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So according to the surveillance programs of the company "Overwolf", these are the 20 most popular games as of July 2020 (I will be also listing their approximate genre/subgenre):

>1. League of Legends

&lt2. Tomy Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege
&ltteam-based tactical shooter
>3. Valorant
>team based tactical shooter with moba characteristics
&lt4. Minecraft
&ltbasically Minecraft
>5. Counter Strike: Global Offensive
>tactical shooter
&lt6. Grand Theft Auto V
&ltopen world shooter, also pretty much the only singleplayer game here
>7. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
>basically CoD
&lt8. Overwatch
&ltteam based shooter with moba characteristics
>9. Apex Legends
>battle royale
&ltbattle royale
>11. Hearthstone
&lt12. Dota 2
>13. Fortnite
>battle royale
&lt14. Roblox
&ltuhhhm… roblox
>15. Hyper Scape
>battle royale
&lt16. World of Warcraft
>17. osu!
>rhythm game
&lt18. The Escapists 2.
&ltcoop strategy rpg
>19. Monster Hunter: World
>open world coop action rpg
&lt20. Legends of Runeterra
&ltcard game

Now let's see how many of these genres were started by games which were produced in a communist manner, ie. free of charge.


>its first title is DotA, originally a Warcraft 3 mod

>tactical shooter

>its first title is Counter Strike, originally a Half-Life mod

>team-based shooter

>its first title is the Quake mod Team Fortress


>basically a copy of the open-source game Infiniminer which never got made or updated for commercial reasons

>battle royale

>it's first title is DayZ, an Arma 3 mod

>honorable mention: osu!

>while the game itself is open source, it's also commercially used and the concept comes from japanese arcade games

This covers the 5 most popular and 11 out of the 20 most popular games. I am honestly starting to pity porky. He has an enormous headstart not just in terms of general motivating power (money), but also in terms of manpower, and he still can't dominate the market. Feel free to correct me on any of the points made, also anyone making an infograph out of this would appriciated, I have to go to sleep.



>basically a copy of the open-source game Infiniminer which never got made or updated for commercial reasons
More specifically, the author gave up on infiniminer because his source code got leaked.


> according to the surveillance programs of the company "Overwolf"
Some rather strong assumptions packed into this. There's tons of smaller games not logged by many spyware programs, and the people who place niche games often don't use spyware programs in the first place.


>There's tons of smaller games not logged by many spyware programs
That is true, but I think we can also agree that if they are small, they are most likely not among the 20 most popular games right now.


Open source games are always the gateway for creativity. Just compare the level of depth things like Aurora, SS13 or Dwarf Fortress offer compare to most other aaa trash.


Online games being popular is pretty much a given considering that people will play them more often than a single player game. Surprised to see Osu on that list though. Had no idea it was that popular. Also surprised there's no gachashit there but that could probably be the datamining software isn't on as many phones or whatever.

Dwarf Fortress isn't open source but the game is extremely moddable.


I dunno about that. I think a lot of open source game projects are massively conservative because they have so many contributors and don't want to offend anyone. OpenTTD and SuperTuxKart come to mind.


>OpenTTD and SuperTuxKart come to mind.
then there's srb2 and srb2kart


SRB2Kart is innovative?


Kind of pathetic honestly, if he had any creative motivation or attachment to the idea behind his game, he would have stuck with it, or even embraced the leak and gone open source.


What the fuck happened to vidya bros?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

recommend me something FUN




Nowhere Patrol


>when you check the aaa scene after a few years and saw that all games has devolved into the same thirdperson/action/rpg/stealth/fetch quest in open world game
What the actual fuck? Tsushima, god of war, spidermeme or the 9 billion Ubishit game is the exact same thing copied and pasted?




>which were produced in a communist manner, ie. free of charge


>basically a copy of the open-source game Infiniminer which never got made or updated for commercial reasons
This is a fucking meme lmao
Yes, Minecraft was clearly inspired by Infiniminer, the former isn't a copy of the latter by any reasonable standard.


Actually it never got updated because the game's source got leaked (it wasn't originally open source), so the author gave up on it.


So author threw a bitchfit because they couldn't monopolise or even pivot it?
Pretty dumb desu


Yes. Same system, different settings. Action Adventure with RPG elements is basically the only “genre” now.


and they killed modding so there’s no chance of new subgenres getting developed either


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>the only singleplayer game here
I wish it was. The devs stopped releasing new content for the campaign after the PC release because the publishers demanded them to focus solely on the Online mode so they can milk the "whales" for them MTX bux.


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>So according to the surveillance programs of the company "Overwolf"
This is quite a big caveat. I've never even heard of them and I don't play my games under the supervision of spyware. There's a certain kind of person willing to install their spyware and it typically isn't someone with scruples in the quality of the games they play. Seems like everything on this list involves multiplayer. Tends to lower the bar for standards when you're playing with friends because just having their company can be enjoyable, even if the game is shit.


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wtf is this shit


but gamedev tools are more accessible and easier to use than ever before so I think it balances out (sort of)




>Action Adventure with RPG elements is basically the only “genre” now.
That's an effective way of putting it.
I think there's an increasing tendency for big budget single-player games to prioritize "immersive" lifelike simulation over creativity, identity and, well, fun. And I personally feel left behind more and more. I don't care about stuff like Star Citizen or Cyberpunk 2077. Don't give a shit if you have realistic ice cube melting algorithms or if citizens actually go piss every two hours if you watch them for enough time.
This is actually a natural development in any medium where technology plays a big role. Something like writing/design quality is too unpredictable to safely invest in, so you create formulas. But formulas get tiring, so you make up for it with dazzling technological advancement, one of the most reliable investments you can make. This has clearly already been happening in video games for a while, but the tendency is for it to become more and more prominent, as with film (obvious example being capeshit).
Or maybe I'm just old. That can be the case too. I don't think it explains everything, though, since I like the occasional indie game and I thought even P5 was alright.

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