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Are we already in the Deus Ex world?


You talking to me?


Are both of you talking to me?


Why don't you try getting a job?


We’re actually in a Death Stranding world
>gig economy about delivering packages
>rarely ever see anyone face to face
>deadly epidemic flooding the skies
>America has been reduced to a deluded cult of comfortable aristocrats


We're in children of men world, except there's children.

No future, no jobs, not even school is available.
Permanent contingencies.
Protests are an everyday thing.
Middle-upper to upper live lives generally the same way.
Art loses its purpose (gatherings and galleries are closed)
People are keeping the wheels of capitalism churning when the obviousness of people dying like flies is ignored.


Children of Men was about the loss of hope in a future. Which we have managed to achieve despite fertility being no problem.


Okay, where?


Nice. You said better than me.






;_; damn

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