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What are some of your biggest disappointments in vidya anon?

Pic related for me, it pretty much ruined my youthful innocence. When I was a child I believed that there was such a thing as "good" and "bad" developers. That good ones existed who would never betray their fans on greedy marketing decisions, developers who were innately pure and reliable. Then I played this abomination and grew up.


A-anon? You've never made a bad choice on a game?


Metroid Fusion was made by a dev team that had no idea what makes a good Metroid game. Which is weird to me because the lead developer made Super Metroid.


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It's proof that Gunpei Yokoi was the real brains behind Super Metroid.


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When I wad a kid, I saved up just enough money to buy the cheapest used gba game available.
I finished in in a couple hours.


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I was a teen who played MGR without knowing anything about metal gear and that combined with seeing one of the E3 trailers for MGSV got me so excited about it I saved up money to get the legacy collection and played through all the games in anticipation for 5. It was a lot of fun going through through all of them (4 and Peace Walker were a slog though). I was convinced this game was going to be one of the best games ever. Fast forward to the games release and you can probably guess how I felt about it.


To be fair Kojima admited lowkey he got cucked by Konami during the development.


The most surprising part of mgsv is how much everyone sucked kojimas cock, saying it was the best game evar and what not.

It's nothing special, just a sandbox "emergent" "game".

>where's the prisoner?

>where are your friends?
>*crunch crunch crunch… Crunch*


I haven't even gotten past the 4th mission
tbf I didn't finish Peace Walker either


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>No more intrigue and mystery surrounding your actions because everything is explicitly told
>The plot that acts as a substitute for the Drive-like ambience is boring, overly complicated and introduces too many (uninteresting) characters for a game like this
>Too long, gets old
>Gameplay strips away everything that made the original fun and rewarding, leaving only the frustration intact
Fuck this game.


Almost every game I've played in the last decade.


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Even when i was a kid with no critical sense whatsoever, i still felt that this game sucked


Yeah agreed, big disappointment. They ruined the combat by making everything slow and tedious with too many special enemies.


Kojima didn't even finish the story of V lol
4 should have been the final game


V was miles better than IV even if it wasn't finished, at least that game isn't 90% tedious pretentious cutscenes.


the gameplay in IV was miles better than whatever the fuck sandbox crap V was.
and the cutscenes are prophetic, and have always been my favorite part of every metal gear game


Kojima's work in MGS 4 was literally the work of a auteur that loves the smell of his own farts jacking off all over the page, he showed no respect for the audience by having hour long cutscenes of nonsense.


The whole point of mgs was to have "movie like" cutscenes since mgs1 with the voice acting. I don't know anyone could watch a cut scene and not be reminded of a Hollywood blockbuster.

>hour long cutscenes

the longest one was at the end and it was 34 mins. I've actually seen longer cutscenes before too, picrel

Perhaps stick to a more gameplay intensive franchise, like Minecraft


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>cant post pics and embed


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>take a steamy dump all over the series' core mechanics and the way characters play
>ruin the character aesthetics
>replace beautiful hand-drawn 2D art with ugly cel-shaded 3D garbage
>remove half the playable cast and introduce a bunch of cringe BlazBlue tier characters
Go fuck yourselves in hell, ASW. Capitalist greed is the sworn enemy of fighting games.


>take a steamy dump all over the series' core mechanics and the way characters play
I don't like YRC either but they're much closer than most Blazblue sequels
>ruin the character aesthetics
>replace beautiful hand-drawn 2D art with ugly cel-shaded 3D garbage
I mean it's definitely different but the way Xrd looks is the last complaint I'd have with the game.
>remove half the playable cast and introduce a bunch of cringe BlazBlue tier characters
Half is a stretch. People don't even like Justice/Kliff in AC. Do you want more +R Zappa swords?
The only character I don't particularly like from Xrd is Leo, who's just kinda bland. If I could play Elphelt in +R, I would in a heartbeat.


Metroid Other M was the biggest piece of shit I ever played, and it's astonishing how much of its problem can be foreshadowed by Metroid Fusion. Sakamoto should never be allowed to touch the series ever again, although at this rate, who knows if the series is even alive at this point.

Another disappointing garbage that happened to destroyed its own series is Final Fantasy XIII. Its new entries now come out every once a decade and it seems we're also going head first into wacky remake territory.


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>and it's astonishing how much of its problem can be foreshadowed by Metroid Fusion

<1UP: What most people love about Metroid is that it offers a huge, open world. It's non-linear, there's so much to explore, and you can move about at your own pace. Is that something you're going to be retaining for this game, or is it going to be more of a linear, level by level progression?
<Sakamoto: If you think about this one as being maybe similar to Metroid Fusion, then I think you'll have an idea of how the story will play out. It's still linear in the sense that there's a progression, but there are side areas that players can go into. It will retain that true, Metroid feel.
I tried to warn people. But they refused to listen.


The positive critical response was clearly down to the guided review event. I remember gamers diaping out about it way more than was warranted when it actually released. In the end it was a well designed sandbox game with great missions that suffered from too much filler and an unfinished story.


Why would you respect your audience when your audience is video game players?

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