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>No animal crossing thread for 10 pages
Absolutely disgusting you uncultured plebs.
Post friend codes and Island codes, or just screenshots in general.


Don't do that.


Why? it's just a general thread for AC stuff.


/acg/ is no


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are you gonna blackmail me into cross dressing in your basement?


please kiss me.


animal crossing is just chores


I was enjoying New Horizons a lot when it came out until bunny day happened which broke the economy and made me keenly aware I was just doing work inside of a video game.


Is OP around?


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I played New Horizons a WHOLE LOT when I first got it, then got burnt out on it for a while. Pawned my switch a few times over a few months and just recently got back to playing it again.


Mind if I add you on Switch?


Sure. Post friend code m8


oh i was wondering if you were gonna post one, i'm playing right now so maybe if you're able to, mind if you drop a dodo for me to come visit?


That works too just gimme a sec :p


rip connection


I'm using a hotspot so that might be why you can't connect. What about me trying to connect to your island?


maybe another time, i'm about to head off to bed. post a fc and ill add you


sent. have a good night


Mods is this a doxxing risk? Should sharing friend codes be allowed?


thx anon


Can you connect with other players on emulator?



It might be possible if you're willing to deal with a little VPN autism like Hamachi.


Will I get a gf if I play this game?


lets gooooo


What are you hosting for?


are ur shops open


Just fishing or hanging out or whatever.
Ye they're open but not for too much longer.


I can stay in the shop to keep it open while i'm online though.


Wow thank you. I really didn't expect a positive reply.


animal crossing won’t help you have sex. you might as well play a real video game, creeps.


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Is Tom Nook a real uygha for letting you pay off your debt or is he still a jerk?


bump for answers on the Tom Nook question


Haven't played that game and don't know the Nook character, so i'm just saying something about debt.
From a materialist perspective debt is not a reasonable idea. It's a negative quantity and that makes no sense. You can't have less than zero of something.

Many people are being tricked to accept the concept of debt because they are being deceived by ideology that conflates the organic social relation-ship of owing somebody a favor with debt.

The system however is not operating like a human and it does treat debt like a negative quantity, which contradicts the very fabric of reality. This contradiction is cumulative and eventually it leads to a crisis, where the system either chooses a debt-jubilee. Or it goes to war to expand the system in order to find new means to paper over this contradiction. That is what the Roman empire did. But eventually it couldn't expand anymore, after that debt became one of the factors that lead to the collapse of the Roman empire.

One of the reasons why many Marxists want to create an economic system with labor-time and resource accounting instead of money is because that won't let you do negative quantities and then this problem never arises.

In theory you could do capitalism without debt too. You just have to gift people money to enable the creation of new capitalist companies. I guess you'd create multiple organizations that can gift money for this purpose and then you periodically cull the worst performing one that doesn't fund enough companies that become viable according to capitalist criteria (capital accumulation). Once you culled one, a new org gets chosen at random. I imagine you would not lack for applicants that want to have a go at shaking the magic money tree.

If you think this is retarded, keep in mind the limited goals of this thought experiment. Now lets look at the pitfalls. There would be fewer reasons for banks to lend money and big capital investors would be less attractive than free money from the magic money tree. Banks will be opposed to that because having a lot of debtors on a leash is a form of power, and big capital will be opposed because they want to be able to buy into new companies when they are still small. So making this politically viable in a bourgeois political system would be tricky.


Depends. Does he charge interest? If yes then he's a rentier rat whose neck belongs in a noose.


It actually is interest-free lol. There is also no deadline.


Sounds like a nice guy.


Yeah. Found some Reddit comments (yeah…):

User A:
You don't know if he is fair because there is no competition on the housing market, so he might be overcharging a lot. He has monopoly and the "free" loan just ensure that he can charge outrageous prices. He know what he is doing.

User B:
A Nintendo switch in-game costs just under 30,000 bells correct? (This is a rough estimate I don't have the numbers in front of me - it's around there).

IRL they cost $300.

A small house and the first upgrade to make it bigger costs 246,000 bells in total after the 2 upgrades. So for a decent home, you pay about 8.2x the cost of a switch in bells.

IRL that is $300x8.2 = $2,460

That's a one-room studio house. For $2,460.

Tell me this Raccoon is overcharging.



you are so right bestie!

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