick FPS or something? How do you fix it on linux? All builds that do only work on windows and wont work with wine.

Also general thread I guess


Unmodded Friday Night Funkin has inconsistent tracks that do get better in the later weeks. Also mods give better feedback and even remove the penalty for early button press where it simply won't count.



When I played Stepmania I would always set the speed to constant across all tracks.


the game is a buggy mess but it's still easy as fuck. no idea how you can have trouble with it at all, let alone on fuckin easy


I'm op, I figured it out, stare at the buttons and use peripheral vision to check for new inputs.

Because I didn't think of skipping week 2, didn't know it was the final boss.


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