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Anyone here play arknights? You know RPG in futuristic style & mix with old civilizations? Drop in, m8. Discuss anything. Memes, guides, spoilers to next events, etc.



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If you enjoy this game, it's really none of my business, but is this really the best kind of gameplay you can ask for? This kind of thing is just an excuse to milk you out of money for your favourite waifus.


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One thing for sure, lad.


Well it's just a marketing plan to attract weebs & counterparts. Tbf it's kinda boring tho (the gameplay). But not the music, soundtracks, the events, & each of operators stories.




I'll never stop being surprised about seeing gachashit threads here.

Cookiecutter gameplay and cookiecutter characters just like all the others, and of course, there's the shameless monetization and gambling elements.


I enjoyed playing it a little when it came out. I've since found more productive things to do on my phone while I shit.


Gacha takes skill now?


>but is this really the best kind of gameplay you can ask for?

Who said anything like that?


Well yeah. You should try it. Gacha games ain't so bad.


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You aren't going to trick me into gambling for jaypegs.


Bruh, you don't need gambling. Just use the mod apks.

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