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File: 1611449908659.jpg ( 82.92 KB , 600x800 , 614.jpg )


>Assault Android Cactus
>Geometry Wars 3
>Race the Sun
>Hotline Miami 1+2 (especially 2)
>Katana Zero
>Fury Unleashed
>The Messenger
>Blue Revolver
>Fight 'N Rage
>Return of Obra Dinn
>This is the Police
>Rain World
>Bleed 1+2
>Rabi Ribi
>Blazing Chrome
>Shovel Knight
>Super Cloudbilt
>Mother Russia Bleeds
>Into the Breach
>Darkest Dungeon
>Don't Starve
>Sine Mora
>Super Stardust HD
>Banner Saga
>The End is Nigh
>Trials Evo/Fusion/Rising
>Rogue Legacy
>Nex Machina
>Hollow Knight
>Velocity 2X
>Dead Nation
>Outlast 1+2
>Shovel Knight
>Dead Cells
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>OlliOlli 1+2
>Stardew Valley
>Super Meat Boy


What does this mean


you forgot subnautica


Thanks for the recommendations ;)


Are you trying to spark a discussion, OP? I don't understand. Sine Mora is trash.


Don't forget risk of rain


Use your words OP


File: 1611521995170.png ( 250.7 KB , 1201x677 , sjk.png )

Who is OP attacking?


Why, yes. I can't breed. How can you tell?


Nex Machina is pretty fun though




I have my qualms about a few entries in this list but overall based. Fuck roguelikes and masocore games, literally the worst trends to ever take over indie games. The only non-shit ones are Hades and maaybe Celeste/Nuclear Throne.


Your steam friend who likes Tarantino movies, GY!BE, reads Berserk and thinks Hotline Miami is the most deep game ever made.


>literally the worst trends to ever take over indie games
What are some of the best trends then?


>anything on that list


I used to play it when I was a child, what's wrong with it?
>>Hotline Miami 1+2 (especially 2)
I agree the fandom is shit, but the game is actually funny
>>Don't Starve
My grandma loves this game, I don't see the problem with it tho, just seems boring to me

>and thinks Hotline Miami is the most deep game ever made
Who thinks that? The only reason I ever played this game is because it has gore and nice music. People who think games are deep are cringe anyway.


hey fuck you n++ is god tier



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