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 No.871[View All]

What games do leftypol play? I played through Stalker recently, I also like Deus Ex, Mount and Blade Warband, Dark Souls. I play supreme commander daily and generally enjoy strategy games.
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Played through this yesterday, thanks for the link, it was fun when new mechanics were being added but at certain bits it gets a bit grindy (especially at the end of stage 1 if you don't have enough memory). Ah well.


weren't there like some missions in ussr where you kill some sovjet politicians or something? I love the charm of the game (at least the old ones) but it seems like the new games are more about "the evil secret elites" then actually killing bourgies.


Looks good from what I've seen of it a while back. I think it's just a satire of British TV.


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The /v/ & /vg/ archives are fucked and my home pc is in another state. Anyone saved the Dark Souls 2 version of pic related? The one with the royal swordsman gank squad in Lost Bastille?




Deus Ex? More like… DEU SEX
you just got fucking rekt


I've been thinking about firing up Stardew Valley again recently. Could use some aimless feelgood escapism. Is Graveyard Keeper any good? I've seen people compare the two.


Which prey? Both are good but is it the human head one or arkane one?


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I found this game on kotaku. It is a fps in the style of super mario 3d games made as a challenge by some sean noon.
I personally have always loved to have an fps that is just this in this colourful style. I love DOOM but all the metal blood and gore is traumatizing. Wish there was a more vivid alternative.



ID actually intended to make a Commander Keen shooter with a in-depth storyline while keeping the cartoony art styles instead of Doom. Until the two Johns barked at the idea.


i've never play commander kneen but yeah a fps in that style would have been awesome.


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>the mobile game
Fuck Bethesda for ruining an already forgotten franchise.


There's plenty of Doom wads that have colourful aesthetics, tbf. Off the top of my head, Adventures of Square, Reelism, Action Doom 2 and Doom: The Golden Souls 2 are p okay. Also you might like Lovely Planet even if it's really barebones as a FPS


I'll try that stuff. I tried to play wolfenstein and almost vomited.
why the fuck am i so weak. WHY DOES MY BODY REJECT THE VIOLENCE


>I love DOOM but all the metal blood and gore is traumatizing.
that makes no sense, you love it but hate one of it's most popular features? anyways, incase you want to get rid of the gore tho, https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=59415 this is for you. works only for gzdoom I think.


anyone wants to play apex legends?
it's free so you dirty commies can afford it


cant afford a computer that doesn't crash or has like 3 fps when playing


teeeftwo is also free and has custom configs that while will make the game look like it has n64 graphics will run smoothly on old laptops too


okay the better thing to say would be "I love the fast running of DOOM"
I love tf2 because of it. Quake champions is also fast.


Should I buy Metro Redux or RDR2? Both cost the same


reminder that stanley parable and watch dogs is free on epic games store currently


Watchdog is dogshit. While SP is anothingburger game.


thanks for the review that nobody asked for
can you ruin rage 2 for me now?


Finished Doom Eternal, it was pretty good.
The game starts off really slow in my opinion, but after the first two levels or so, it starts getting really good.
All in all, the game is fantastic.
Spoiler-wise, The Doom Slayer is confirmed to be the original Doomguy. He's also pretty much immortal, and Samuel Hayden may or may not be a Maykr. I got that impression, at least.


did you play on pc? what were you specs if so


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Do you know any good non neoliberal ideology infused Animal Crossing like? Harvest Moon seems super boring.


Stardew Valley has you fighting the local corporation wanting to buy your town (unless you're a fag and you join them)


Nice! And how is crafting and relationships with NPCs?


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Playin quite a bit of TF2 myself. It's just such a fun game to play after a joint, listenin to some Amiga music or trance remixes or some shit.

btw I use Solus Gnome


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>Be me
>Subscribed to Jim Sterling
>New vid on Doom DRM
>Well whatever let's check it out, I need someone to ramble in my ear at this point in time
>"Then Bathesda broke it, making it easier to pirate Doom: Eternal than ever"
>oh shit
>Instantly hop over to a site that will not be disclosed
>Grab the torrent link
>pic related first post under the torrent link thread


Yeah. Those dumbasses included a drm-free .exe version inside their files.


I did.
My specs are:
i7 @3.60GHz
16 gigs of ddr4
1060 w/ 3gigs vram
It played it pretty flawless on medium.


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Based. Hope more people rediscover how great this game still is.



TF2 is still great but at the moment it's going through a difficult period. Cheaters (bots) are in almost every single game.

Almost every second server now, as soon as I hear NICE SHOT or some shit, I usually nope the fuck out of there. Although, as many of these bots have "RACIST" in their name, the players can often fight off waves of them with votebans which can actually be quite fun sometimes when the server acts together.


yep. sadly because of the new vr tech demo they are releasing tf2 is put on hold indefinitely.

community servers don't seem like will get revived
but I hear it's getting updates and new stuff from the modding side of TF2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0idcICVtVjo




Cheeki breeki


/v/ is now the roulette board, please go there for your video game related discussions.


>soviet soldiers being forced into battle like terrified unwilling POWs
>anyone who runs away is shot
>muh evil red army bandits
Are there any FPS games about WW2 that aren't propaganda?




It's pretty much exactly like Harvest Moon so if you don't like that I doubt you'll enjoy it.

Really bro, Animal Crossing is not that bad, Tom Nook has even softened up now.


What's the best fps with controller support I can play that will allow me to kill nazis from the perspective of the red army

tried one of the old CoD games but controller didn't work


Battlefield 1942


I installed this and realized controller didn't work


>FPS with controller
why the fuck would you do this to yourself


It's comfy if you were raised as a console kiddie. I mean like imagine playing Halo with keyboard.


Are you implying that for a typical 3D game with strong emphasis on aiming precision and timing, a keyboard where directional input is typically formed by four binary inputs on two axes (total 8 directions), is more appropriate than a controller where the same directional input is formed by non-binary joysticks?
t. haven't played with a controller for around 8 years


One of PC's inputs may indeed be digital, but mouse control is in general so much more precise and accurate for camera control that it overcomes all the advantages of two analog sticks.


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Came here to post SupCom. Its on sale again for $2 starting today until July 9th.


playing on https://www.faforever.com/

>Forged Alliance Forever (found at faforever.com) is a community driven lobby system that offers several features including playing multiplayer in Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. It is described as similar to GPG.net, the original multiplayer client to Forged Alliance. Since the shutdown of GPG.net and the discontinuation of support for the original game, Forged Alliance Forever seeks to ensure that the game will "live on… forever."

>As of 2021, Forged Alliance Forever continues to be supported by fan volunteers who actively maintain the community, add unofficial patches, maps, and mods, and release regular content.


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if you wan't to see what gameplay is like this guy casts tournaments and uploads often

some nuke footage to get a sense of the scale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tWp4ynONnQ&t=3119s


How to Nuke - Weirdly Specific Tutorials for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPi5RjVQiNw

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