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Why are these games just babysitters for the absolute scum of the earth?
They're such a hyper-commodified skinner box, being addicted to one is like being caught in a perpetual downwards mental health spiral. What the fuck is wrong with these games and what the fuck is wrong with the people who play them?


At least you figured it out, though FPS and BRs are the new trends now.


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It feels good to pummel my enemies into dust after a long day slaving for Porky. As to why there are so many toxic people, well, that can be said for any pvp/online game can't it?
The reason why mobas are so aggravating at times is because they are team based, and people tend to blame their team for losing instead of realizing their own mistakes.
T. Dead Moba player


FPS isn't at all a new trend. It was the old trend with Doom, Quake, and eventually Counter-Strike.


Want some autism? Here's an entire book on why ASSFAGGOTS suck:
&ltDota is the Frankenstein of terrible game design concepts, the culmination of every damaging design trend in modern videogames. And yet, dota games—particularly Dota—are being held to the same regard as the most beautifully crafted videogames ever assembled. The ongoing narrative for Defense of the Ancients is that a series of amateur content creators with limited programming experience and few financial resources created a Warcraft III map that was not only better than Warcraft III, but surpassed the collective efforts of a billion-dollar videogame industry and its world-class game creators. A story that should set off red flags in the mind of any reasonable person has become a rallying cry for transformative change in the world of videogames.

>The reason why mobas are so aggravating at times is because they are team based
There are plenty of team-based games that aren't such utter cancer. The actual reason ASSFAGGOTS players are so "toxic" is because there aren't any other modes for newbies to practice basic skills in, and because the "meta" is so excessively built around precanned builds/strategies lifted from out-of-game wikis:


Same reason games have become more casual and phones are turning into tablets, wagies gonna wageslave.


>The ongoing narrative for Defense of the Ancients is that a series of amateur content creators with limited programming experience and few financial resources created a Warcraft III map that was not only better than Warcraft III, but surpassed the collective efforts of a billion-dollar videogame industry and its world-class game creators. A story that should set off red flags in the mind of any reasonable person has become a rallying cry for transformative change in the world of videogames.
&lthurr only BIG COMPANIES can make good games


interesting read, thanks


This article was made during the height of the Obama spectacle, when neoliberalism wasn't even questioned and the alt-right was merely an egg.


This is a pretty good read. Partly because my friends have been playing dota during lockdown and I didn't enjoy playing it much.


So badly written and meandering I couldn't power through it, though there were some interesting points in the parts I read. Shame because I was looking forward to some insights.

t. longtime dota player, quit a couple years ago

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