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File: 1608527543601.jpg ( 54.28 KB , 1920x1080 , Mother3banner.jpg )


Is this game Marxpilled?


You can guess Itoi leans left but why should it be Marxist in particular? Because the animals are a synthesis of nature and industrialization? This game is anti-productivist at best.


Mother 3 is great, but don't overlook the first two games…


OP here. I liked EarthBound a lot more than M3


Same, Earthbound is much more interesting. There are so many things and subjects, and the final boss still scares me. I prefer the way Earthbound talks about capitalism and [i]burger[/i]Eagleland. Cynical undertones and creepy representations with absurd Japanese humour.


it's too simple to be marxpilled but it is outright anti-capitalist and pro-communism.


I don't know if it's Marxpilled but I do know it has one of if not the best soundtrack in all of gaming



My favorite saga.


Best way to play all three games?




The villain is literally named Porky and his literal capitalist empire is themed after pigs, why aren't there more communist MOTHER memes??


You can't go wrong with playing them as originally intended: NES, SNES, and GBA.
Most people start with 2, go to 3, and 1 is usually an afterthought because of the grind.

I personally suggest playing 1 via the 1+2 remake for GBA, but that's just me.


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No and it's about the only thing that would make the game better. There is no collective workers struggle that topples the Pigmasks, it revolved around 2 psychic kids, a dog and a neet finding enough mcguffins.
It is the most outwardly anti-capitalist game I've ever played though, and probably the best JRPG ever made in regards to the system it came out on. Like, they pretty accurately depicted the carrots and sticks of imperialism, they never try to portray capitalism as anything but "when things got shitty", reform isn't even on the table because any half measure would still be barbaric compared to what the Nowhere Islands were before.
Even the personal stories the characters go through have a strong anti-reactionary bent. The entire chapter with Flint shows just how hollow and useless petty revenge against an exploited group is, but it never hesitates to show that all violence carried out against the Pig Mask Army is absolutely fucking justified.
One of my biggest frustrations with other supposed anti-capitalist games is that they try to suggest that whatever self-defense against capitalism is taken is just as brutal as capitalism itself, The Outer Worlds being the first example that comes to my head. The only time Mother 3 comes anywhere close towards that would be the ending, and even then between the way the events play out and the story that led up to it, totally justified.
Also the Pig Masks are the perfect fascists. They show up as police a lot of the time, and do "police shit" (protect capital). They're threatening with their tech and fetish for violence, but they're also a bunch of fat dipshits who bumble around in an amusing way.


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>series created by a literal marketer
Really makes you think.


What comes close to a revolution, I think, is the Dragon's awakening. It destroys, but also has the potential to rebuild, depending on the person who pulls the needles. And to get rid of Porky's empire it has to be completely destroyed. Most of the characters who learned about the Dragon and the needles supported Lucas.

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