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From a leftist perspective, which warlord is best for Russia?


Sablin or Bukharina


seconding this.


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The real question though; what id the best socialist route in EaW and why is it Skynavia?


>2nd pic
Bruh, you saved the thumbnail


Literally either Yagoda or True socialist Siberian anarchists depending on whether your red or black.
Not real communismism
Cartoonish evil depiction of "stalinism"
>Red aviators
Unplayable / unfinished / impossible to unify
Military dictatorship with Martial law and NEP characteristics for 100 years to defeat the natzees.

Yagoda if he wins and overcomes the Buk*Arinites in the party literally implements the equivalent of the Marxist-Leninist planned economy in our real world
Black army if your anarchist is obvious


What about Suslov? The description seems to make him out as an anti-Bukharinite orthodox Marxist.


According to OTL, Kaganovich by far because it was Stalin who fully industrialized the country where Bukharin. By that timeline perspective, Tukachevsky is better to actually have a chance to beat the Nazis. Zhdanov for the memes and cool flag.


Sablin is basically Lenin 2
The Black Army is based if you keep true to anarchism
Most of the Soviet Union proper is full of fucking Bukharinites or are memelords like Yagoda who will leave behind an unstable shithole by political repression that never fixes the underlying issues that produced those political problems and the new-USSR would just inevitable enter a slow decline and collapse to revisionism by a crippling party orthodoxy like they did irl. A few of the warlords are more aligned with Stalin who was canonically killed by Bukharin and they are like, alright, but its hard to not imagine they just repeat the mistakes of Stalin and reproduce the USSR irl, based while it lasts but collapses for much the same reasons as the Bukharinites (except over a longer span of time).


Don't know about that pal, but it IS kinda funny to me that a fucking pony mod is more willing to accurately portrait the facets of communism than all these alt-history dorks.

I.e. the resident USSR-equivalent is, despite some issues, democratic and other communist states that adopt democratic centralism aren't portait any worse. And while it does show libertarian socialists and syndicalists in an overwhelming positive light, they are at least shown to suffer from their own logical consequences (i.e. Skynavia is a mess because Internationalists and Communalists are in a lockdown, the Baltimare anarchists burn down socialist institutions and the lack of legal protections causes them to commit genocide against minorities for having supported the only side that didn't legally discriminated against them, and the Baltimare syndies shit on both minorities and the natives pushed in the jungles).

Hell, the communists there even have their own leftcoms (the Equalists, who, according to the devs, despite similar end goals don't share their ideological origins in Marxism). And if you believe cuckchan, the dev team is filled with unironic comrades


Zhdanov obviously because you get to attempt to create hive minds and contact att lmaos


>the Baltimare anarchists burn down socialist institutions and the lack of legal protections causes them to commit genocide against minorities for having supported the only side that didn't legally discriminated against them

t-the baltmare guard did nothing wrong! they were loonies!


Zhdanov is unironically based




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posting the obvious best right here


>Military dictatorship with Martial law and NEP characteristics for 100 years to defeat the natzees.

I'm guessing you have not played Zhukov's Yakovlev/Ryzhkov path?


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how come people keep conquering kazakstan? I never got the option to in my playthrough. is it because the socialists won?


pretty much, if it goes socialist it joins the "russosphere" and u get a claim to them


Libsoc or despotist anon?


Think you‘re lost friend


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It‘s obvious


I went libsoc all the way


Yeah, in mine I only did one despotist focus and I felt pretty bad about it


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Ok which path tho


>Don't know about that pal, but it IS kinda funny to me that a fucking pony mod is more willing to accurately portrait the facets of communism than all these alt-history dorks.

Because the only people interested in alt-history specifically around the 30s and 40s are anarchists and rightoids


i feel like tno devs fell for the le bad auth commies vs le based and wholesome 100 libertarian pseudo socdems meme

i mean,its fucking russia after nazis defeated them,literally the entire country is in ruins,how can you expect a libertarian socialist regime to survive there? and they make the auth leftists seem like le evil bad nkvd wholesome 0 pseudo nazis so you HAVE to play as the liberals or libertarian leftists


>as long as we keep flying the hammer and sickle we must be commies right?


