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Hi /games/. I'm looking for a few volunteers to create a leftist post-apocalyptic community in C:DDA both to discount the Hobbesian idea of war of all against all and show that humans are communal creatures as well as showcasing leftist ideas to a large, international group of gamers.

No Technological Experience or Knowledge is required, mostly just an active imagination, possibly some writing and an interest in having real leftist examples in video games.

If you do not currently play c:dda but would like to understand the other factions that currently exist in the game, read:

It's important to mention that the two currently most developed factions are a capitalist one which broadly speaking are free market capitalists, with some just wanting to make money whilst others are pure 'right libertarian' ideologues. The second being a faction which is the remnants of the old american state and seeks to unite the US back into the old USA. Patriots, Generals, beurocrtats, basically govt people and there patriot supporters.. rumored to have a good portion of the US fleet still active and just off-shore of somewhere preparing for a ground offensive.
These two groups are allies. This is significant as it allows for conflict with leftist organization and as we know Conflict Drives Plot.

Let's Get Shit Done, anons!


What sort of game is this? Is it even fun?


I started a few CDDA games, but either did not get out of the starting location or starved/was poisoned, because of the lack of reliable food sources.

>All factions were part of the same overall culture only a few months ago. We’re not at a Mad Max: Fury Road stage yet, and if anyone’s acting that way they’re probably basing it on a major motion picture.

Considering the all-pervading capitalist realism (not particularly in CDDA), they will probably object strongly to any kind of straight-out revolutionary factions.
We could get away with some kind of syndicalist faction though.

Those could be former city dwellers, who started small farms at the edges of cities and towns.
Due to the surplus of modern crops, regular zombie ambushes and their experiences in a capitalist society they founded a support network.
Only few very well equipped communities recruit members to venture into towns or cities and they only gradually claim new territory to provide for a growing membership.
Missions could involve securing the fragile communication and supply lines of the communities.

With this as a basis, perhaps a revolutionary movement could arise out of the communities pressured by the other factions.


>Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, or CDDA, is an open-source survival horror roguelike video game. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is a fork of the original game Cataclysm. CDDA features text based graphics but has an alternative graphical tiles version.
Personally I've never tried it, but it looks like it has a lot of potential.


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>What sort of game is this? Is it even fun?
Survival. Zombe Survival specifically but it is he most intricate Survival game that exists even f you turn zombies off. guarantee you could not name a more intricate, 'realistic' one.

>I started a few CDDA games, but either did not get out of the starting location or starved/was poisoned, because of the lack of reliable food sources.
You will die a lot. ths is part of the experence. every death is avoidable and you will learn with each one. Find a building to use as a HQ and run expeditions from at night to get food and supllies.

>hey will probably object strongly to any kind of straight-out revolutionary factions.

We could get away with some kind of syndicalist faction though.
Revolution s uncessary because the old orld has been destroyed. Now it s just a matter of building a community (i have an idea for them to start in a church or school, they were using it to have there reading group when it all went down.)

With regards to your other stuff i was thinking they'd start in a building just on the edge of the city but is stlll urban. This gives them some reason to want to try to agitate in the Tacoma Commune so they can take over a rural, working commune and will in the larget context create conflct with the Free Traders Captalist Faction and Old Guard faction which i imagine to be guided by a kind of neo-American Exceptionalism.


With this as a basis, perhaps a revolutionary movement could arise out of the communities pressured by the other factions.

Yep this is the exact plan with the Tacoma Commune.

It'd be great if someone could write an agitator for the Tacoma Commune, even if it's just a rough bio, etc. of the character who will be edgitating there. I imagine him being just disafected as a worker, giving his produce to the Free Traders for next to nothing and complaining about it. Then when you meet the leftist faction you will have more conversation options with him that will change the course of the Tacoma Commune. :)

You have lots of good ideas and it'd be nice to talk in real time, so for example i can get input as i write the characters, quests, plots, etc.
I'd like to start a working group on Matrix if you are interested:

It's on the main matrix server, the same as the /leftypol/ general chat.

