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give me a good torrent link and I'll give you my opinion in a few days


This, I ain't gonna buy it for like £50. Also I heard a bunch of stories that every executive at Ubisoft is a rapist.


the series seems liberal but I liked 2 tbh
The characters were pretty fun and I felt less lonely for a few days
they critque big tech fine and all but they seemed unwilling to go further
one character descibes themselves as like anarchists but the most you see is 1 red and black flag
weirdly you can buy a hammer and sickle shirt and Fidel Castro hat
also hacking the police to plant fake arrest warrants and getting people killled feels REALLY wrong




Out of engine trailers suck but otherwise I don't see the issue

>the series seems liberal but I liked 2 tbh

Yeah it's definitely liberal bait but fun enough.


>they critque big tech fine and all but they seemed unwilling to go further
I don't think they could, even if they wanted to.


I like the idea of recruiting anyone from the city but thats about it




> hacking the police to plant fake arrest warrants and getting people killled
Uhhh, what?


That's one of your hacker abilities, you can send a fake APB to go arrest whoever you want, and then there's an upgraded version so you can send in a heavily armed SWAT unit instead. If you use it on civilians they'll probably just get arrested but gang members will often enough fight back and then their buddies will join in which creates a giant horrific street battle (especially if either side calls in reinforcements).

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