Plus they made Shostakovich a sucdem for no reason just because he’s slightly against the party bureaucracy but is still communist.


the biggest problem with the mod is its obvious biased side choosing, they really should've tried to do a proper extrapolation of the different challenges that would await you depending on whether you went authsoc or libsoc. not everything always goes according to plan if you're "a good guy".
I guess some leaks came about Sablin getting toned down in his ebin wholesomeness for the next TNO major version, but going full soc dem should also have it's own consequences like the other paths do.

but i guess i expect a lack of nuance from a mod controlled by burgers who went full autism on both russian and japan writers in it because "not enough atrocities"


>but i guess i expect a lack of nuance from a mod controlled by burgers who went full autism on both russian and japan writers in it because "not enough atrocities"
Wait really? Wtf.


>but i guess i expect a lack of nuance from a mod controlled by burgers who went full autism on both russian and japan writers in it because "not enough atrocities"

Wait, what?


did you not know about the dumb drama? they had japanese writers in it doing japan focuses who got purged because japan wasn't being comically evil enough, even tho afaik they weren't trying to whitewash any chinese shit. the end result is no pathway for japan to do anything other than sit there and stagnate, since after the writer purge it got gutted and basically is aimless as fuck, you can tell they have no idea what to actually do with it now.
and a lot of the non wrrf russian warlords were made by russians who also got purged because they were disagreeing with some decisions imposed from up top, and it ended with a complete chimpout. panzer is pretty much a neolib whose ideology prevents him from letting anyone who isn't a socdem or liberal having a good outcome in the mod. the sad thing is that the overarching story is generally ok, but when you get into the details things start getting silly.


There was a pretty accurate post on /lp/ that most of HoI4 moders are lolcow material. Maybe its not true about them all, but it is very much so with Panzer.
Maybe I am wrong and most of it is just a pretend personality, but shit like what you describe with purging the morally greyer paths, or how he went ballistic and purged the entire dev team after someone leaked the alpha version, is peak auteur autism. This is the modern day Hitchcock throwing birds at his actors, except he is a talentless hack who has reassured himself that he is le epic genius writer after reading AGOT. Shit, just look at Russia, the four most boring factions, the Ural ones, were all his epic Fallout fanfic ideas. To some extent I am extra salty, since it seems he couldn't help but push his fingers into the Ostland development with the utterly retarded Kovner nonsense. Also the entire premise of Burgundy being the supervillain is, once again, stupid.
And the thing that really grinds my gears after all that is the bloody libtard guiltripping about how "noooo, u can't support DSR or Kovner unironically nooo u r as bad as the naziezs!1!!". I especially loved how he tries to make the community feel guilty with "I was planning to delete DSR because the community doesn't deserve it" shit. I am sorry honey, but I am too tired of pretending that shooting all the German settlers in the Baltic and Poland to the head and gutting their generals and liberal failsons like fishies isn't good OR funny.
I just sincerely hope his stink stay the hell away from Godspeed's development.


Redflood gang, tno sucks


it's just a game so who cares?


They made Shostakovich a socdem because he works within Tomsk’s bourgeois democratic system rather then having a revolution


Ok so new question:
What’s the best path for Ukraine in red flood?


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no idea only played as germany and the game kept crashing when france declared war on me, i hope they fixed that


Well get to it, there’s twelve of them


What kind of masochist plays every path for a country (or even more than like 1-2 of them).


Me, apparently


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Khrushchev is actually really based in this game


I don't fucking get how they made Shostakovich socdem but made Harold Wilson libsoc.


Because “muh socdem and libsoc wholesome 100!”. It’s really weird.
>Not based Kaganovich


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Anyone here played socdem Komi? I was thinking about playing as them but I wanna know if they’re good or not


I don't even think it has anything to do with that, I think moreso the two labels should be switched.


WRRF Authsoc Sablim


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Revisionists GTFO




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Zhdanov is really based in his regional focus tree but then they just make him comically evil in his superregional tree and then he just dies. Someone here should make a rework mod for him.


I mean you can now have Kardashev be his successor and return to LibSoc ideology, unless they pull another epic maymay and have Kardashev turn out to be evil too.


It’s so stupid of these people to continuously try to make any associates of Stalin into actual cartoon villains while giving Nazis of all people relatable backstories. Peak liberal hilarity.


His Soviet Union is just the Soviet Union irl under Brezhnev


Suslov is obviously the better choice here.

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