It has so much content already in but much much more potential, more than you could probably imagine!
What has stopped you from trying it, anon?


>the old orld has been destroyed
The relations of the pre-Cataclysm USA are mostly destroyed.
Through the strong focus on defense against the zombie hordes, relations above communal level will probably stagnate for the first few years.
However this does not spell out the end of classes.

Because of the sudden nature of the Cataclysm, the starting factions will for the most part be influenced by their former class, as you already took into account.
Therefore we need to carefully weigh the desire of the factions clinging to their former self interests against the emerging material conditions.

>Undo the Cataclysm, or failing that, re-establish civilization under the Old Guard’s control.

>The Old Guard claims to be the remnants of the US Federal government, with an armada of ships in the Atlantic Ocean and a few walled off cities near the coast.
<The established conflict of the Old Guard is predominantly concerned with the administrative question of balancing military presence and living conditions in newformed settlements.
<The Old Guard is probably aware of the large growth potential of their relatively save communities at the coast, so will they be able to regain farmland and resources inland, or will they focus on aquaculture and send missions to overseas?
<Their need of overseas expedition may depend on the success of the Free Traders with stabilizing trading relations and projects like the Tacoma Commune.

>Allied to the Old Guard as the last remnants of military force and organized government. The Tacoma Commune is an allied off-shoot. Trades with the Robofac, random scavengers, God’s Chosen, the Great Library, the Campus, the Brotherhood of the Tentacle, Strongarm Survivalists, Marloss Evangelists, and Fence Men. Preyed on by the Hell’s Raiders.

<The most important conflict I see with the Free Traders lies in their manifold trade relations.
<Depending on how well their trading partner factions do, they may at some point wield enough economic power to act as a unifying political force, either under the protection of the Old Guard or on their own.

>The Hell’s Raiders are a collection of smaller gangs

>The junta leadership seeks power and are willing to do what it takes to get it.
>Has a fairly robust internal economic system
<I currently do not understand enough about the material conditions of organized crime to judge them, but it seems like they would be led either by people with good connections to the Old Guard or Opportunists with the whole Will to Power thing and they significantly benefit from the dormant fighting/military equipment.

>A colony of the Free Merchants that initially takes their attitudes.

>Hard work as a subsistence farmer at the Commune is unpleasant, but it’s better than starving to death at the Evac Center, and Commune workers get first dibs on any food produced.
>The foreman and crop overseer run the joint.
<The actual selection process for members is unclear, still it is unlikely to run along class lines in the relatively homogenous faction of the Free Traders.
<The commune clearly serves to provide a reliable production base relatively independent of the capitalist distribution.
<Due to the lack of machinery, the commune is unable to recreate predominantly capitalist production, so it will be more adjacent to a manioralist system, depending on the authority of the foremand and overseer.
<Their potential for revolution is determined by their ability to trace it back to the capitalists and break out of their liberal mindset.

>You will die a lot. ths is part of the experence. every death is avoidable and you will learn with each one. Find a building to use as a HQ and run expeditions from at night to get food and supllies.

In my last run I was at the point, were I could select the right skills to get out of the starting location (mostly martial arts), but never had more than warm clothing, a little food and drink, books and glass shards to work with afterwards.
I will compile it for my current system in the near future, so until then I will share my armchair suggestions with you :-)


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I'm thinking of making a tutorial video for newfriends to better get into this game. Any ideas on how I should structure this? Never done any videos before.
I'm thinking an edited video of the first few days where I explain what is needed to craft the most basic stuff, how to gather supplies etc.


I would structure it as a kind of "what to do in the first few days" thing where it is more a loose set of recommendations you can give which will maximize their chances of survival in all situations. stuff like what skills to raise quickly, what they can do to grind them, good starter weapons, how to use the terrain when fighting towards your advantage, recommended early armor, encumbrance and warmth and how to manage it, ect.


Straight up unnecessary.
Instead make a fun video showcasing all the wacky shit you ran into. Then start that video with a brief explanation of how to get the game, and how it works.
You get more eyeballs pointing your way and it's a more entertaining video besides.

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