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File: 1608528260044.jpg ( 3.61 MB , 4608x2240 , 20201123_195509.jpg )


Anybody play Wreckfest? One of the only newer racing games I've liked


What's so great about it?


My limousine for example, soft body physics, relatively good destruction and tricky handling make you want come back for more. Also online play is good from my experience. You could join a server and BTFO the serious racers by having all the lads choose school buses. At least until they vote to kick the lot of you lol


File: 1608528262148.jpg ( 450.22 KB , 1920x1080 , 20201124104020_1.jpg )

Yes, it's actually the only racing game in my steam library.

Reminder that real men play with realistic damage in all modes.


Based Rammer RS, i play on Xbox unfortunately because that's what the homies are on and limited internet connection

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