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Call of Duty Cold War "Bad" Ending


Given that this has been pretty much the US' army recruitment tool for the past decade, i thought it was pretty hilarious that this even existed.


*The call of duty franchise, i mean


Do people actually still play this crap?


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It reminds me of World in Conflict. The US's plan B for a beach head in Seattle was to nuke the city of Seattle and this results in the USSR starting full scale nuclear attack on the USA.


I realize it's pointless to wind myself up about it, but the amount of completely baseless projection with regards to the USSR's attitudes toward nuclear arms and shit like that is so fucking staggering. Every step towards nuclear and military de-escalation was made by the Soviets, even if part of it came from an economic incentive. It's so funny how even when the yanks go back to Cold War-era red scare propaganda as a nostalgia trip, they're really still portraying their own worst qualities as villainous without even realizing it.


The worst part of this game was them making Gorbachev seem like a committed Communist when in reality he was a slimy traitor looking to dismantle the USSR. Other than that this is probably the most red-pilled a Cawadooty game can get from mentioning MK Ultra to having the twist be that you are a brainwashed ex-soviet agent to America placing nukes in all European capitals for fun etc.

Better than Black Ops 2 anyhow where you gun down Occupy Wall St and literally defend the president. At least im this game you can side with the Soviets at the end and the devs showed how awful the CIA is.


where have I heard that melody before?




lmao I get to shoot yanks for once in CoD?still not gonna play that trash


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I’m still salty as shit about that game.
>play the campaign and was kinda annoyed at how gung-ho retarded it was
>saw that they’re making a campaign on the Soviet side
>get hyped
>finally got the thing with the intro for invading Berlin
>still ended with the Soviet losing for no reason
I fucking hate burgers.


>I fucking hate burgers.
Don't buy their games then


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Just play the Eugen Systems, Wargame series in multiplayer. Most RTS players have forgotten World In Conflict existed and you can't be mad at the story if you don't play the single player campaign.


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>voting with your wallet


There is a difference between "if you don't buy someone's product you gonna affect what they produce" and "why do you play games that you obviously hate?". I know you are probably fell down a couple flights of stairs in your childhood, but try to muster whatever brain matter remained in this sorry excuse for a head of yours and notice this difference.


Who the fuck is actually playing COD anymore, even the 12 years old ae now into flavor of the year games like among us last year and that shitty newgrounds rhytm game now.


>imagine thinking vidja games are political
>Try to analyze politics in a video game for children


Are you the same retard on /anime/ saying that Russia banning isekai is the fault of leftist analysis of media?


First Russia didn’t ban anything and second you people see politics everywhere even in a retarded video game about shooting shit.


>game about war
>not politics


How can you hate something if you haven’t play it you retard? There’s a thing called gameplay out of a singleplayer campaign.
Get out with that gay shit. Unless you haven’t noticed, everything under the superstructure of any system of production reflect the base. Anything is and can be political.


>video game with war in it
It’s a video game for children, stop trying to see politics in everything

Word jargon blah blah, you still see politics in everything from 0’s and 1’s to books to tv shows. Its pathetic.


>It’s a video game for children
Are you from the 1980? Sony and Microsoft marked "real gaming" as only for teens and adults back with the PS2 and original Xbox.


Yeah and animal farm is not political because it’s used to brainwash children as well. Fuck sake, everything in entertainment is made with a political goal in mind. You’re just blind to it due to decades of liberal ingrained propaganda. Apolitics has only been a term since Thatcher and Raegan to make the people think neoliberalism has always been there since the dawn of time. Imagine still believing this shit when CoD literally take consultations from the Pentagon itself.


>Call of Duty
>made for children
lol no. Although the DoD would love children to play these games, since they're US Army-approved.
How about you prove there are no politics in war video games? Really, a more reasonable objection would be to call something like Tetris apolitical, where the politics involved are not obvious (or non-existent). But something like Call of Duty, where you play as an American soldier? Come on.


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Also lol

>“The eSports Team blocked the term ‘war crimes’ in its Twitch channel after discovering the trend was meant to troll and harass the team,” Kelli Bland, a spokesperson for the Army, told The New York Times. “Twitch members used creative spelling to continue related posts. Following the guidelines and policies set by Twitch, the US Army eSports Team banned a user from its account due to concern over posted content and website links [that led to information about US war crimes] that were considered harassing and degrading in nature.”

>degrading in nature


I don't see what the problem is I deliberately sabotaged every side mission and fucked up everything for the CIA and was rewarded in the end by the ability to re-swear allegiance to Perseus and kill all the MKULTRA fuckboys who messed with me. The Soviets won the cold war and took over the world gg ez this is perhaps the only based cod campaign that has ever been made


Raven software is so based. It’s a shame that they’re now just a subsidiary of Activision used to pump out more CoD. Take Singularity for instance, a game that has a minigun that have a single bullet as projectile but used time manipulation to rewind a shoot it over and over again. Also the endings of that game were GOAT (none will bring you back to the neoliberal shithole IRL).


I played the cracked game.

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Sorry, but I agree with this anon >>9011


>red alert 3 russian theme plays in the end

I lol'd. Did EA actually license that out?


>this is perhaps the only based cod campaign that has ever been made
Tbh the Soviet campaigns in the WW2 cod games are pretty based too


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Your cope, sir


Roger Ebert aren't you fucking dead?


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>nukes Yugoslavia
Tankie uyghur go home. I was with him up until this point.


Old Tito was long dead by the time the game set in. Also the nukes were placed by the Americans, Perseus just pushed the button.


imagine not being able to notice politics in a fcking cawadooty. what an absolute brainlet lmao


Betraying the CIA douche nozzles felt excellent.


You do it in MW2 too


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>this is perhaps the only based cod campaign that has ever been made
In the original CoD you play as this guy.


True but on the other hand it reiterates a bunch of tired and dumb 'Enemy at the Gates' tier propaganda like the idea that commissars were just shooting deserters left and right (of course that did happen but there was like a few thousand cases in the entire war and it usually firing squads as punishment, not just random shootings) and that Soviet soldiers were sent into battle without guns and carrying a magazine of ammo (I found this funny as a kid, but come on).


Perseus is also the ultimate daddy.


I heard a lot of the "Soviets are heartless retards" shit is actually recycled from shit Tarist Russia actually did, but I'm no expert.


Oh definitely, I don't think it ever got as bad as not giving soldiers guns, but in WW1 morale among Russian soldiers was rock bottom for reasons such as not being given replacement boots and having to wear ones with holes in them for months (in snow and slush).


Wow apparently that is actually true about the guns:

"By December, 1914, the Russian Army had 6,553,000 men. However, they only had 4,652,000 rifles. Untrained troops were ordered into battle without adequate arms or ammunition. "Untrained troops were ordered into battle without adequate arms or ammunition. And because the Russian Army had about one surgeon for every 10,000 men, many wounded of its soldiers died from wounds that would have been treated on the Western Front. With medical staff spread out across a 500 mile front, the likelihood of any Russian soldier receiving any medical treatment was close to zero". (12)

Tsar Nicholas II decided to replace Grand Duke Nikolai as supreme commander of the Russian Army fighting on the Eastern Front. He was disturbed when he received the following information from General Alexei Brusilov: "In recent battles a third of the men had no rifles. These poor devils had to wait patiently until their comrades fell before their eyes and they could pick up weapons. The army is drowning in its own blood." (13)"


Now I'm wondering how this got recycled into EATG. I love that movie still, even though the politics of it are revolting. A lot like the movie Patton was ruined for me after finding out that the man himself was essentially a fascist.

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